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Everything posted by TrippyHippy

  1. Yes, I found it,although might I suggest that somebody puts a sticky on that thread?
  2. Actually, Berlin 61 is about right. I dodn't know about it before - but now I do!
  3. The preview '0 edition' book is softback, but we don't know what the final 1st edition book will be like yet. If Chaosium follow the same pattern as they do with new Call of Cthulhu editions, the mass production of the book will be in softback, but their may be an early print run of hardbacks too. Nothing guaranteeed, of course, and I'm not 'in the know' myself, but I'd say that there is a reasonable chance that everybody on this site will get hardbacks if they want.
  4. I don't find Planet of the Apes appealing much I've got to say. What about a Le Carre style spy thriller?
  5. Incidently, you can download Postmodern Magick from SJGames E23 site. It's a sourcebook for Unknown Armies, in fact, but the fact that all the different types of Magick (sic) are all represented in percentile scores, it does make the entire book rather compatable with CoC and BRP.
  6. I think one of them has been done before...... Anyway, the selection on offer on the home page of this site is an attractive start, for sure. A couple of good sci-fi/fantasy world ideas, Rome and Vikings for history, and a post apocolyptic zombie world. I guess ones that I'd like to see in a wishlist would include: - The worlds of Phillip K. Dick and/or Bladerunner. - Dune - Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Ancient Greece/Homer - Dante's Hell - The Rennaissance (with occultish magical realism) - Spagetti Westerns (mixed in with Native American spirituality) - 1960's Summer of Love (mixed in with New Age wierdness)/or possibly an adaptation of the Illuminatus trilogy. - Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting - Time Travel. That'll do for starters.
  7. The best model for me, personally, is a (hardback) hardcopy of the core book, and everything else supplementing it (including different settings) would be in pdf. file. That's just me, of course.
  8. Personally, I always thought the best 'supernatural overlay' for a Western setting was that provided in Werewolf: The Wild West. Not the werewolves as PCs, as such, just the whole animist/spiritualist backstory. If somebody wrote up a similar game for BRP, with a native american cosmological backstory in it and a sense of impending spiritual doom, and melencholy from the building of railroads, etc, then I think there'd be something good to work with right there. Deadlands was sort of like that too, but way too cartoony in feel. I'd like something feeling like Once Upon a Time in the West, or maybe a dash of The Wild Bunch in there too. That is, very stylised, but with a hint of impending death. 'Death of the West' as a theme, if you like.
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