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Posts posted by cjbowser

  1. But the basic idea is that they are now much, much more accessible to the public. I will post another announcement when the buttons to order directly from us are online. The shipping facility is now tested in full, thanks to Chad Bowser.

    I'd just like to add that shipping was very fast and the postage from Italy to the US was amazingly low.

  2. Do you get that message when clicking on the stars within the page that shows the blurb + review? (or the pencil? that's the edit button)


    I click on the pencil, see the drop down box with the star ratings, select a radio button, click 'vote now' and receive the message.

  3. After seeing this and having enjoyed The Atrocity Archives, I started reading The Jennifer Morgue, which I am enjoying. However, with all the Lovecraftian references in the books, it makes me wonder why The Laundry RPG is being set up as a separate RPG rather than a supplement to Call of Cthulhu modern. Can we have a bit of information on what BRP rules that are being used that make it its own game?

    Also, as this will be its own game, will it be available through larger vendors, like Amazon?

    I can't speak to the first question. However, Cubicle 7 books are sold via Amazon so you should be able to get it there when it's released.

  4. Considing that SciFi and Science Fantasy used to be lumped together under the umbrella term of Scientific Romances, should we consider them a subset of the Romance genre, and place them right next to the Harlequin Romances?

    Oh hell yes! That would make my trips to the bookstore so much shorter. There wouldn't be any long, circuitous route to casually walk over to the romances and find myself there "by mistake." :P

  5. Most settings do not fall neatly into one of the categories, and I would consider it a bad idea to

    restrict your imagination by writing specifically for one of the categories. Some of the best set-

    tings, of literature as well as roleplaying, are "crossovers" that use "typical" elements of diffe-

    rent categories. So, in my view you should write whatever you think is a good setting or adven-

    ture, ignoring the categories until it is completed.

    I'm going to agree with Rust here. Write the book you want to write and don't try and pigeonhole it into any one sub-genre until you're done. Then, you can look back at the work and say "oh, it's mostly space fantasy" or "it's mostly hard sci-fi." Try to do that from the get-go and you might stiffle or exclude some otherwise excellent ideas.

    Well, I have to admit that "anal" did indeed irritate me, over here it would have been an inten-

    tional insult. However, since you are not the kind of user that aims to insult others, I took it as

    "a British thing". ;)

    From an American perspective, I was complety non-plussed. We use the word in the exact same way.

  6. I can't rate the work or view the review.

    When I try to rate the book, I recieve:

    cjbowser, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

    1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?

    2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

    If I click on the review link, it just takes me back to the Fractured Hopes page.

  7. Actually, I just had a thought - is it worth encouraging submissions for a particular genre, or even previous monograph? We have no actual control of course, but purely as a bit of fun and way of inspiring people, we could have a couple of polls: a "which genre would you most like to see adventures for?" and perhaps a "which BRP monograph would you like to see an adventure for?". Run them for a couple of weeks and see what happens?

    Just a thought.


    Put up a poll and we'll see what happens. :D

    Everybody loves a poll!

  8. Hmmm. I would have preferred a genre specific competition. I felt the previous two were maybe too wide ranging.

    When they say that all entries 'become the property of Chaosium', does that mean they they get the copyright over concepts/names/creatures etc that you introduce - or does the author retain those? For monographs, the author retains the copyright.

    Anyway, thanks for the heads up.

    In the past, the author has retained all copyright. Chaosium, however, will hold the copyright to the work as a whole.

  9. I used to be a big "random tables suck" kind of guy (with the exception of Rolemaster Critical Hit Tables :shocked: ). However, I now like the way random tables can get me to think about the same-old, same-old in new and different ways. I was playing around with the random tables in the GW Stormbringer book last year and they really helped me shape what I was working on at the time.

    So now I am very much a fan of tightly woven plots greatly augmented by random tables.

  10. I tend to use real world plants in my games.

    Here is a sampling of some of the herbs I included in Cthulhu Invictus to get your imagination going. I haven't included any of the mechanics. Note that some plants appear on both lists. Just as in real-life, what heals in one dose can kill in another.

















  11. If you're writing a scenario with the intention of having other people run it (give it away, publish it somewhere, etc.), the only thing you need to be aware of for differences between 5 and 6 is the spell multiplier. It was in version 5 but was thankfully removed. It might not even be in 5.5.

    Other than that, you're good to go.

    If you're writing it solely for your own personal use, then there's nothing to worry about. Since you're asking this question, though, I think you're looking outside your group.

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