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Julich1610 last won the day on April 5 2015

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  • RPG Biography
    Ars Magica
    Clockwork and Cthulhu
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    Clockwork and Cthulhu
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    Fascinated by Early Modern Europe
    Love to travel - Paris, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Austria, Denmark, Shanghai, Prague, Mexico, Sao Paolo

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    1. Show previous comments  70 more
    2. Julich1610


      Thanks and the same to you, Thorsten - though somewhat belated on the Christmas wishes!

      To my chagrin, it appears now The Köln Machinations will not be published until the end of January.  Things seem a bit bottle-necked at the moment; hopefully production issues will be resolved shortly.

      I have been getting more into the Savage Worlds of Solomon Kane.  Really like the Savage Worlds game system, particularly the support of Hero Labs and Fantasy Grounds.  Have you ever run a game using Fantasy Grounds?  I am purchasing an Alienware Aurora to better host games; was due for a new computer anyway.  Since time and space are not issues online, perhaps even you and I might play a game together some day.  

      I have an opportunity with Pinnacle Entertainment Group to work up a Solomon Kane Explorer adventure which will be based on the Lost Colony of Roanoke. They like the idea.  It will be set in the year 1610, at the beginning of the Path of Kane.   It will be rather short piece, but a start.  I am hoping when they see my approach - uncanny explanations involving actual historical events - they will want more.  History is much deeper and more interesting than fantasy if you can use the facts properly, without a boring, insipid compulsion to tell the truth with them!

      On Fantasy Grounds, I have started a Weird Wars: Rome campaign using Nox Germanica which deals with the Limes in the Rhine Valley.  Right up our alley so to speak.  I am thinking I may work out a Roman background to Early Modern events in The Mad Duke's Tomb, sort of presenting results of my gaming in that environment as the relics of the past the Emissaries discover.  Right now, I am just trying to learn how to play Savage Worlds in Fantasy Grounds.

      All of this while waiting for C&W to get their act together.

      Best to you, Thorsten,  and Bemi in the New Year!

      Jeff & Sheri 


    3. General Kong
    4. Julich1610


      Hey, Thorsten - sorry not to have written back sooner.  My mother-in-law passed away in early February and then my last surviving step-mother at the end of the month.  Though the weather has been relatively mild, it has been a bleak winter, all told.

      From a gaming perspective, C&W continues to work on TKM (The Koln Machinations) at a snail's pace.  I hope it sees the light of day sometime soon, but there seems to be little I can do to move it along other than ask about it.

      I was working the Roanoke adventure with Pinnacle, but I didn't like working with the editor assigned to the project; his approach was rather aggravatingly commercial, you know?  It's not like I am in this for the money.  I already have a day job that pays better, thank you very much!  Like, "I need this by the beginning of February" and "can you change what you've already written because another writer working for us had a similar idea."  So, I dropped working with Pinnacle.

      From an SK perspective, I am planning to meet my old gaming group in Jamestown this June to play a scenario I am devising that uses the rather fascinating history of that time period, basically a treasure hunt in the Tidewater for the hidden accursed Aztec gold (you know how I am about Mesoamerica!) taken from a pirated Spanish ship in 1585. 

      So, how's your mother doing, how's your Solomon Kane campaign progressing?  I would commend the paintings of John White, the governor of the lost colony, to your gaming imagination also.  I am working on Jamestown, but with June a few months hence, lingering over the written accounts of the colony.


      Take care, Thorsten!



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