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Ian A. Thomson

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Everything posted by Ian A. Thomson

  1. Keep an eye on the other thread. :) Quick summary tho - working on the final section of Vol o1 (the intro scenarios) currently. All previous parts are done and checked, though if somebody is up for some serious final proofing please let me know. Also still required are a bunch of RQG stats for the appendices. Mostly converted from old HW, HQ and RQ3, but also a few new ones. Volunteers have expressed interest in helping out, so fingers crossed that will also progress quickly. July release is still looking realistic.
  2. House move of 1000+km, and the associated weeks of maximum effort, put a HUGE crimp in the project timeline. However, the love of this particular supplement motivated myself and volunteers Stephen Lucek, 7Tigers & Nick Brooke to put in the hard slog to get all of this back from pdfs into a nicely formatted Word document. All error checked and everything! :) And today it's done and sent to Rick!!! I've let them know if there's anything further I can do to assist in a re-release or a formal or informal RQG conversion, then Chaosium just have to ask. That's it for my role for now though. Hope it helps in getting this remarkable supplement back out there! :)
  3. In My Glorantha, Pavis walked the bounds of Pavis County, marking out the territory he was granted by Waha. The result of this historical ritual is that Pavic magic also works within the County. In other places I might have City God magic fade out a few miles from the walls maybe? Less for small settlements, a bit more for larger places?
  4. One day, making tracks In the Prairie of Prax, Came a North-Going Zax And a South-Going Zax One carried a Sword, and the other an Axe And it happened that both of them came to a place Where they bumped. There they stood. Foot to foot. Face to face. "Look here, now!" the North-Going Zax said, "I say! You are blocking my path. You are right in my way. I'm a North-Going Zax and I always proceed. Out of my way, or my sword makes you bleed." "Who's in whose way?" snapped the South-Going Zax. "I always go south, making south-going tracks. So you're in MY way! And my axe says to move If you don’t budge, I’ll carve you a groove. Then the North-Going Zax puffed his chest up with pride. "I never," he said, "take a step to one side. To argue on this is a clear waste of breath So I challenge you now to a duel to the death!" "And I'll prove to YOU," yelled the South-Going Zax, "that I can fight here in the Prairie of Prax I’ll kick your ass! For I live by my pride And there is no way that I will stand aside. So these two Zax came to a flurry of blows One sliced in the ear, one smashed in the nose… So noisy were they, that broo came to see What was the racket, what on earth could it be? Let’s wind up this tale, as the ending is gruesome No honorable finale for this arguing twosome The moral to learn is as plain as the day Prax needs more signage for clear rights of way!
  5. I seem to recall on the Jonstown Compendium a link for contributors of community content to some copyright free historical images. I may have been optimistically imagining that of course, since I have now spent a while looking and can only find the amazing Argan Argar Atlas Can anyone enlighten me on the nature of my delusion, or perhaps with a link? Finishing layout for Vol 01 and a few incidental pics would be super about now. (Pretty much just the final section of scenarios and scenario seeds to finish.)
  6. Yes, to the best of my recollection this is exactly what I am talking about. When I ran the original campaign, and Argrath's army marched in Sartar the Players all expected to be going along. I remember saying: "Whether you know the canon history or not, I'm just going to tell you straight - anyone who goes with this army can't be role-played while they are away, and is going to have to roll some kind of critical to return alive." Since we were winding up the campaign, the two former Sartarite Players/PCs said: "We have to go. How could we not?" which was fair enough. Although most players had 2PCs so only one each was leaving Both those PCs failed the roll I set, but interestingly they were an Orlanthi Hero and his bound Trickster. The Trickster had the 'Feign Death; Rune spell, so I had him return to Pavis carrying his master's body, scant miles ahead of a massive Lunar army
  7. There will be a BIG chunk of this right at the very end of the campaign, of rather an epic nature, potentially including this final Lunar attempt to retake Pavis/Prax. (My version of the crescendo I discussed with Greg so many moons ago.) Officer in charge will hate Prax and Pavis, and be hungry for glory or revenge, so right now I'm favoring a Redmoon brother. However, this force will be very large, so not just antelopes. I still want to make it canon in spirit mind you, so am hoping to find a suitable known General to lead this large punitive force (or at least a strong force). Several regiments of Antelope backed up by regular Tarnils troops?
  8. He dead!! Of course I love to vary my game, but not to contradict canon or widely-accepted facts if I don't need to, and in this case as much as it's sad to let go of someone with such a cool name... Hey, maybe he has a younger brother Karjan Redmoon, hungry for vengeance! Someone always lost in his sibling's shadow, but now emerges thirsty for revenge! :) Either way, likely I will need to invent someone, unless other Lunarphiles can suggest some named Lunar officer who hasn't got a detailed history in canon?
  9. Can anyone message me with the basic RQ mechanics of the Troll Drinks (from Trollpack?) or if simple enough, just post them here? I am working on adapting John Hutchinson's excellent article contribution 'Dwarf Drinks' to the Companion series, and we only have HQ stats from the original publication. Much appreciation in advance. [EDIT - Information Received!] :)
  10. Hmm, so is it potentially the case that Sizmag Redmoon (cool name) could lead the MGDV Lunar military attempt to retake Pavis just before the Dragonrise, or is he definitely canonically dead by then? If so, any other official contenders?
  11. Did this ever get written up? If not, I would like to borrow the basic concept and expand on it as an early adventure in the new P&BR Companion series. If that's OK, who exactly should I credit for the original idea?
  12. Hi Folks. House move finally almost complete! Back into the series again. Can someone please tell me, who is the Lunar General most likely to lead an army to try to retake Pavis just before the Dragonrise in Sartar?
  13. Huge thanks to Dario Corallo, Kris Herbert & Diane Probst for a very super collaboration that means that as of right this moment, the cover of Vol. 01 of the directors' cut is now done. Apart from the sub-level header text, which I will be adding. Despite my epic house move finally in process, things are still on track for a July release of this first offering. :)
  14. Happy to include such a template in the series if one's kickin around :) Any of the vigorous debaters here in this section keen to be immortalised with a credit mention, in return for spending an hour creating some basic stats for me?? (i.e. 'Help!') :) Right in the middle of that epic house move over 2,200km round trip (set off tomorrow), so can't do much writing/editing at the moment. Got to finish packing down my apartment today; and before 6.00pm when I am attending a class! Wah! :) I think if I was a 'stat block' / 'complex rules' person I would want to use the homunculi to track everything. That feels like it would be a lot smoother for me However (secret revealed) as soon as I started to play RQ (around the same time as the first automobiles were hitting the streets) I said 'Jaysus, this is way too maths heavy; where's the story and character time?' And immediately adapted the Stormbringer system instead. (IIRC you roll hits in a similar way, but then just roll on a hit table once, and the usual result is 'You will have an impressive scar'). Basically takes about a third of the time for combat, but is still gritty and involving. Then when HW/HQ came out I adapted a simpler D20 version of that EDIT: So (philistine alert) I have _never_ GM'd any version of RQ with the Hit Location stat boxes. I am too much into story and character, and so just maximise that to the Nth degree. (I have gamed in two campaigns that used the regular RQ3 system)
  15. Totally agree Some volunteers have done detailed stats, and I will absolutely use these But in most cases basic summary stats is all that is fundamental Enough info so the GM can improvise easily if needed But because I need quite a lot of those (and because I was never good at stats and I don't know the RQG system) this is still incredibly time-consuming for me Maybe people are imagining I'm calling it time-consuming because I am laboring over (or insisting upon) lengthy stat blocks, but I can assure you that I am not! :)
  16. Hi again Folks I have some great volunteers working on RQG stats, and would dearly love more Of course I can wade through stats and conversions, but it takes me ages. Ages when I could be continuing with writing the new scenarios and editing the layout of the series So I am super keen to hear from people who are pretty comfortable with RQG stats, and might even have an hour or two to spare to do some conversions from the material I have in the old rules. (Some RQ3, some HW & HQ). Many of these are not even full details required. (EG ignore hit location tables.) Just basics a GM can work with for simple encounters Reward will be a credit in the book. Or for people who can spare more than just a couple of hours to do a bundle of these, obviously a copy of one of the books (Probably the Rough Guide to Pavis City is the best stand-alone one to offer as a thanks to people who put in significant time.) Cheers Ian
  17. Hiya RQG Rules I'm not sure I've called it a historical project, and its one main era and one secondary era Main Campaign (Vols 1 & 2 and 5-10) are 1619-1625 ST Vol 3 is the Rough Guide to Pavis City (894ST) Vol 4 is how to turn Rough Guide into a campaign (894-900 ST)
  18. Hi Folks I am about to start writing a new (final) section for what will now be Vol. 01 in the P&BR Companion Director's Cut series. (Probable title: 'New Pavis: City on the Edge of Forever') This will be a bundle of introductory stuff around Storm-favoring newcomers arriving in New Pavis and settling in Nothing in the Big Rubble (that will be the next volume) I won't have time to do much writing for the next week or so as I am packing up my house and then doing a mega round-trip removal delivery 1,100km north and back So I am reaching out for ideas for scenarios that give the PCs/Players (as low-intermediate level newbies) to New Pavis a chance to experience and explore life and locations in the city Including a short jaunt into the Rubble (which I am already writing) and one or two trips into Pavis County (which I haven't begun to think about yet), but wanting at least 3 little scenarios and a few scenario ideas for in the city itself. Don't need to be epic, as this is the start of the campaign, and a counterpoint to the unfoldingly more major adventures to follow Anyway, ideas welcome, or if anyone has already written such adventures or outlines and are willing to share... Also, I want to provide a list of odd/interesting random encounters and random things witnessed to have available as they explore New Pavis freeform, so ideas there also welcome. Typical and not-so typical scenes Cheers
  19. Aye I am hoping to find a Word genius who can get under the hood to the settings of the Chaosium background
  20. Thanks Will try the first one tomorrow Looks like something I tried before and didn't work, but maybe I made a mistake Sadly the gutter options you recommend don't work. They create the margins, but the Chaosium backdrop to the pages becomes riddled with chunks of margin whitespace :(
  21. Covers underway!! :) I am delighted in a flash of inspiration to have worked out a way to get some great covers that are just about affordable So I am now in collaboration with one of the wonderful artists in this genre and have created mock-ups for the first four covers (and aided by the generous support of one of the other epic illustrators) But I don't want to say too much. Let's keep it a surprise. Sadly the epic unfolding historical scene idea is simply too prohibitively expensive, but what we now have in mind, while somewhat old-school, will be awesome old-school and really fit the origins and inspirations of the series! :) The publication plan (and I feel it is reasonable) is to release the first volume in July, then the second in October. Though I am open to advice on how often the ongoing segments of the series could be released
  22. Whitebull New Pavis is probably more the realm of the new official material I imagine Though my campaign goes up to that time it also goes into an alternate destiny for Pavis (one which is in many ways not incompatible with the official history, but also brings in the Grand Project of Pavis that I discussed with Greg when it was still an idea he was running with.) This fruition of the project adds extra elements to people's ideas of what Pavis will be like from the late 1620s onwards I have had ideas about Iffinbix for 20 years (unsurprisingly connected to the Grand Plan), but again I think the new official stuff will cover him. I seem to see a hint that it will. Still, no harm I guess in me writing up the old ideas and including them (at last) in the series as a fun alternate option
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