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Posts posted by hkokko

  1. Sorcery Tool for Mithras updated

    Sorcery tool described here has been updated based on user feedback. 

    The new version of the tool (1.1) contains both the standard durations for spells and the optional long durations. You select as per your GM's choice using the campaing duration rules field. 

    The unenchanted iron version is a house rule that is now explained. 

    The new version can be downloaded from the same location than before in Sorcery Tool for Mythras (and friends). 


  2. Sorcery Tool for Mythras (and friends)

    Sorcery in Mythras (and prior to that in RQ6) is one of the most flexible forms of magic. Because it is so flexible it also has a path to mastery for both slightly mathematically challenged and for those mastering the game for others - therefore often busy. I discovered the so called Sorcerors' Calculus that The Machinerati school of Dark Learners has created to excel rapidly in sorcery. The tool takes into account all the known spell components and the effect of choosing them and prevents the master and apprentice alike from misusing or overreaching both themselves and the laws of magic.

    The calculus takes into account how much you can shape the spell components, informs how long the preparation for the spell takes, whether you still have magic points left to do such a complex spell combination. It even can take into account the effect of unenchanted iron that you might wear. It also calculates how much harder the spell is to invoke if you combine spells and readily calculates the reach of the spell and its duration.

    There have been many who have exceled with ease using this secret calculus - it is of course desired by the crowds and despised by the masters of sorcery mathematics. There are those who having acquired the Mythras Combat Cards have started to yearn for sorcery cards. 

    Any feedback is welcome - as gremlins might have installed bugs in the system


    The Sorceror's Calculus in Excel format is here

    More tools and charts for Mythras (and RQ6)

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  3. Encumbrance Calculator and Equipment List for Mythras and RQ6

    For the longest time I have wanted to make it easier to handle equipment and encumbrance in RQ6 and Mythras.

    List of what the character carries can sometimes be longish but it usually contains standard items that exist in the rulebooks.

    Encumbrance affects character's movement speed - which will usually determine whether he can getaway once Sorceress and her minions find out that he has been looting the treasure chest. It also affects all STR and DEX related skills negatively.

    Here is an Excel spreadsheet where character can easily mark all the equipment that they either wear or carry in their backpack. Spreadsheet calculates the effect on move and skills either with backpack on or not. Spreadsheet can be printed out and added to character sheet and it can be filed away to be added to later on. Excel has in it all the armor types derived from Mythras Full Edition and Monster Island.

    One can easily filter with standard excel features to see only the items that character carries or is interested in. 


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  4. Combat Special Effects updated for Mythras Full Edition

    Mythras full edition has been launched a short while ago. It brings quite a few new special effects with it and also small changes from Mythras Imperative. These will be a nice addition to already very smooth and tactical play of Runequest 6.

    The game play will be even more interesting with the new Prepare Counter, Remise, Marksman, Pin Down, Drop Foe, Overpenetration and Scar Foe. There are others as well. The new combat cards look to be a cool way to handle the multitude of special effect.

    Pay attention to Regain Footing action change as well. Spirit combat looks to be more interesting - have to dive down to that one as well.

    Here are the Special Effect GM Screens updated for Mythras Full edition.  Only the portrait versions have been updated for now.

    Combat Special Effects for Offence
    Combat Special Effects for Defense
    All the charts are available here. Old ones will remain available here


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  5. Here are new additions to Encounter Generator for Mythras

    Serpent Folk Brotherhoods of Monster Island

    Serpent folk of the Monster Island supplement are prone to forming brotherhoods around their profession. The brotherhoods have their headquarters in Brotherhood Guild Houses - buildings that can be targets for inquisitive players.

    There are more than a  dozen brotherhoods mentioned  in the supplement.  Brotherhoods are strong even in thase days of waning serpent folk strength. 

    Here are some guild house denizens one could meet while venturing into or close to brotherhood strongholds. 

    - Brotherhood of Carrion Scavenger - beastmasters of Serpent Folk
    - Brotherhood of Silent Watch - Tomb and treasure guardians
    - Brotherhood of Serpentine Grace - dancers, courtesans and acrobats
    - Brotherhood of Obsidian Claw - Close combat warrior scouts and monster hunters
    - Brotherhood of Fang - Personal bodyguards[/list]
    More will come later....

    There are also new parties created

    - Akakor Serpent People Chromatic Doom Party - warriors with sorucerous ranged weapons
    - Akakor Serpent People Silent Watch - tomb guardian party
    - Akakor Serpent People Veteran Silent Watch - strong tomb guardian party[/list]
    ..and corresponding individual enemies

    - Veteran Serpent People Official - Chromatic Doom
    - Veteran Serpent People Warrior - Chromatic Doom
    - Superior Serpent People Entertainer
    - Skilled Serpent People assassin
    - Veteran Serpent People Assassin, Disciple of Silken Death
    - Disciple of the Silken Death mystic discipline
    - Skilled Serpent People Warrior, Fang
    - Veteran Serpent People Warrior, Fang
    - Veteran Serpent People Warrior, Strong
    - Veteran Serpent People Officer

    - Skilled Serpent People Warrior, Silent Watch
    - Veteran Serpent People Warrior, Silent Watch
    - Serpent People Silent Watch Officer
    - Veteran Serpent People Warrior, Strong
    - Veteran Beast Handler
    - Veteran Beast Handler, Strong one[/list]

    New additional features have been created and incorporated into various rooms, trade caravans and other appropriate places
    - Jungle Decorative items
    - Monster Island Artwork
    - Monster Island Substances
    - Monster Island Items[/list]


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  6. Combat Special Effects - Mythras Update

    The combat special effects for offensive and defensive have been updated to V1.3. This now contains all the effects from Mythras Imperative and the ones from RQ6 updated to Mythras Imperative way of working. Some tweaks to existing ones have been added. Added also house rule for Shift Location that seems to be popular. Mythras Imperative contains really neat Prepare Counter Special Effect that I cannot wait to start using.

    Here is the portrait mode for Offensive Special Effects and here the same for Defensive Special Effects. 


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  7. in my campaign one of the party members was participating in art contest by painting non figurative art. In another scenario the mission was to transport a 3m by 2 m glass painting from Real City to New Pavis Temple without Lunars getting wind of it. 

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  8. Love the discussions and points. The model is very simplified - it could even take into account things from very far away are ultrarare instead of rare, perishable stuff might not travel very far. In both cases it might be either ultraexpensive or just a real unhappy merchant trying to get rid of bad merchandise with no market. In real world some things traveled quite far (finds in Finland and Scandinavia of Byzantine (due to river routes) or if I recall correctly some from even farther away). Slaves seem to have traveled quite far (both from Europe and from Africa)... 

    Was planning to take this just a tiny bit farther for caravans / merchant ships loads for things on route thru areas with no demand to areas of demand. 

    Smugglers, of course you need smugglers. Hazia was not mentioned in the GtG but probably needs to be part of (hidden) loads in caravans.  There might also be interesting items - like woollen blankets or white shirts from Holy country delivered to rebellious tribes by witting or unwitting caravans - an intermediate stop for those could have been a broo outpost somewhere. 



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  9. What are the things available in the market - local produce of course, groceries, poultry, meat of local kinds. Guide to Glorantha gives background to import and export of the goods. This can give some flavor to your market. I took the data from Guide to Glorantha and used it to create local market availability of goods. The system is as follows:

    - anything the area is known to export is available locally in the market as well 
    - anything the area is known to import is available from all the markets that export it
    - artifacts, silk and iron are rare in all the markets.
    - article is common if it is available from nearby region
    - article is rare if it comes from non nearby region OR has to cross ocean

    Rarity could be used as price modifier (for example 30-50-100% more price) as it is exotic and might be considered be of better quality to be worth to transport from far reaches of lozenge rare goods (and even some of the common ones) might not be available and might be also subject to seasonal fluctuation (for example riding beasts, herbs and spices)

    Created first markets for Umathela, Fonrit, Nochet, Dragon Pass and Pavis. Others will follow if there seems to be demand.

    In the future more exploration about what you might see in the trading routes as some goods need to pass areas which have no demand for them.


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  10. Classic Fantasy -Old School Monsters

    There seem to be lots of interest in old school recently. Classic Fantasy supplement by the Design Mechanism looks likely to fill the craving for old school for a long time to come. the list of monsters is like who is who in the memory lane of the early days of my gaming in late 1970's. Spent a few moments in creating templates to generate some of the monsters from my very first games in 1976 or 77. Somebody beat me to the indomitable kobolds but here are a few

    The first I remember throwing at my players in those school days was the carrion creeper or crawler.

    - Carrion Creeper

    The next that I vividly remember in cube form was
    - Gelatinous Mass

    There were others in the early days as well like
    - Stirge

    ..and when the players grew up in levels they found
    - Lurker

    The interest seems high as I have rarely seen so many contributed monster encounters in so little time in the RQ Encounter Generator. Please keep contributing and marking them with "Classic fantasy" tag. It would be good if you remember to add the "Abilities" to the monster when you create it - this will help gamemasters in not having to flip back into the pdf or book to check the ability.

    There are already bugbears, kobolds, goblins, hobgoblins, gnolls, orcs, hill giants, killer mimics, skeletons, umber hulks...


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  11. To see the Monster Island and die - Monstropedia of Loral

    Here are few new denizens of the beautiful island called Loral. It is populated by rare endangered pieces unified in their approach to life (hate the intruders). There is rather large treasure ship wrecked on the island and there used to be God Learners here long time ago so the historians are of course quite interested in the island. The below natural exhibits are imagined for RQ6 Encounter Generator. Among the less educated the island is called Monster Island.   The sources have been the Tradetalk #13, Guide to Glorantha and Men at Sea.

    - Toothbeast 
    - Kelrod - the Flying Turtle of Loral
    - Yellow Ape (the four handed variety)
    - Queen Kweng - the Giant Chimpanzee
    - Loralian Howler (not to be confused with Dorastorian Howler)
    - Flying Ray
    - Pit Monster (not to be confused with Chaotic Pit Monster)
    - Devourer
    - Zotiran - the Slug of Loral
    - Fritillra - the Giant Butter fly of Loral
    -Daughters of Fritillra

    Some are really co-operative and are driven by the sense to please (their palates) and fulfill their heart's desire (hate the intruders). Some of these are bad news indeed.

    There are other pages on Monster Island

    - Return to Monster Island
    - Return to Monster Island Completed
    - Plants of Glorantha


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  12. To add my 2 bolgs - I am far more interested in getting the the tone of the cultural clothing right than unclothing or even dynamic fighting scenes in movie poster/comic style. Think Osprey or almost any of the wonderful cultural pictures in Guide to Glorantha - scene from Glorantha with people in their cultural clothing there or Osprey like pictures. Even any of prince of Sartar scenes are ok for content. I find the mannikins in the same static pose (like standing against a wall on a plice shot) shown on the dull side if they form any major part of the pictures. Rather would have bit bigger pictures with details like in GtG culture pictures or a Gloranthan scene. Of course we need more pictures of Thanatari and Fonritan / Pamaltelan people to show varied looks of the world :-) What is the proper size of the sacrifice and in what phase of the moon to get this future to pass...

  13. The Sea, The Sea – Gloranthan Ships for RQ6

    Glorantha has inspired a largish variety of ships and maritime vessels over time. Most of the sources are out of print, out of date or incomplete. Some of them are not even canon anymore. I decided to gather all of the ships and maritime vessels that have been published and update them to the latest of the ship rules - the gem of a rulebook called Ships & Shieldwalls for RQ6.

    Here are the ships The list contains also the physical size information about the ships that has been gathered from all the source material or extrapolated from other ships.

    The full list is here

    • Raft, Small
      Rowing Boat
      War Canoe
      Small Fishing Boat or Ski
      Raft, Large
      Reed Galley
      River Transport
      Viking Longboat
      Small Merchantman/Cog
      Small Galley
      Medium Merchantman
      Large Merchantman
      Grain Transport
      Kareeshtu Warsail
      Dwarf Floating Castle
      Elf Gallegas
      Kobaya Support Ship
      Large Cog
      Maslo Catamaran
      Seki-Bune Pirateship
      Waertagi Fastship
      Wolf Pirate Penteconter
      Kralori Barge
      Black Galley
      Haragalan Tallship (New)
      Haragalan Tallship (Old)
      Haragalan Tallship (Very Old)
      Dragonewt Skeletal Ship
      Submersible Sharkboat
      Luvatan Merchant
      Ratuki Requiem Galley
      Haragalan Merchant
      Dhow- small
      Fonritian Sambuk
      Dwarven Submarine
      Vadeli Merchant Ship

    Feedback welcome.


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  14. On 4 March 2016 at 7:06 PM, David Scott said:

    for a moment I was happy, but then Eldorad and daughters of darkness reared their heads again...

    OMG - No, not again.... Then again - Eldarad has not received RQ Encounter Generator treatment - yet.... Where is my asbestos suit and long tongs. Might require shoulder length safety gloves as well. 

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  15. 10 minutes ago, threedeesix said:

    If you're saying you'd prefer that the player checks of the skill boxes like normal, then the GM assigns a number of skills that can be improved after the session is over, and the player picks from those checked off skills only, that's covered with the RQ6 Experience Rolls.

    From page 109 (Sidebar): Sometimes, however, it may be unrealistic for a character to practice Lockpicking when he is currently on a ship and has done nothing but fight sea monsters for the last few game sessions. In such cases it is reasonable for the Games Masters to request that characters only attempt to improve skills which they have recently used, or for which the situation exists to practice them.

    This could be easily extrapolated to mean "check off a skill when you use it, when I assign Experience Rolls you can only pick from those skills", and easily covers the "if you want to improve a skill you have to use a skill" form of advancement.


    This is the house rule I have been using all awhile. Works well.

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