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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. Anyone got any suggestions for a Manor House or Castle to use for Shadow Abalus' answer of Castle Amber?
  2. Yeah, and some decent reach, too, although not as much as when thrusting. There is "half swording" when you grip the sword somewhere along the blade and can strike with the ends. It's more practical with greatswords than with other blades due to the greater length, and the fact that greatswords weren't necessarily sharp. They didn't need to be. But, yeah they are different weapons.
  3. Ramirez's blade did not cut deeply enough. That's a wonderfully awful idea. Yes. I was just keeping in simple. Basically they are "in tune" with all living things, but only have limited control over the experience. For a Rune Lord? Why not. For an immortal it would be a different story. Their life force has moved on to another. Yes. Although I would expect it to be the most dominant traits.So if the immortal you behead how a low DEX, you're DEX isn't going to go up. POW should almost always go up, unless you already outclass the other immortal by a significant margin. I'd probably go with the SIZ progression for POW gain, bur probably cut the amount in half.
  4. LOL! One memorable d6 Star War game I had a Wookie with 6D6 STR (your stats are a dice code that you roll whenever you use them), and I got caught on the fringes of a grenade (2D6 or 3D6, I forgot which). In that RPG you comapre the damage to your STR roll and if you win you take NO damage (a typical PC has a 3D STR and most attacks do 4D or 5D). But I rolled bad (ended up with a 4 on 6 dice), the GM rolled great damage, and I was mortally wounded and spent the rest of the adventure healing up in a bacta tank. I think your 'dice cancel out" on a parry should handle it nicely. You can used fixed armor without hit locations. Just go with the normal protection for that tpe. Padding stops 1, leather stops 2, etc. So you could just make you 5.5 armor 6 points. Yeah that does make armor much more useful in HERO. But then HERO is a much more forgiving system. It's not normally an issue for me, but Amber will will require that I have to deal with some things that don't crop often enough to become an issue in a typical BRP campaign. I just ant to try to be ready for anything that could derail the campaign. Me either, but under normal circumstances it's rare enough that it's not worth the trouble to houserule it. But, in Amber the dbs should be a bit higher-especially if somebody gets some magic). Simular end result, different application. I don't like MA for weapon because I just don't think it's necessary. Besides, I think Ki skills handle that better for weapons any. Definitely. I'm more focused on adapting the system to the needs of the setting. If I were going to run a different style of campaign, I'd have fewer issues. Some variation of the fetch might work. That is something that the player can slowly improve that ups his POW a point at time. You could do that with a wizard's staff or familiar and it could start off weak and grow as the player devotes more POW to it. Another option might be not to raise POW at all but simply raise the refresh rate. A wizard could have an ability or skill tat let's them recharge their power at a faster rate, maybe twice as fast? Say the tap a ley line for POW and their recharge rate is tied to their success level.
  5. Maybe not even that hard. A Rune Lords gets DI, an Allied Spirit, "iron" weapon and armor, a bunch of spirit and divine spells, some POW storing crystals, and a bunch of cult member to back them up. The Rune Lord get a chance to come back even if he is beheaded! An immortal only gets his immortality, a great CON and POW, and a few "Quickening" perks that seem to function like a few points of Battle Magic (including a very specialized "Detect Enemies") that seem to trigger automatically. Still, the Rune Lord's in trouble if he runs into someone who's been around long enough to get his combat skills up over 400%!
  6. I've read that a lot of people got burned by Palladium over thier latest (and last) Robotech Kickstarter. So yeah, there is risk involved.
  7. I though KS was "all or nothing" That is, is the pledge isn't met people get their money back. I though they way you got burnt was when a project did get funded but for some reason wasn't able to be completed.
  8. 😳 Whaddaya want from a Baboon? Ya know how many of us it took to type of the complete works of Shakespeare?
  9. Well, John Silver, a Birish nobleman (not the pirate) wrote a fencing manual, Paradoxes of Defense that was printed in 1599 where he states that Not surprising, steel is a lot denser than wood. There are some greatswords that has amass of under 2 kilograms, though. I suspect that a lot of that has to do with when the sword was made and for what purpose.
  10. Line, no. But, there should be only one! After all, once we got the immortal stuff we could easily port them into Fantasy Earth, Call of Cthulhu (it'd be to have a character that might actually survive an encounter with a Mythos Horror, and to just once be able to say "Ryleh rising up from the ocean, again?!")
  11. Yeah, and the Romans always had a problem with Calvary.
  12. I've seen stuff that suggests that it is wielded like a staff, which is why it has the double quillions and unsharpened section of blade near the hilt. But then in real life a spear is used to cut and swing, too.
  13. I have. RQ3 for one. In the Vikings supplment there are some stats for Huns and they get a penalty if they have to fight on foot. I believe they were considered to be Demoralized. Yeah, unless it is made from bone or some other local material. Okay, still with you. Uh, I doubt it. I think that would would probably be too difficult. It's got a higher ENC that a Great Axe, and all the weight is at the far end. I think it would easier to swing a greatsword one handed than the dagger-axe. Considering that the skill the character gets is listed as 2H I'd be more inclined to believe that they can hold it like a staff or bill-hook and just guide their mount with their legs.
  14. Yeah I could, although I think I'd like a little more granularity than just. "still fighting"/defeated. I think I'd want some sort of wound track so someone could be impaired. Much like how Eric was bleeding and Corwin considered trying to just wear him down and let him bleed out. Maybe some sort of opposed roll where I could get different levels of success and different results. Come to think of it I wrote up a hit point less system for BRP a decade ago. I think I still have a version of in in the downloads section. maybe I should DL it and check it out.😳
  15. Brilliant! I didn't even think of doing it that way. That would solve the problem nicely. All those minor hits in the books could have been parries where some damage got through. Considering that Eric, Corwin and Benedict are among the best swordsmen, period, that seems much more likely.
  16. That is what the quote implies with " used it to hold the enemy in place while their heavy cavalry broke through "
  17. Or wait for the spell to expire. Mine too. But I figure there are times when they are camped out or some such and the enemy could attack them while they are on foot. So I could easily see them picking up a little skill in anti-cavalry weaponry just in case. Plus, it would also give the riders some insight into how footmen with anti-cav weapons will fight. I agree 100%. I can still see someone picking up a polearm to keep an enemy rider at bay long enough for a tribemans to ride over and give him a lift.
  18. Possibly. It wouldn't bother me though, as it would be easy to pick and choose what you wanted from the TV series. A GM could choose to have the Watchers in his campaign or not. And a campaign doesn't have to turn into "beheading of the week." Yes, but there is nothing wrong with, say a Mythic Britain campaign or some such and running one or more immortals. And you could use all sorts of legendary things back then, too. The immortals don't have to be the only supernatural/magical beings. And in such a campaign the immortals advantages are somewhat diminished. Once you know how to kill them they aren't much tougher than a Rune Lord. Don't get me wrong, I would expect a Highlander RPG book to include the series and all of the films (even II), but it should be easy for a GM to pick which version to go with (Immortality works a little differently between the film and the series), and what elements to use.
  19. Ah, that explains why I see different info on Hoplite Phalanxes vs. Macedonian Phalanxes. Maybe we should call the standard Greek formation the Hoplanx? That's a real eye-opener, thanks. Oh and to add to the overall downgrading of the effective of the Phalanx, wikipedia states: Joerg should probably use that quote against me.
  20. I think you'r right. I looked at the pictures of the Knights from Fronela and Sheshnela in RQ3: Glorantha. The Fronelan knight's saddle might be one, he is in Gothic plate and his horse is in plate barding, but I wouldn't bet money on that saddle. That's not my thesis. I'm only saying that in RQ terms they should get the horse's db. And it keep him from being knocked off his horse by the impact. Equal and opposite forces here. But is also allows him to exert the force longer, and a faction of a second does make a big difference here. Then we don't really disagree, because that's my point. Now, this being Glorantha and all, a couple of point of Glue would probably do the job. Which could have been handled without changing the wording. Steve Perrin probably did that to indicated that yes, you had to do it that way to get the bonus. I just figure it as a backup weapon for if/when they get caught with thier pants down and have to fight on foot. If I lived in a place where every combatant was mounted, I'd want a foot weapon that was especially effective against mounted troops.
  21. You got it. As the folks at White Wolf put it: "There should have been only one!". That said the TV series was okay. But I could live with an RPG that covered both the film(s) and the series. Just as long as they weren't all aliens from the planet Zeist.
  22. I wonder why? Maybe it was too expensive, or didn't sell as well as they hoped? Or maybe they figured that when the TV series ends the market will dry up? That's always a problem with licensed settings: people who will watch a TV show won't necessarily buy a game based on it, or even play it for very long- they are fans of the show, not necessarily gamers. Nor will people who are gamers necessarily switch campaigns to do so. Of course if Chaosium secured the rights to the film Highlander, I'd pre-order as fast as I can type.
  23. The obvious answer is Game of Thrones, but I think Green Ronin still holds the rights to that.
  24. BTW, Guy's I've never seen anybody argue that an overhand spear was anywhere near as effective as a couched one until RQG. Quite the opposite. Every thing I've ever read or seen, that has overhand spear use goes out of it's way to point out that it wasn't like a couched lance charge. Now the kontos is another case. IMO, all melee weapon should probably get a modest damage boost when used in a "ride-by attack", but no version of RQ has given one. Maybe kick of the rider's db by one or part of the mount's db.
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