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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. Atgxtg


    Yes, somewhat. Thanks. Oh, I was wondering something. I'm setting up ship construction rules to go with the hsip stats. The goal is that a GM or player can pick the dimensions of his ship (length, beam, draft) and this will tell him the cargo capacity, speed, seaworthiness and (with the addition of tech levels) Hull Quality. To keep this simple, I'm using the easiest (and oldest) formula for tunnage I can find, namely LxBxD/100 (the caperntuer's rule or Baker's rule). I've set up the "baseline" ship with a Beam of 14 feet and a Draft of 7 feet. That way the tunnage will always equal the length. Assuming anybody else here is interested in ships, would you prefer to do the math yourself, or would you prefer to pick Length, Beam and Draft from a table and add up the three "stats" to get a tunnage?
  2. I see the same thing. Maybe something out of print might go for 10-25% more, but I've never seen anyone willing to shell out hundred or thousands of dollars for an old RPG book. Especially now that lots of older stuff is available in PDF from online stores at considerably better rates.
  3. I wonder. Yeah, we see stuff listed on eBay for those prices, but how much of that actually sells at that price? According to eBay, I could get thousands of dollars for my old RQ2 and RQ3 stuff but is someone really going to pay $85 for my used copy of RuneQuest Companion, or $120 for my Thieves World Boxed Set?
  4. Quite likely. But July 2016 was also the first update, so it could still be alive and kicking in the pipeline.
  5. Last I read, the creator of "Walking Dead" was adapting Amber to a TV series. Now we are talking Hollywood, and projects start, stop, and get lost in development hell, but maybe it's worth keeping an eye on in case it actually happens?
  6. The vampire wasn't the real baddie, though (although that changed on and off as the serious went on). Watch out for the witch! But if you look at the series seriously for a few moments (giggle), it actually has a lot of elements that would make for a wild RPG setting. Depending on what bits you want to use, you got everything from a spooky, but somewhat tame soap opera (nobody was sleeping around!) to a full blown CoC campaign, right down to non-human species and the New England coast. You could even go "Creature Feature" with in and have the PCs play monsters. It would probably be trash, but it would be entertaining trash. But from a marketing standpoint, I don't think anything's gonna top Streetwalker Nurses.
  7. Dark Shadows the Roleplaying Game? And yes, I'm never in the box.
  8. Careful, for $1500 someone might accept those terms!
  9. Does that mean there is some sort of "Bible" that tells them what they can and cannot alter? No hope for Amber then?
  10. FASA Star Trek is about the closest. It lasted 7 years, but probably could have lasted longer had FASA not exceeded it's license to include Next Gen. SB1-4 are the game game, with only some differences in Chargen and the demon creation rules. So it, and CoC were probably the most successful licenses. I suspect SB might not have lasted as long as it did had Moorcock been aware that it wasn't going to be a one shot. So I guess the lesson is stick with Public Domain stuff. I don't think you could come up with something that had the same feel without either stepping on copyright or not attracting the fans. Look at Lords of Gossamer and Shadow. It's not a bad RPG. It tried to capture the feel of Amber, and is essentially that same game system with some modifications. But it just isn't Amber. It's not the company's fault, they didn't have the rights for Amber. It's not the author's fault that he isn't Roger Zelazny. It's a good game and setting, but it's never really going to fix that craving for playing in Amber that fans have. And, of course, fans could still play the original.
  11. He did. He just had a big head start! It's the problem when your work becomes a defining example of the genre.
  12. For much the same reason people want a Stormbringer game-it's basically a generic dark fantasy setting with elements that can be found in all kinds of similar stories. Elric was, originally created as an anti-Conan. The bits related to the various individuals, groups and families are what make the setting.
  13. That sounds like a table from Elric!/BRP, where weapons didn't take damage the way the do in RQ.. Maybe they accidentally mixed that table with RQ?
  14. True, you really have to arch it for a long range shot. So maybe 8 seconds? That's one every five seconds. In RQ with 2 arrows a MR you could get to 10. That's probably a bit closer to battle conditions.
  15. Sounds like it. By RAW you divided you chance to hit by the number of targets. That was your chance to hit who you were aiming at. If you rolled higher than that, but under your skill, you hit a random target. And if you didn't care who you hit, you got a 5% bonus per body. So, if a band of baddies was headed your way, you could just shoot into the mass. And it is a situation where I could see a multimissle getting split, or not. LOL! I have nightmares about a a player who I ran though the Rainbow Mounds. He was adventuring with two other characters-both elves. Naturally the elves hung back and relied on their bows. During the course of the adventure they kept shooting into melee, and did the lion's share of the damage, and only once did one of their arrows strike the other player. It was a minor hit (2 points through armor) and the elf went up right after the battle and cast Heal 2 before the player even asked. Nevertheless he got upset about it and took a whack at the elf to chastise him, nearly killing him in the process. The other elf healed him, but things degenerated from there. When the angry PC fell into the water in the caves, one of the elves threw him a rope, both ends.
  16. Well a longbow arrow leave the bow at around 70m/second. So to get to maximum range in RQ would take 3-4 seconds, maybe 5 with deceleration. ? Can you really shoot two and a half arrows in 5 seconds? That's impressive.
  17. Atgxtg


    Thanks. We found something for the ship in question, but we are probably going to need another ship, so it all helps.
  18. Oh, stop looking at the breasts for a minute and check out the nasty with red eyes over on the right.
  19. It's just that, in RQ3, there is a rule that if you shoot into melee your shot hits a random combatant in the melee. of targets is random. So if you had an ally facing off against three Broo, then you'd roll 1D4 to see who got hit. This reflected that combatants are not standing still and someone could step into the flight path of the arrow. Under those circumstances, it's possible for stray shots to hit different targets on the D4, because they are all close together. It never happened in our games, mostly because of the risk of skewering an ally .
  20. Hey, I got that! I also have a half dozen other Swashbuckling related RPG books. IMO ICE's best books were their setting books. They proved very useful to me, although, usually for RPGs other than RoleMaster. Oddly enough. most of their setting books worked better for HERO than for RoleMaster. You mean the Fencing Style of martial arts in HERO's Martial Arts rules? They did integrate well with HERO, system they were built as standard combat maneuvers.
  21. Yes it is, considering how important footwork is. I watched something the other day that claimed the best dancers made the best swordsmen. Do both. A Basic and Advanced version. That way you can appeal to both kinds of fans. Oh, and you won't get pestered to see "the other" fencing system. Flashing Blades were similar to BRP, and it used a guess method. You would write down what move you thought the other guy was doing and got a bonus if you guessed right. Doing that with cards would be an improvement.
  22. Very interested, but more for 17th Century Paris, and your fencing rules than for Mythos/Horror game. But, on a Mythos bent, France has the Templars, the Cathars and the Huguenots, and in a Mythos setting, who knows what any of those groups were really up to, or if they were really wiped out or just went underground. Don't suppose you could drop a hint about the fencing rules?
  23. Give me a big enough POW storing crystal and a Heavy Crossbow and I got a room broom. 😁
  24. I think so. Or tie it to move. That would give you some variation, be closer to real world physics, and would prevent big creatures from always, going splat before you can do something about it. But that's just my opinion. No, I'm with you, but then I prefer the game mechanics to be ground in real world physics. I'd love to match up falling damage (1D6 per 10 feet) with collisionon damage (1D6 per 10mph) since it is the same force acting the same way, but that's not the way most people want to go. It doesn't sound right to me either, but it might be right for Glorantha. We don't know if real world physics apply, or if rock falls faster that wood. Remember, it's not even a planet. Me, I'd tie the distance to creatures move rate, but that's just me. That said, even falling at SIZ per round is pretty generous. In the real world a large object like a SIZ 70 dragon could fall up 700 meters in a 12 second round, so 70 is pretty generous.
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