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Everything posted by Fergo113

  1. I used Word in the past but started using Microsoft Publisher 2007 so that I can move the tables, typing and images around on the screen. Cheers, :thumb: Fergo113
  2. Great work Ottomancer, Layout looks excellent. I haven't read too much of it so far but the images really add to this monograph. :thumb: A++ job Cheers, Fergo113
  3. Nice find Halion :thumb: I've tried to email the programmer of the software but had no reply. Thanks for posting this link. Cheers, Fergo113
  4. Thanks Baron, :thumb: It's taking longer to do than I would like sadly. Mostly because I don't have much spare time right now. Cheers, Fergo113
  5. Mate, pm me regarding this. :thumb: Cheers, Fergo113
  6. I have a copy of it tedopon. I'll see if Trifletraxor can add the zip file to the downloads section here at BRP Central. I downloaded from www.edu-web.de a few years ago before their site went dead and there were other sites that had it as well (including some who wanted to charge for it :mad:). As it was a free download :party: I can't see any problem with hosting here on this site, but that would be up to Trifletraxor to determine.
  7. After having some discussions with Trifletraxor we decided to pull the imaged copy of the ME-BRP Creatures chapter from the site (he still has the imaged copy if you desperately want it, so pm him). In its place, I have done an non-imaged, printer friendly version of that chapter and placed it in the new re-vamped Middle Earth section in the downloads area of this site. The only image within the document is one that Pilous from our site here as given for me to use. I have also uploaded eight groups of ready to run baddies for use with ME-BRP (or any fantasy setting for that fact) that were developed by using the Chaosium BRP Character Generator 4.10 :thumb: from www.edu-web.de It’s a great bit of software that can really speed up the creation of foes for use against your pc's. As long as the baddies are humanoid in nature, this easy to run software will speed the production of up to sixteen bad guys in a few moments. Enjoy! Fergo113
  8. 234 downloads

    This is a set of pre-rolled, ready to run group of eight Mewlips for use with ME-BRP. It was generated by using the Chaosium BRP Character Generator 4.10 available here. (an excellent little bit of software :thumb: )
  9. 295 downloads

    This is a set of pre-rolled, ready to run group of eight very tough Bandits (just to keep those pesky PC's on their toes) for use with ME-BRP. It was generated by using the Chaosium BRP Character Generator 4.10 available from here. (an excellent little bit of software :thumb: )
  10. 207 downloads

    This is a set of pre-rolled, ready to run group of eight Zombies for use with ME-BRP. It was generated by using the Chaosium BRP Character Generator 4.10 available here. (an excellent little bit of software :thumb: )
  11. 261 downloads

    This is a set of pre-rolled, ready to run group of eight Orc's (in militia style) for use with ME-BRP. It was generated by using the Chaosium BRP Character Generator 4.10 available here. (an excellent little bit of software :thumb:)
  12. 214 downloads

    This is a set of pre-rolled, ready to run group of twelve Skeletons (of human size and shape) for use with ME-BRP. It was generated by using the Chaosium BRP Character Generator 4.10 available here. (an excellent little bit of software :thumb:)
  13. 207 downloads

    This is a set of pre-rolled, ready to run group of two Stone-trolls for use with ME-BRP. It was generated by using the Chaosium BRP Character Generator 4.10 available from here. (an excellent little bit of software :thumb:)
  14. 257 downloads

    This is a set of pre-rolled, ready to run group of four Hill-trolls for use with ME-BRP. It was generated by using the Chaosium BRP Character Generator 4.10 available here. (an excellent little bit of software :thumb: )
  15. 1,609 downloads

    This is a version of the Middle-earth BRP Creatures chapter. This version is a 'printer friendly version' that comes without the images or the background. It is still around 98 pages in length and is just over 1 meg in size
  16. Indeed I will and Trifletraxor has graciously offered to act as the key point of contact regarding this. :thumb: This thread will stay open too and I will keep you all posted on its latest developments. Work on it has slowed to a snail’s pace due to my work commitments but I am still slowly but certainly working on completing the Free Peoples chapter and will keep those interested updated. Cheers, Fergo113
  17. Hehehe, sorry I should probably explain that statement about summer over here . I am a fireman and we have hit a very busy time with bushfires over here and so I have been working some very late shifts. Tends to stuff up the chances I get to work on ME-BRP. What free time I do have off-shift, my family tends to demand that I spend some time with them as well. They just aren't committed to BRP
  18. I could do it, but that wouldn't be very easy right now. I am pretty busy with work as its our summer over here. That's really limiting the amount of time I can spend to transcribe my notes and dig though my MERP stuff in order to produce something cohesive and legable in a BRP format. Currently I am going at a snails pace through the Free Peoples chapter and I want to get that finished as it complements to Creatures chapter. I'll see what I can do but I can't promise anything for now. Sorry
  19. Thanks mate, :thumb: I will certainly look at and work on all this. I haven't been happy with the Corruption system I have been using and had skipped over the Allegiance system in the BRP rules as I had never played a BRP game before with it. But having read the BRP Allegiance rules and having a flick through Pendragon, your right and it should work in very well with ME-BRP. It will be a while before I can get around to playing with it (I am still bogged down on the Elves in the Free Peoples chapter) but I will work on it as soon as I get the Magic chapter finished. Cheers, Fergo113
  20. If you can easily find this information, it would be great to have a look at. :thumb: Thanks
  21. Hmmm, thanks SDLeary :thumb: I'll have a look at the 4th edition Pendragon and read up on this. I was thinking of using the Allegiance rules from BRP in regards to a characters leaning towards the Free Peoples or the Shadow. Currently I have been using an immature and ad-hoc "corruption point" system (if you’r bad you earn corruption points, if you cast sorcery spells, you earn corruption points etc). But the Allegiance rules make far more sense. I think the Pendragon virtues would fit right into this and be something that provides characters with unique progression traits. Needs a lot of work, but I have been at a loss as to how to do the overall Traits for ME-BRP and was thinking of dropping traits altogether. Cheers, Fergo113
  22. Halion, I did tamper around a bit with Decipher's LotR Traits with a view to making them more like the Legendary Abilities you see in Mongoose RuneQuest. I didn't get very far in doing this however, mostly because my rpg group had never played any BRP based games before (HEATHENS!!! :mad: ) and when I first started running ME-BRP (using the RQ2 ruleset) I was having to teach them the rules whilst deprogramming them from the D20 brainwashing they had recieved over the years, and adapt the MERP campaigns I was using. I am still planning on returning to this at a later stage. SDLeary, I have never played Pendragon sadly, though I do have pdf's of both the 1st and 4th editions of the rules, so I am unfamiliar with the pairings from Pendragon. I'll have to have a look at the pdf's and see what you mean. So how do the Pendragon pairings work? Cheers, Fergo113
  23. Making the magic chapter workable is going to be the biggest challenge of this project, so I will be looking for some good advice when I start writing up the final notes for the magic chapter. My RPG group haven't played with magic too much (other than healing spells) so this will need a thorough workout before its finished. I will probably post the magic chapter "in-progress" to see what people have to say about what will work or does not work. So stay tuned! :thumb:
  24. What I am leaning towards Baron, is the name and description of the spells as found in Deciphers LotR RPG, but using that name and description to produce a BRP spell list. The methods for casting spells will be three fold: i) your standard BRP way of casting a spell, ie need to speak and gesticulate with hands to cast the spell; ii) Runes that are the equivalent of the old RQ2 spell matrixes that are engraved onto items. The user does not need to know the spell, merely touch the runes and provide the power points to activate it. The knowledge of the spell is inherent within the runes and if the weapon or item is broken, the runes are rendered inoperable. This is the standard "magical" method that Dwarves use magic (tending to shun any other form of magical use); and iii) Songs of Power where the caster takes twice or three times as long to cast a spell, having to sing the spell (obviously requires that the caster can sing, but they do not necessarily have to gesticulate with their hands), but the effects are far more powerful and longer lasting. This is more of a "ritual" kind of spell and is used more by Elves than anyone else and would be seen in spells that heal and protect. As for the spells themselves, they fit into 'groups' or 'lists' that the PC can learn as a skill (like the new BRP magic requires that the magical spell has a skill % associated with it). The caster only needs to have a skill % in the spells 'group' or 'list' as spells with similar capabilities and origins are grouped together. This is more a game mechanic that gets away from having to have a skill % for every spell the caster knows. There are currently 12 of these 'groups' or 'lists' that are called "Magical Specialities." The 12 Magical Specialities are: Air & Storm, Alteration, Beasts and Birds, Ceremony, Fire Smoke & Light, Illusion, Mysticism, Restoration, Ritual, Secret Fire, Sorcery, and Water. Sorcery is used the same as per the BRP rulebook and is a channelling from the Dark Lord (or other fallen Maiar such as the Balrogs). Secret Fire are spells that are channelled directly from the Valar (all other spells are manipulations of the Song of Creation that was sung, and still underlines, the creation of Arda). A caster cannot have Sorcery and Secret Fire spells in their book as they are mutually exclusive and opposed to one another’s nature. The magic, on the whole, will be like that found in BRP and RQ2 where its subtle and supports the characters, aiding them. It will not be overt as in D&D or MERP where you can level a city with a fireball. You see major restraint being used by those who could wield magic in Tolkiens books and I very much want to respect that. Magic should be very limited in its use and would primarily be found in the form of Elven and Dwarven runes forged into items such as weapons. Of the six PC's playing in my ME-BRP campaign right now, only two of them know any magic (one knows two spells and the other knows three). The only magic they consistently use is the Healing spell and they have a bracelet with Level 2 Heal runes cared into it. So the magical system as I am using right now is far more subtle and hidden than in other fantasy RPG's and leans more towards how BRP, RQ2 and Decipher's LotR make it than MERP or D&D. Hope that gives some better idea of where I am heading with it. My notes for that chapter are currently all over the shop, but when I have finished the Free Peoples chapter, Magic will be the next one I tackle. :thumb:
  25. Your welcome :thumb: I'm working on the Sindar, Silven and Half-elves right now. Then I have the Mannish and Hobbit races to do. I'll post and example of the Mannish races and Hobbit race before this chapter is finished. But I am currently not getting as much time as I would like to transcribe my notes up, so it will be at least another month before this chapter nears completion.
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