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Posts posted by rust

  1. It has arrived here a short while ago, and it has turned out to be a good

    brainstorming tool for inventing new conflicts for my existing setting and

    to introduce them and their consequences into the setting.

    The best thing for us was that it really has helped us to think about the

    potential conflicts already built into our setting and to identify and formu-

    late them.

    I would very much appreciate if it were a little less "open" and would have

    some more rules, but on the other hand I realize that it would be almost

    impossible to design such rules.

  2. I would still love to see your undersea world get translated into English some day. You really have something there.

    Thank you very much. :)

    Unfortunately I am moving away from a translation instead of coming closer

    to it. My setting now has about 140 pages of (generic - without any game

    stats) material, and it still keeps growing, and with each additional page a

    translation becomes a little less likely ... :(

    And once The Green will finally be available as a lost colony for my setting's

    characters to visit again (I am really looking forward to this !), this will be yet

    another chapter to add to the material ... :D

  3. So ... when did you say your "BRP Hard Sci" supplement would be ready? ;)

    I plan to publish it on the day after the Pope's marriage, because I want to

    give the first copy to her husband ... :D

    Right now I have about 120 pages of a generic setting description, plus some

    maps, but this is in German, and the more I expand and improve the setting,

    the less energy and time is left to try a translation into English. :(

  4. Sorry for answering that late, I went through this forum in a hurry during

    last week, and missed your post. :o

    The time periods of Once Men are not very well defined, and the adventures

    usually deal with mythos creatures that are not a part of the core mythos.

    However, I did still not take a closer look at Once Men, and therefore cannot

    tell you more about it.

    In any case, I very much prefer Cthulhu Rising, which is a detailed, complete

    science fiction setting for Call of Cthulhu, not just a series of almost uncon-

    nected adventures.

  5. End Time is a well detailed setting where mankind had to flee to Mars to

    escape from the devastation of Earth by the mythos creatures. The best

    way to get an impression of End Time and to decide whether you want to

    buy the monograph is to visit the Yog-Sothoth website (see links) and

    take a look at the free End Times material available as downloads there.

    Once Men is a series of four adventures from different points in mankind's

    future. The rules are only about 20 pages, all the rest (plus about 40 pa-

    ges of player handouts that come with the PDF) is adventures, and the

    background informations about the four time periods are mentioned in the

    adventures. I did not yet play the adventures, but they look good to me.

  6. Doing a complete port/rehash of Skyrealms of Jorune, including some setting

    updates based upon notes from conversations with Andrew Leker, Joe

    Coleman/Adams, and stuff from the Jorune website, Sholari James, and

    the Jorune Yahoo group. Also, some of my personal spin on things.

    If this should become a PDF for download from BRP Central (or anywhere el-

    se) one day, I would be very interested in it. I am convinced that Skyrealms

    of Jorune contains a lot of most useful ideas to be "borrowed" for my setting,

    but I find it somewhat difficult to "get into" this RPG, and always hoped that

    someone else would be so kind to do the hard work ... :D

  7. Rust i am interested how coverting Mongoose traveller works for you. It sounds like an interesting project.

    It is nothing spectacular. I have a well developed homebrew science fiction

    setting that started about a year ago as a mixture of GURPS Traveller (tech-

    nology, world building, etc.) and Call of Cthulhu (roleplaying rules).

    When the new BRP became available, I converted the roleplaying rules from

    CoC to BRP, and now I add the Mongoose Traveller character generation sy-

    stem (and perhaps some other parts, too) to the mix.

    All that needs to be done is to convert Traveller skill levels to BRP percenta-

    ges and to write some events tables for my setting, and then I can use Tra-

    veller's in my opinion excellent lifepath system for my setting.

    As for the other Mongoose Traveller systems, I will probably borrow some

    ideas from the trade system and from the world building system, but con-

    tinue to use GURPS to design most of the technology.

    Later on I will most probably move from the overly complicated GURPS to

    Traveller, once the supplements I need for my setting are published: Civili-

    an vehicles, especially watercraft, and robots are highest on my list. Flynn

    plans to publish a robot guide in early September, so this will be next.

    All in all, I have meanwhile integrated so many ideas and parts from so many

    games (Space Opera, Thousand Suns, etc.) into my homebrew mix that wor-

    king with another generic system like Mongoose Traveller seems easy.

    By the way, Vile - who also visits this forum - does something quite similar,

    I think. Since he did not have to wait for the German edition of Mongoose

    Traveller, he meanwhile probably has much more experience in mixing BRP

    and Traveller than I do.

    If you are interested in this, you could send him a PM.

  8. Especially if the Deep Ones didn't realize the humans are back, and the clones are beginning to deteriorate (too many generations), but new human genetic material can be used to regenerate the stock (and therefore make more powerful amphibians that are not deteriorated).

    Yep, another very good and useful idea - Thank you ! :)

  9. Thank you for the links ! :)

    The aquatic aliens had a hidden deep sea base on the human colony before

    they retreated from this region of space because some astrophysical (?) de-

    saster forced them to give up their home world.

    I think the aliens could have captured some humans (not all fishing boats re-

    turn to port ...), analyzed their genetics, performed their experiments to crea-

    te the amphibious "worker" species, and then cloned as many of them as they

    considered useful.

    Immortality is a very interesting point. The alien creators of my version of the

    Lovecraftian Deep Ones have "disappeared from sight" several centuries ago

    (and I have not yet decided where they went, or whether they became ex-

    tinct). However, if these Deep Ones would be immortal, they would still have

    all the knowledge about the technology of their creators - which would make

    their discovery by my colonists far more interesting and dangerous.

    A good idea, thank you for it ! :D

    Apart from the way they came into existence, I intend to stay as close as

    possible to the Lovecraftian Deep Ones, changing only what becomes neces-

    sary to make them a potentially spacefaring race with a high technology sui-

    table for my setting.

  10. I would like to introduce the Deep Ones from Call of Cthulhu into my science

    fiction setting as a species artificially created from human genetic material.

    They would be the results of the experiments of an aquatic alien race with a

    highly developed biotechnology. This race discovered a human "lost colony"

    and decided that humans would make an excellent genetic base for an amphi-

    bious species of "workers" that could be used on land as well as in an aquatic


    Now I would like to ask you whether this would be too bizarre an idea, per-

    haps with some logic bugs I missed, or whether it could be plausible - and

    whether there is anything you think I should change in the descriptions of

    the original Deep Ones to make them suitable for such a setting ?

    And of course, any and all comments, ideas and proposals would be most


    Thank you ! :)

  11. So what penalties should apply if you go horse riding in these earlier times.

    Unless you have a time travel campaign, I would not introduce any penalty

    to the Riding skill at all: The people in the settings you mentioned knew a

    certain percentage of the riding skill of their time, not a certain fraction of

    the riding skill of our time.

    A Roman cavalryman who was an excellent rider knew, for example, 90 % of

    the Riding skill available to his culture at that time, not 90 % minus X of a mo-

    dern Riding skill.

    As for cavalry weapons, I would downgrade the cavalry lance, because the

    early cavalry used their lances somewhat more like spears, without the full

    mass of the horse behind the attack.

    Otherwise, I would not make any changes.

  12. Isn't this very much to do with the idea that most people are very loathe to kill each other (stats about soldiers firing above the enemies heads spring to mind)?

    I do no think so. In my experience it has more to do with the fact that most

    people try to fire at the enemy and to avoid the enemy's fire at the same ti-

    me - and to try to keep one's head down (or to keep moving) in order to be

    harder to hit while aiming is somewhat difficult.

    The unwillingness to kill is usually overcome by the fact that one has to hit

    and wound or kill "the other guy" in order to ensure one's own survival.

    And for combat rounds: I tend to use 6 second rounds, give or take a little.

    My combat rounds tend to be longer during a close combat with melee wea-

    pons and perhaps a bit shorter during firefights, and also shorter when only

    two characters are fighting and longer when more characters are involved.

  13. If you use the Chaosium website's search program, it shows Kingdom of

    the Blind as an available monograph (with an interesting cover, by the

    way :)).

    However, if you search for Blind King's Hill, the result looks like this :eek::

    1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's Hill%' or ipd.pages_menu_name like '%Blind King's Hill%' or ipd.pages_meta_tit' at line 3

    SELECT * from pages ip , pages_description ipd , pages_to_categories ip2c where ((ipd.pages_title like '%Blind King's Hill%' or ipd.pages_menu_name like '%Blind King's Hill%' or ipd.pages_meta_title like '%Blind King's Hill%' or ipd.pages_meta_keywords like '%Blind King's Hill%' or ipd.pages_meta_description like '%Blind King's Hill%') and ipd.language_id = '1' and ip2c.pages_id = ip.pages_id and ip.pages_id = ipd.pages_id )


    Which may have some cryptic meaning for servants of the Great Old Ones,

    but less so for me. :D

  14. No! My chance for immortality - gone! And all for being equivocal... ;-(

    "Alas, poor Frogspawner ! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of

    most excellent fancy ..." :eek:

  15. Got you as a member of the "The Taxcolletors" gang Rust! Collecting a road tax - for the maintainance of the roads of course!

    And now imagine this on my water world ... :D

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