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Julich1610 last won the day on April 5 2015

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  • RPG Biography
    Ars Magica
    Clockwork and Cthulhu
  • Current games
    Clockwork and Cthulhu
  • Blurb
    Fascinated by Early Modern Europe
    Love to travel - Paris, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Austria, Denmark, Shanghai, Prague, Mexico, Sao Paolo

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    1. Show previous comments  67 more
    2. Julich1610


      Yes, the game is coming to your doorstep and I think we might find some way to leverage your tales and stories of the supernatural among the many superstitions of the peasantry inhabiting the uplands, even if the adventure never makes its way quite to Hattingen.  Of course, we could work your hometown into the plot if you can see a way to get the Emissaries from Prague there on their way from Koln to Dusseldorf.  But a plot must start at the beginning, ja?  That's where I am at right now, the beginning.

      The next episode begins with the Emissaries "on the lam" , escaping the authorities, ironically held responsible for the disappearance or death of the boy in the wanted poster your better half drew for us.  Have you seen the old movie The Third Man?  This is what comes to mind, the extraordinary performance of Orson Welles as a criminal fleeing the police in the streets of post-war Vienna.  Thoughts?  I am wondering what a broadsheet might have looked like when criminals were wanted?


    3. General Kong

      General Kong

      Well, Hattingen is definately NOT a point you could wind up if you go from Köln to Düsseldorf, if there is not a major re-route because ... well: shape-changing cat-witches and balck scythe-wilding giants team up with headless men and treasure-hiding dwarves to block the way ;-)

      But I was honestly more thinking of a side-show adventure. The witch was said to prowl around an old, deserted mill that was a stop to stay the night for wanderers caught by early nightfall. Her undoing was when she met an apprentice who could of her pawn with a knife - and it turned into a hand. Later he came to a house where he was told that the lady of the house lay ill with a fever - surprise: She was ill because she lost her hand.

      Granted, it's a "classic" - what is new is that the witch turned into a giant cat and not a wolf or somesuch critter.

      But like I said, just an idea that sprung up. On the other hand I also think that it is better to stay focussed with the plot. A random encounter is nice and well, so that the heroes know that not all and the world revolves around them and their adventure, but if the encounter turns into an adventure in itself the plot can be lost. And we don't want that!


    4. General Kong

      General Kong

      Hi Jeff,

      Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2018 für you and your family - or auf Deutsch:

      Fröhliche Weihnachten  und einen guten Rutsch (a good passage) ins neue Jahr 2018!

      All the best!


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