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  1. Rod asked me to make some reference sheets for Classic Fantasy, so I've begun: Character Generation As I get more done I'll post them. As with the generic ones you can also check here to see whatever stuff I make.
  2. Rod asked me to make some reference sheets for Classic Fantasy, so I've begun: Character Generation As I get more done I'll post them. You can also check here to see whatever stuff I make.
  3. Oops. Should be OK now. EDIT: Also, I am currently doing some Classic Fantasy work for threedeesix, so it will be a bit before I get going on refining and adding to my reference sheets.
  4. Sorry, I updated the first post – As requested I whipped up a page and the sheets are now here: BRP Materials Refer to this page in the future.
  5. I'll make a proper page for it if I get a chance tonight. I'm still working on these... as i said, I will eventually make up some portrait pages/combinations, add optional rules, etc.
  6. OK, I'm a bit further. Next when I get the chance I'll see if I can do different orientations and start adding optional stuff (although the reason I like BRP is it's simple... why add add all that stuff?! ) You can always print the reference bits you want as "fit width", cut them out, and photocopy together portrait pages. I've also done some character sheets, nothing special, but more to my liking. http://members.cox.net/judas66/Ref_Attacks.pdf http://members.cox.net/judas66/Ref_CharGen.pdf http://members.cox.net/judas66/Ref_Combat.pdf http://members.cox.net/judas66/Ref_Fumbles.pdf http://members.cox.net/judas66/Ref_Magic.pdf http://members.cox.net/judas66/Ref_MajorWounds.pdf http://members.cox.net/judas66/Ref_Psychic.pdf http://members.cox.net/judas66/Ref_Resistance.pdf http://members.cox.net/judas66/Ref_Sorcery.pdf http://members.cox.net/judas66/Ref_Specials.pdf http://members.cox.net/judas66/CharSheet_Front.pdf http://members.cox.net/judas66/CharSheet_Back_Sorcery.pdf http://members.cox.net/judas66/CharSheet_Back_Magic.pdf http://members.cox.net/judas66/CharSheet_Back_Mutation.pdf http://members.cox.net/judas66/CharSheet_Back_Psychic.pdf http://members.cox.net/judas66/Rule_Checklist.pdf
  7. I'll see about it hopefully soon, maybe starting next week. I actually have a plan to make a comprehensive, clean, reorganized set of pages (similar to the ones above) for BRP reference. BRP is great, but the tables and reference materials tend to be terribly unclear with poor readability and comprehensibility. It makes the system seem more complicated than it actually is (and a bit intimidating to newbies) and I'm trying to come up with a simple package I can hand to a new player and say "Here, this is it. Anything else ask me in play." This is a long term project though, so forgive me if I slowly come out with this stuff over the next weeks/months. It may not even be possible, as so much of the rules (like the Spot Rules) are nuanced longform text... I will need to condense/simplify stuff which is easy to mess up.
  8. I plan on doing some more as I continue to build up my GM resources. As I get stuff done I'll post it. Thanks!
  9. I was wondering if folks could check out my reference sheets, and make sure I haven't messed anything up. If there are no errors people are welcome to use them, and if errors are found I'll address them. Thanks! EDIT: As requested I whipped up a page and the sheets are now here: http://members.cox.net/judas66/brp.html Refer to this page in the future.
  10. It isn't about the actual weapon tables, but in the Spot Rules for firearms the rule about keeping an empty chamber under the hammer hasn't been true for years. Modern revolvers use a transfer bar system. I suppose the rule is there because it would apply to a 1920s CoC game, but you migth want to mention that.
  11. In my PDF the descenders in all of the subtitles are chopped off. For example, a lowercare "p" does not show the bottom of the verticle line. Is everyone else seeing this?
  12. Outstanding cover, lovely news! Jason, your name will be praised as long as I draw breath!
  13. Judas

    BRP PDF?

    Chaosium could make more dough from a guy like me who would likely buy the hardcopy and the PDF. Hell, I bought two copies of Stormbringer 5, then cut one up and scanned it so I could have both a book and file.
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