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TrippyHippy last won the day on October 28 2021

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  • RPG Biography
    I like RPG.
  • Current games
    D&D, Traveller, Call of Cthulhu, World of Darkness.
  • Location
    New Zealand.
  • Blurb
    I really do like RPG.

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  1. I just say 80 points to spend on seven Characteristics, no less than 8 and no more than 18. OR/ Distribute the following anywhere you like: 16, 14, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 Done.
  2. So, Cthulhu by Gaslight (at least the first Investigators’ Book) will be released at GenCon....
  3. I’m not sure there was ever a plan to build more supplements for the game after the scenarios book. To be sure, the core book is already a whopper and bigger than the current Pendragon core rules book, so it isn’t left light in material.
  4. Thank you to Morien for providing that information, but there is a degree of frustration bubbling in the Pendragon community, I have to say, about the disjointed nature of Pendragon releases currently. I get that making premature announcements is counter productive, and I’ve no idea of publishing issues behind the scenes, but a setting book (the GMs Guide?) should have really been released very close to the Core Rules (call it a “Core Setting” book would be more in line too). We had to wait a long time with just the Starter set too. I think in the long term the line looks well supported but, as I say, there is palpable level of frustration out there at the moment.
  5. I think there used to be a thread outlining the proposed line of Pendragon releases, although it has probably dropped way down the list now so it may be a good idea to make a sticky thread. Anyway, the title says it all here really: what books are upcoming and, even though I know Chaosium are careful about not putting dates on their upcoming releases till they are ready to go, how long away are they likely to be?
  6. Actually, this presents one reason why inverting the process of experience checks may work better. That is, you check a skill every time you fail a roll but then have to roll under the skill value at the end of the session to be able to improve. Mathematically, it is the same, but it avoids the spending Luck issue - you can spend the Luck to succeed but not be able to learn from it as you would if you failed and then self-analysed it.
  7. Well, it is technically not related but Chaosium also made a statement about movement on the long standing fulfilment of the Morte D’Arthur and companion books Kickstarter recently. Printing and distribution is clearly very challenging still for the company, but progress is being made and hopefully, we’ll see some very welcome releases in the next week or two.
  8. That would irritate me rather than enthuse me in any way, frankly. We can all debate about preferred rules - and believe me that would happen with any new edition - but I’d just like to see the release (or at least announcement) of supplements that many have been waiting for a good while now.
  9. The assurance on this site from those-who-know was that there is (was?) going to be a full release - not just preorders - this month.
  10. One of the reasons cited for Chaosium not presenting a publishing schedule is they wanted to avoid the back and forth with fans about missed schedules which can often happen. This is a bit of a moot point, however, if they can’t fulfil the proclamations they actually do make.
  11. Chaosium are rapidly becoming the biggest tease in gaming....
  12. So......is it getting released today or tomorrow or when, exactly?
  13. It is different in different areas of course - you still have to wait in Aus/NZ, so getting the PDF first (from the Chaosium site) is still the way to go for some of us.
  14. I think it would have been a bit irritating for there to be separate Players and Gamemasters books. It is an age old preference, but having one core rules book adds to the accessibility of the line. Sure, there may be really useful rules and expansions in follow on supplements but players like to be reassured that the core publication is fully ready to run in and of itself. Well, I do anyway.
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