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Everything posted by Tywyll

  1. Sure, sure, I get Rule Zero and all that and I'm perfectly happy to switch experience and training back to RQ3 or BGB style rules, but I was looking to see if anyone could sell me on the idea as presented in the new RAW. Sure. But it also depends on what you end up doing. A long quest to Snake Pipe Hollow in the name of your clan ought to produce more than a single experience check per skill! No, that's just wrong. Taking a week to train a skill =/= taking a season. Also, it provided more use for treasure. It has no effect on a HIGHER success though. That's why its a trap. It's all or nothing. If you decide you are doing that in the intention phase and your opponent rolls a special or crit, you are screwed, even if you have a 95% of dodging. That's been fixed in later iterations of d100 games for years, I don't know why they went back to this version. It makes playing swashbuckly, lightly armored characters a death trap. Is there a list of the holy days I've missed? Where is that? I thought I read it was seasonal. If I'm wrong though, then that's much better!
  2. Even that could still include more 'adventures' for the clan...cattle raids, trade missions, protecting from attacks...all important for the clan but still likely to result in experience chances.
  3. I disagree that Dodge worked well in RQ3. It was a trap choice and has been fixed in later editions of D100 systems so that a successful dodge still has some effect on an attack, even a special or a critical being reduced by a success grade. Parry still get in the way of a special attack, why does dodge have no effect. I'm aware that training time takes downtime, but it used to be more flexible. Now as I understand it you cam only train four skills regardless of levels and not if you used them in an adventure. That also bothers me, a flat limit on one chance at improvement In older editions, you could have several short adventures and still get experience checks if you earned them. As for regaining your divine magic, yes you are limited to holy days bit as I understand it, those are seasonal. Meaning again, you can't really adventure multiple times and recover your resources.
  4. So I got RQG for xmas and there are a few things I'm not sure I'm sold on... 1) Rune Points/Divine Magic tied to the seasons rather than recovery via prayer 2) Experience rolls/training tied to seasons 3) Cha limits on Divine Magic (yes, I know this is a balance to more flexible divine magic, but still) 4) Dodge 'death lottery' (returning to the old version of Dodge where a higher grade success on the attack completely ignores your dodge roll). Am I mising stuff? Can people sell me on these aspects of the new game?
  5. I don't doubt the will is there, but I imagine Stafford had the will to do it to and never did. I'm saying we don't know, until a book is in our hand. The design team could get hit by a meteor, etc etc.
  6. See I guess that's a problem for me. Where are they described? What do they do in fiction? What does Tree Leaping or Pillar of Fire even mean? The only examples I have seen are from RQ3 and they seemed to mostly boil down to ridiculous skill levels or innate armor or something similar.
  7. I'm unfamiliar with those. What are their mechanics?
  8. I guess we've been waiting for 'official' rules for 30+ years...what if these also don't see the light of day for whatever reason?
  9. So, last night I had a (probably stupid) idea for Highlevel/Heroquesting style rewards. When making a POW gain role, instead of gaining POW, the character can gain Power Points to spend on Super Powers from Superworld/BRP Gold book. Obviously the player would work with the DM (or they would just spend the points on the player's behalf) to find powers that were suitable for the quest the players performed. As to Skills... So I'm using the Mythras difficulty levels for skills. So a Hard roll is 2/3rds your skill (for example). So I was wondering, should the experience check be against the 2/3rds rather than the full value? The character was tasked beyond their normal skill and it seems like that would be the kind of stuff that would drive them to improve. Conversely, an easy roll that increases a skill by 1.5, would be rolled against the higher skill to see if you improved. It would take a bit more book keeping, but... So, how stupid are these ideas?
  10. That's cool. I would love to see those mechanics written up to help play at that level!
  11. I'm not saying that that shouldn't still be a risk, but what I'm pointing out (and was pointed out by others above) is that as damage is boosted, because of the way it works in RQ, extra d6 are more swingy the more you add. A character might have 12 or 18 points of armor, but if that soaks an average hit from foes they face, a good damage roll is almost guarenteed to be a serious injury. There seems to be little wiggle room...they laugh it off or they lose a limb. How did you address this?
  12. Could you share more examples of the rewards you gave them and how you decided what they should be?
  13. That's cool. Any rough idea when they'll see publication?
  14. Thanks, okay I'll skip it then. I was hoping it would have something mechanical to help represent characters who become heroes instead of merely mortal.
  15. So there are no mechanics or ideas for Heroquesting rewards?
  16. So does Drivethru. But I'm looking to hear from someone who's actually read it and has an opinion on it before i sink $10 on a pdf. Especially if its not really usable.
  17. So is that a 'not very good' then? Is it usable? Is it salvageable? If it's so rubbish why has it always cost so much?
  18. Anyone have this? If so, how are it's Heroquesting rules?
  19. If you decide you want an outside pair of eyes to have a look, PM me!
  20. Honestly I was pretty shocked that they went back to Free Int. It seems so weird that characters are so bound to a single die roll no matter how experienced they are. Of course I think it's dumb that INT can't be increased as other attributes can be. It's really out-dated thinking. I would love to hear your ideas on how to use Sandy's rules with the new edition though.
  21. Am I correct that Int spirits aren't a thing anymore? If so, other than matrices and allied spirits, how do you increase the amount of battle magic/free Int a character can store?
  22. One of Humakt's Gifts allows a weapon to do double damage. True Sword allows a weapon to do double damage. Do these things stack?
  23. But none of that is RQ. Real world mythic figures don't do the high action hijinks of Runequestors. It's not a fair comparison. If you want to look at Greek mythology then hercules is a better example, and he's still probably weak sauce compared to Arkat or Argatha.
  24. Cool. What rules do you use for Heroquesting? How do you determine those super abilities?
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