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  • RPG Biography
    Grognard from the earliest GW days
  • Current games
    Space 1889, Call Of Cthulhu, The Dying Earth, Kult,

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  1. Really no issues with Foundry and CoC for me. In fact, I think the implementation is absolutely brilliant and can’t imagine— aside from licensed content— what an official system would have that this doesn’t.
  2. 2024. And still asking for a friend. A year later I can assume that Robin’s edited submission was kicked into the long grass.
  3. I have to say that for me the Foundry version for CoC that already exists — and is FREE — is one of the best Foundry VTT implementations out there. Anyone who wants a more storytelling implementation can just ignore the fantastic detail provided — which makes full use of the complete CoC game system a breeze — and simply use the dice roller, the character sheet and the rule book.
  4. F@&k’s sake. it feels like a ‘Glorantha’ is now being done with Pendragon.
  5. Are the booklets printed in thin magazine stock or do they have sturdy card stock covers and paper interior?
  6. No, I didn’t realise that this was a sort of official updated list, I was going by your comment ‘I think that means it's now awaiting art & layout; I don't know that it has / hasn't actually begun those processes.’ But thanks for the information, regardless.
  7. Can we please get an official word on the Pavis and Rubble books.
  8. Maybe one day this new edition of Runequest/Glorantha will be as complete and shine as brightly as the Sistine Chapel. But I’ve given up waiting. And for those pouring scorn on the criticism: Grognards have kept this game alive. No Jeff you are wrong, Grognards don’t grumble for the sake of it, Grognards remember and, to put it bluntly, simply don’t have a whole life ahead of them to be perpetually sold dreams of the promised land.
  9. 2023. Asking once more for a friend.
  10. I question the use of the word 'here'.
  11. One person's 'let them have their say' is another person's platforming of intolerance. I'd hardy call Popper a 'burn it all down and start over revolutionary' — and I disagree with him on many things — nonetheless:
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