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Posts posted by tooley1chris

  1. Remember wanting to do a conversion of Rolemaster critical charts to MW, instead of just using double damage for Special/Critical results. Maybe I'll work on that. I could even use NBOS to make a generator to auto calculate  (crunch) the numbers/results. 

    My players  LOVED those old critical charts.

    Would anyone find a use for this?

    • Like 1
  2. BRP MW NPC Generator

    This is an NPC Generator using the NBOS Character Sheet Designer.

    Almost everything in this is automated to make generating an NPC as easy as 3 mouse clicks, using drop down menus.

    The included file are ONLY for editing certain aspects to the program such as Races, Occupations, Sorcery Spells, Armor, Weapons, ect...

    You will need to follow this link to download the Download actual Magic World NPC Sheet:


    You will also need to Download the small NBOS program Character Sheet Designer found here:



    I placed all these files in my MyDocuments\NBOS\CharacterSheet and they work well.


    This sheet and the DOC files are pretty easy to edit and House Rule/ Homebrew how you like, once you get used to the program.

    Feel free to post questions here, if I can help.

  3. Complete Netbook of Witches and Warlocks (Magic World Edition)

    This is a conversion of the Netbook of Witches and Warlocks to be compatible with BRP Magic World.  Within these 120 pages are details for a witch occupation. New spells, new skills, and occult powers. Information on holy days, moon cycles, herbs, cults, and covens, as well as tools and traditions of the mythical pagan practices.

    This product is not meant to replace the excellent Chaosium Monograph “BRP Witchcraft” by Bryon Alexander. That supplement is perfect for the BRP system and far less crunchy than this conversion. What this is meant to do is add a GREAT DEAL of detail to witches in your campaign and give the 
    player / Chronicler who love specifics a ( hopefully valuable ) reference.


    • Like 6
    • Thanks 1
  4. I'm old fashioned and would like to see it stay as is however Trifletraxor is correct. This isn't a BRP only site and while I'd rather see people drawn to THAT system and share my love of it, Worlds of Wonder is all encompassing and an attractive title. My only concern is people finding it in Google search. It's been brought up in another thread that several companies have the Worlds of Wonder title on sites...

    Type in BRPcentral and it stands at top of list.

    So while I chose to have it remain as is, I don't really mind Worlds of Wonder.

    A lot of material here is not represented by Chaos either...

    • Like 2
  5. Sorry to be a crab Trif,  but I noticed occasionally when I quote someone in a post, then later try to quote someone else the comment pops up with the first quote instead of the second and I can't erase / fix it. Thought it was just my browser acting funny again but I've had the same results on other browsers.

    All mobile BTW.

    Anyone else have this issue?

  6. I'm leaning towards adding new sub-Allegiances to the current three. Worshipping a deity who's alligned with Light, say Zeus,  would allow an allegiance to Zeus that goes hand in hand with Light but has different rules for raising /lowering allegiance scores as well as different benefits for apotheosis.

  7. Sorry. This new update hates me and since Im no longer a mod I can't erase a double post. that's  a good explanation Baulderstone. But that seems even more complex then what I'm trying to do.

  8. 18 hours ago, Vexthug said:

    I would make it a skill like piety from MRQ2. Bonuses and penalties can be added depending on your allegiance score and your gods allegiance.

    Passions from RQ6 is also another way of doing this, and could be a lot less book keeping.

    Just my 2 cents, I like to keep my games simple so the less fiddly the better.

    Keep up the good work, I've enjoyed all the stuff you've done so far ;)


    I was also Thinking this was getting a bit crunchy. Can you tell me A little about RQ6 passions?

  9. Woah! I really don't like a roll determining how a players character should act. If I'm reading your description correctly if a character comes into a situation where they want to act outside of their "passion" a roll is required to do so. I can't do that.

    I much more prefer rewards/punishments for acting in favor of or against their Allegiance. Players have incentive to act in certain ways but are by no means required to.

    In the case of my Witch occupation,  she strives to please her deity who grants her power. But if she does something contrary to her belief system (allegiance) she may "fall from grace".

    In any case that choice is the players. Not based on a roll against her allegiance.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Vexthug said:

    I would make it a skill like piety from MRQ2. Bonuses and penalties can be added depending on your allegiance score and your gods allegiance.

    Passions from RQ6 is also another way of doing this, and could be a lot less book keeping.

    Just my 2 cents, I like to keep my games simple so the less fiddly the better.

    Keep up the good work, I've enjoyed all the stuff you've done so far ;)


    I was also Thinking this was getting a bit crunchy. Can you tell me A little about RQ6 passions?

  11. On Fri Oct 23 2015 02:35:31 GMT-0500, skenderax said:

    Wish you nice day,

    I need advice from you :-).

    I want to play a game, where all players are kings. The game should be divided to rounds of year or so.

    I there a mechanic, a rules or something, to build a kingdom? To mine, harvest, build fortress, build army, conquere ... in BPR?





    Ive created a set of house  rules for just this. Hope it helps.


  12. I see you can filter results of new content with tags. Anyway of filtering OUT specific threads.

    While I welcome the Gloranthanites they are quite active and I have to scroll past oodles of posts about Glorantha that I'm just not very interested in.


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