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Puckohue last won the day on April 1 2020

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About Puckohue

  • Birthday 07/14/1967


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  • RPG Biography
    D&D, AD&D, RQIII, CoC, MERP, Paranoia, Twilight 2000, CyberPunk 2020, WFRP 1&2e, RQ:G, Pendragon, GURPS, The One Ring, Blade Runner, Mutant YZ.
  • Current games
    GM: Pendragon. Play-by-forum: Boldhome Heroes, a Glorantha-mod of En Garde!
    Player: GURPS Fantasy.
  • Location
    Malmö, Sweden
  • Blurb
    Librarian. Publisher.

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  1. Latest turn report: https://bh.antikvanti.com/viewtopic.php?t=1194 There's always room for more players. I can arrange a rules introduction if anyone wishes.
  2. But apart from hiding your physical appearance, isn't the divine connection established through for example initiation something that would be somehow exposed when interacting with the same or another cult? Could you be a Wind Lord of Orlanth from the temple in Boldhome, but pretend not to be so when you get to Nochet, and initiate ("secretely again") into the cult of Orlanth there? I would guess the divine connection established through the sacrifice of POW and MPs would mean something more than physical appearance. Can you fake initiation? "Sure, I sacrificed POW and now have access to Orlanth's special rune spells. I just don't want to use them."
  3. I'm running a game (not RQ) where the rules give characters the option of "going incognito". In Glorantha, would it be possible for a (not illuminated) cult initiate (or even higher) to hide their cult status? Could they join the same cult again (for example in another region) while pretending to be someone else, thus being perhaps an initiate in Boldhome but a lay member in Nochet? Could they become lay members or initiate into another cult without the new cult being aware of their undisclosed cult membership(s)? I guess this ties into the "I have my whole life story and personality tatooed all over my body, including my face" thing, which probably makes things like infiltration and "under cover"-work hard.
  4. Are there conversion rules in the new edition? Would I need any? I'm twelve years into the GPC and don't know if it's worth the trouble to "upgrade".
  5. In my campaign I have several PK:s with high skills, meaning a lot of criticals. As two crits cause a tie, I dread the unavoidable situation where an inspired PK (basically auto-crits) meets a high skilled enemy, and they both just tie forever. I'd really appreciate some example house rules on this.
  6. Edit: Sorry - Roll20 is so slow now the character sheet takes forever to load. Fault's on Roll20.
  7. Turn 1631 - 6 (Late Fire): https://bh.antikvanti.com/viewtopic.php?t=988
  8. Turn 1631 - 4 (Early Fire): https://bh.antikvanti.com/viewtopic.php?t=882
  9. Glad you’re having fun! 🙂 I posted about the game elsewhere as it’s not Runequest.
  10. To help offset what is going to be heavy medical costs for Jennell’s treatment and recuperation from Guillain-Barré syndrome. Among all the rpg-stuff she made, she co-authored Griffin Mountain. https://gofund.me/2b60d9cc
  11. That would be me. It's in need of work (it sometimes produces errors) but unfortunately it's not high on my list of priorities.
  12. Turn 1630 - 10 (Late Dark Season): https://bh.antikvanti.com/index.php
  13. My campaign is in 1627 atm. We've run through a lot of material, both from the new edition and from older, including several published in old fanzines. It's unclear to me why we would be locked in 1626.
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