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    I have been gaming since 1976 and still love it -- name a system released in America and I probably have at least a glancing acquaintance with it.
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    Ars Magica, FATE Core, NWoD/Changeling
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  1. I think back to Alice Through The Looking-Glass. "The name of the song is called ‘Haddocks’ Eyes.’” “Oh, that’s the name of the song, is it?” Alice said, trying to feel interested. “No, you don’t understand,” the Knight said, looking a little vexed. “That’s what the name is called. The name really is ‘The Aged Aged Man.’” “Then I ought to have said ‘That’s what the song is called’?” Alice corrected herself. “No, you oughtn’t: that’s quite another thing! The song is called ‘Ways and Means’: but that’s only what it’s called, you know!” “Well, what is the song, then?” said Alice, who was by this time completely bewildered. “I was coming to that,” the Knight said. “The song really is ‘A-sitting On A Gate’" I also think back to my old professor of Classical Greek History who was very fond on minor shrines to the gods. He found one on a mountain switchback that was dedicated to Zeus, He of the Skies, He Who Drives Away Flies. Those latter two appelattives could be construed as titles, but just as easily they could be seen as separate names.
  2. This was something that really caught my eye while reading Vol 1 of the Guide to Glorantha. One p. 322 under "Culture": The lower classes include a middle class of townsmen and a class of Lodrili farmer peoples who are indentured serfs. Now at first I took this for a typo, but then it made me think of a fascinating cultural quirk of the land. I took my degree in Medieval History, so "serf" has a specific meaning in my brain -- an unfree individual, more or less bound to the land. But also, as a citizen of the United States with a fascination with history, I found that the first member of my family tree who came to this continent did so as an servant to a cobbler, with a sentence of 14 years of indentured servitude. So now I am envisioning the peoples of Carmania have a system of serfdom that expires, one where you must work the land (or some other task) until a certain age, at which time you "graduate" out of serfdom and become a free individual. Younger folk have little to no freedom; elders have greater freedoms. I know this might be an odd take, but I wonder how any of you other readers either dealt with this line or else found other passages that caught your eye as equally quirky.
  3. (and I am just going to say I am happy to see someone remember good ol' Indlas...)
  4. I have been looking over the various lists of followers of cults in different locales and while I see many worshipers of the Seven Mothers, I do not remember seeing a listing for those who actually directly worship Sedanya/the Red Moon herself. I wonder if she isn't seen as too great, too lofty, too involved in the Empire as a whole and, therefore, more or less inaccessible to humble petitioners, that the way to get her attention is through the Seven Mothers or other such related cults? This does bring to mind some Real World parallels, but I would be interested in how other view this situation.
  5. Hello fellow travelers, I ran across a reference to the Lunar Empire placing the Crimson Chains on the herdbeasts of Prax, but I can't find much of anything beyond this passing reference. Any guidance as to what this act is?
  6. A discussion began in my game as to the difference between the Fate and Luck Runes. One player sees Fate as "being in the right place at the right time", while another takes it to be "fatalistic", while assuming that "right place, right time" rightfully belongs to Luck. I know few characters are supposed to take either of these Runes, but how do you interpret the difference between the two of them?
  7. I have a feeling that a collection of these questionnaires would sell decently for the line. Hmm, maybe a pdf...
  8. I love the Clan Questionnaire for HQG, but I was wondering if anyone had come up with such a document for other cultures? I mean, it is excellent for Sartar and could certainly be easily extrapolated to Heortland and Tarsh, but what of Esrolia, Prax, or Balazar? Has any of you fine folks seen such equivalents?
  9. Many thanks! I shall make sure all of my players have a link to this page. :-)
  10. Greetings all, while I am a long time gamer, this is my first post in this forum and any answers, positive or negative, are welcome. :-) I have a new gaming group, 3 long time gamers who have never played HeroQuest or had anything to do with Glorantha, and the fourth is an absolute neophyte to gaming. Is there anywhere I could point them on line for the basics of the HeroQuest rules, srd, something along that line? We currently only have one copy of the rules. I am NOT looking for a pirated copy of HQ2, only a couple of pages with the basic mechanics. Much obliged!
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