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Posts posted by tooley1chris

  1. Yes, I know. I wanted to put it in, since I love that little book. But isn't that more or less a translation of English BRP+Magic World? The supplements were original (West, Egypt, Dinosaurs, Alien), though. In contrast, French BASIC has significantly different rules.

    But, may be I should appeal to the rule of cool and put it in, after all!




    what's this egypt supplement?  English version?

  2. Speaking of Sanity rolls I'm experiencing Monstrous Conversion Burn Out. (It is to a real disorder!)

    So I've been going back and forth between Fiend Folio conversion and a couple other little side projects I've been working on. It'll come, I promise. Just need a break.

    On bright side Im likely to release 2 or 3 seperate books around the same time...

  3. I have loads of respect for The Venomous Pao with regards to this post. While I happen to love everything he said that he is not a fan of, he did it in such a way as to not offend... anyone. This can obviously apply to all members of this forum by the way, you all rock. Its just that his post was so perfect that it resonated with me on a personal level. Myself, I only play with hit locations and static armor ratings, for example, but we are all part of the same family. We can all easily adapt any version of BRP to any other, so this is not a problem.

    Thanks Mr. Pao, for the very eloquent post.

    Oh, and he likes Classic Fantasy as well, so there's that.  ;)


    Hear Hear! I was very impressed  (and whole heartedly agree) with Paos post.Well said! 

    • Like 1
  4. This would be a pretty tall order, of course, but would  make a nice box set. And  people might be more willing to put out the money if it includes a full fledged campaign setting.

    Also a tall order, but appealing. 

    • Like 1
  5. Just saying, this is all amazing work. Just starting a campaign of MW this Sunday.

    I could not get the download for the map pack for Ark -- it says the file is no longer there?

    Any help?

    Good luck with new campaign! 

    Out of curiosity are you using The Southern Reaches? 

    If you use any of my submitted material I'd sure like to know how it went. Likes, dislikes, changes to make it better, ect.

  6. On a more serious note, has anyone heard from Ben since the bad news? I haven't seen him posting anything on FB, G+, or the usual forums.

    Ben hasn't posted on any of the boards I frequent, nor my MW FB page.

    He was so stoked about all these changes over the past few months...I hope he finds something good from this mess. One door closes...

    • Like 1
  7. Sorry to quote myself here, but:

    "A system is only as dead as its fan base."

    I for one will continue to support MW, as I have for the past couple years, with free materials I create for my own campaigns. I'll continue to push BRP and MW as Top-Gun systems. 

    I know it won't make a difference in the grand scheme but, hey, I'm doing the stuff anyway...someone else might find a use.

    Maybe someday it'll be like Firefly TV show.

    Cancelled by big-wigs but fan base is so strong they make a motion picture out of it AFTER it's cancelled. 

    Shiney. Lets be heroes. :)

    • Like 6
  8. Given the topor that MW has entered* I think this is a great opportunity for us - the fans - to take some ownership. I was thinking about setting up a fansite for the game and look towards building our idea setting/game.

    Is there any interest in this?



    * Given the fact that MW was created *because* Chaosium didn't have a complete fantasy game, this makes some sense now RQ is back in the fold.

    i write lots of stuff for MW and would be happy to contribute as it IS still my favorite fantasy system. :)

    • Like 1
  9. I would also add to seneschals wonderful list, product explosive support. If the games are to be self contained get those creative writers working on new materials now. Stop trickling in new material once every couple years. That kills product enthusiasm. I want to spend $ on something new and exciting every few (6?) months. 

    • Like 2
  10. I like the idea of a quest on top of a monetary reward. Some rare ingredient the wotch needs like a purple blossom that only blooms on a mountain inhabited by (insert random monster).

    There's a lot of great possible hooks.

    Maybe she'll do it if you bring her the eyes of a merchant who recently ripped her off. The merchant happens to be shady and is always well guarded by mercenaries expecting trouble. 

    AH the possibilities. ;)

    I use my treasure generator that is based off of  D&D monster manuals, exchanging Platinun for Gold, Gold for Silver, And Silver for BP. But it still tends to be generous so I'd have to up the coin value quite a bit as well.



  11. So I know in MW it says no new items can be enchanted but my campaign is a bit more magical. My PCs have befriended a witch enchantress and asked her to create a sword with a permanent Sorcerers Razor. In order to make it permanent a sacrafice of 1 POW per level is required. POW being a sorcerers most important stat, what amount of Bronze would entice someone to sacrafice it?

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