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Everything posted by MOB

  1. Yes it is. Deliberately so. As the post says, "Here is what some reviewers are saying about the game". There are other reviewers out there that have given less favourable or even negative reviews, as is their right to do so. They are not getting aggregated and shared here though.
  2. Here is what some reviewers are saying about the game, which is the official video game version of Chaosium's classic tabletop RPG. "An intensely Lovecraftian experience, pregnant with atmospheric dread"—iHorror. "Its mystery comes across as a carefully crafted concoction of the most noxious and odious elements of several stories, and nails the tone of a slow descent into madness… a compelling, unnverving take on Lovecraft mythos"—The Daily Dot. "Call of Cthulhu is a slow burn horror/detective RPG. There isn’t a horde of monsters or jumpscares interrupting the gameplay every couple minutes. No, instead it relies on atmosphere and intrigue to form a compelling narrative that had me mesmerized like the call of a particular cosmic horror… a thrilling experience from start to end."—Gaming Trend. "One of the finest cosmic horror experiences in modern gaming. A mind-shattering good time. 8.6/10."—IGN. "Frequently unsettling, occasionally horrifying and always engaging."—Gamespew. "An essential experience for fans of Lovecraftian horror."—2 minute video review by Gameumentary (YouTube). "Full of tense thriller moments and exciting sequences truly heightened by the excellent voice acting and storytelling which any fan of the Cthulhu mythos would love to be a part of. It is safe to say we finally have a really good Cthulhu based game after a good while and I cannot wait to see what Cyanide does next. 8.5/10."—Push Start Play. "…a truly mesmerizing adaption of H.P. Lovecraft’s cosmic horror tales and it does incredibly well to create the exact unique, eerie and foreboding atmosphere that those tales are so famous for."—Impulse Gamer. "Call of Cthulhu: finally Lovecraft done right."—video review by digitallydownloaded.net (YouTube). "Call of Cthulhu is such a dark game that if you turned off the lights while playing it, you might get sucked into the void. 80%."—Gamer’s Temple. "An intriguing descent into madness destined to become a cult hit."—The Game Fanatics. "The story is incredibly engaging. From the moment it started, whether it was the story or the graphics, I was completely hooked until the very end… even if you aren’t versed in the ways of H.P. Lovecraft, the Call of Cthulhu will definitely catch you and you will be powerless against it. "—1428elm.com. "Turn down the lights, pour yourself a measure of laudanum, and settle in for a solid tale of intrigue and insanity well-rooted in Lovecraft’s lore."—Jump Dash Roll. "Call of Cthulhu blew my expectations out of the water… What I’m trying to say is I’m impressed, which doesn’t happen that often."—The Mentalic. Gooses bumped. 8/10."—Indian Noob. "A must-play terror: Call of Cthulhu is easily one of the best horror games of recent years. 4.5/5" – Screenrant.
  3. As we announced in August, Chaosium is working with our friends Nocturnal Media in the release and distribution of Greg Stafford's King Arthur Pendragon and related products. Today, we officially announce their initial release on Chaosium.com.The following products are now available in hardback and PDF: KING ARTHUR PENDRAGON, PRINCE VALIANT. PALADIN is also available in PDF, hardback in early 2019. As with all Chaosium new releases, buy the PDF now, and you will receive a coupon for the full price of the PDF off the physical version when released. We are also offering CLASSIC PENDRAGON, the full array titles from KAP 1-4 editions in PDF. More details: https://www.chaosium.com/blogpendragon-and-related-products-now-available-on-chaosiumcom
  4. We think Masks is going to be very popular, but I seriously doubt it will sell out before you get home from work!
  5. An obituary in Helsingin Sanomat, Finland's largest newspaper, by the president of the Kalikos Society. Appeared on line and in print: https://www.hs.fi/muistot/art-2000005886533.html (Google Translate) "Rolebreaker Greg Stafford died on October 10, 2018 at his home in Arcata, California, aged 70. He was born in Connecticut at Waterbury on February 9, 1948. In her teens, Stafford was immersed in reading mythologies from different peoples. When no new readership was found in the libraries. he decided to start writing his own mythology. Thus, in 1966, Glorantha originated. While studying freezing, Stafford ended up in an apprenticeship and took part in the hippie movement. At the beginning of the 1970s, Stafford wrote stories about the fan club with varying success. After the tying rejection letter, he got the idea of the story of his story: Instead of texting, Stafford would make a board game that would allow players to tell their stories. The roulette games had not yet been invented. However, there was no publisher found on the game. Encouraged by Tarot lectures, Stafford collected the money for a handheld printing press to sell the game itself. In addition to the game White Bear and Red Moon (1975), the game company Chaosium was born. Later, when he encountered Role Playing, Stafford knew he had found the form of collective storytelling he sought and published RuneQuest (1978) in Glorantha, together with Steven Perrin. An innovative game showed that role play does not have to be a copy of D & D. In RuneQuest and Glorantha, characters define their relationship with the surrounding world and its myths. Glorantha is different from other worlds, even as it is not a replica of the Middle East created by Tolkien. There is a simple explanation for this: Stafford began writing Glorantha before he was aware of Tolkien's works. In addition, Stafford absorbed the inspiration of numerous non-Western sources. 1988 RuneQuest inspired generational Finnish role players. It can be said that there is no role player in Finland to which Stafford would have no direct or indirect influence. The creation was one of Stafford's, and Glorantha inspired other game designers. RuneQuest was followed by HeroQuest (2003), Robin Laws (2003), Jonathan Tweetin and Rob Heinso, 13th Age Glorantha (2018), and David Dunham's computer game King of Dragon Pass (1999). In addition, Stafford wrote about mythology, shamanism and King Arthur, and the latter also a role playing game Pendragon (1985). Stafford's works show strong shamanism, which he studied and practiced until his death. According to Stafford, roleplaying is proportional to the sham-mouthedness: the visitor enters another world beyond reality, and returns with a positive change in his daily life. In 2018, a new version of RuneQuest was released. Stafford was at work but no longer as a writer. Stafford said that the youthful dream of his dedicated writer working with his creation has come true. Juho Korolainen The author is Kalikos, President of the Finnish Glorantha Society."
  6. Missed the Kickstarter? MISKATONIC UNIVERSITY: THE RESTRICTED COLLECTION board game is now available to preorder on Backerkit:https://miskatonic-university.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders
  7. Masks is now in two of our three warehouses (Australia, USA). The final shipment is still in transit to the UK. Once the stock is confirmed there we will put Masks on sale at Chaosium.com. Just prior to that we will email out the coupons to everyone who purchased a PDF direct from Chaosium.com.
  8. For the many, many gamers around the world who would love to attend Greg Stafford's memorial in Berkeley on November 10 but can't, or would like to commemorate and honor Greg's life and achievements, here's a way you can: Next week, play one of Greg's games, or a game he influenced (that scope is wide). Or play any game - as Greg said in his last public speech at the 2018 ENnies, the gaming industry only exists because of your enthusiasm and support. We at Chaosium recognize that countless RPG fans are fans (including us!) because of Greg Stafford and what he achieved. Feel free to share an image of your game on social media or at BRP Central, with the hashtag #WeAreAllUs. Show the "Greg Rune" (aka the Sartar Rune) in your post - copy and print the image here, or from Redbubble (all "Greg Rune" merchandise is currently available at cost, with no artist margin). As one of the greatest game designers of all time; winner of too many awards to count; and a friend, mentor, guide, and inspiration to generations of gamers, Greg Stafford influenced the universe of tabletop gaming beyond measure. What better way to honor his legacy than getting your friends together and playing a game in remembrance of him! https://www.chaosium.com/blogplay-a-game-and-honor-greg-stafford-next-weekend
  9. For the many, many gamers around the world who would love to attend Greg Stafford's memorial in Berkeley on November 10 but can't, or would like to commemorate and honor Greg's life and achievements, here's a way you can: Next week, play one of Greg's games, or a game he influenced (that scope is wide). Or play any game - as Greg said in his last public speech at the 2018 ENnies, the gaming industry only exists because of your enthusiasm and support. We at Chaosium recognize that countless RPG fans are fans (including us!) because of Greg Stafford and what he achieved. Feel free to share an image of your game on social media or at BRP Central, with the hashtag #WeAreAllUs. Show the "Greg Rune" (aka the Sartar Rune) in your post - copy and print the image here, or from Redbubble (all "Greg Rune" merchandise is currently available at cost, with no artist margin). As one of the greatest game designers of all time; winner of too many awards to count; and a friend, mentor, guide, and inspiration to generations of gamers, Greg Stafford influenced the universe of tabletop gaming beyond measure. What better way to honor his legacy than getting your friends together and playing a game in remembrance of him! https://www.chaosium.com/blogplay-a-game-and-honor-greg-stafford-next-weekend
  10. Here is a link: https://www.facebook.com/events/180675336144464
  11. Next weekend on November 10th, Greg Stafford's family is holding a memorial celebration of his life in Berkeley CA. For the many, many gamers around the world who would love to attend but can't, or would like to commemorate and honor Greg's life and achievements, here's a way you can: Next week, play one of Greg's games, or a game he influenced (that scope is **wide**). Or play any game - as Greg said in his last public speech at the 2018 ENnies, the gaming industry only exists because of the enthusiasm and support of the fans. We at Chaosium recognize that countless RPG fans are fans (including us!) because of Greg Stafford and what he achieved. Feel free to share an image of your game on social media or at here BRP Central, with the hashtag #WeAreAllUs. Show the "Greg Rune" (aka the Sartar Rune) in your post - copy and print the image here, or from Redbubble (all the Greg Rune images are currently available at cost, with no artist margin). As one of the greatest game designers of all time; winner of too many awards to count; and a friend, mentor, guide, and inspiration to generations of gamers, Greg Stafford influenced the universe of tabletop gaming beyond measure. What better way to honor his legacy than getting your friends together and playing a game in remembrance of him!
  12. "Graduate programs at any university are a grind, a perpetually uphill marathon that exhaust even the most brilliant scholar. At Miskatonic University, the perils facing the unsuspecting grad students include far darker, stranger things than cutthroat departmental politics and shrinking financial aid, as Simcha discovers when she takes up a predatory professor's offer of access to an unpublished Sherlock Holmes tale penned by the consulting detective's creator, Arthur Conan Doyle." That's the blurb for Molly Tanzer's 'The Deductive Method', the special Miskatonic University short fiction we commissioned specially for our MU board game Kickstarter. Backers will receive the tale in digital format next month, and it will be a Kickstarter exclusive until mid-2019. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/448333182/miskatonic-university-the-restricted-collection-bo/posts/2330668 Here's Victor Leza's cover for the story:
  13. Two Call of Cthulhu scenarios by Sandy Petersen himself are now available on Fantasy Grounds, the virtual tabletop: the classic adventure 'The Haunting' (as featured in the Call of Cthulhu 7th Ed Quickstart Rules) and Free RPG Day 2016's 'The Derelict'. Each is only 99c!The Haunting: http://bit.ly/2yFdqd2The Derelict: http://bit.ly/2zeWFVy
  14. CALL OF CTHULHU the video game is out now on PS4, Xbox One and PC! Get it now: http://callofcthulhu-game.com/shop
  15. This is the beautiful obituary for Greg Stafford, "game designer, mythologist, shaman, father, grandfather, husband, brother, and friend", from his family. It concludes on a wonderful note: "To honor Greg’s memory the family requests, in lieu of flowers, that you strike up a conversation with someone you don’t know, go somewhere you haven’t been, face a personal challenge head on, read about something new, and enjoy life. We are all us." https://lostcoastoutpost.com/2018/oct/29/obituary-francis-gregory-stafford-1948-2018
  16. The ETHERNOMICON Panel today at #PAXAus this afternoon. We delved into the arcane secrets of crypto-asset gaming with a surprisingly large audience that was both curious and enthusiastic. I was joined by the brilliant team of MU students* and their mentors. *fortunately, that's Monash University, not Miskatonic University... Subscribe to the ETHERNOMICON mailing list and we'll keep you updated about the project. You'll also hear first about the pre-sale launch date. Sign up here (only details needed is an email address): https://chaosium.us8.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=c3792dc30db9982558880998c&id=2651790cb4
  17. EN World is doing a poll for Halloween. CALL OF CTHULHU of course, but we love that Greg Stafford, Sandy Petersen & Lynn Willis's GHOSTBUSTERS is on the list too... Vote here: http://www.enworld.org/forum/content.php?5740-Poll-Vote-For-The-Top-10-Horror-RPGs!
  18. Selkana's Saga Part 7: "Like all good stories, at its heart, Selkana’s Saga is about people finding their place in the world."https://www.chaosium.com/blogselkanas-saga-7-the-problem-with-kitha
  19. Here a sequel of sorts and homage to Greg Stafford's classic RuneQuest adventure Gringle's Pawnshop, done as a one-shot adventure for 13th Age Glorantha by Burn After Running: https://burnafterrunningrpg.com/2018/10/16/gringles-pawnshop-a-13th-age-glorantha-one-shot-adventure
  20. Our friends at HPLHS have just cranked their amazing prop work up to 11... 'Super Deluxe Prop Set' for Masks of Nyarlathotep: https://store.hplhs.org/products/masks-of-nyarlathotep-limited-edition-super-deluxe-dart-set
  21. This week our printers couriered us the finished boxed prototype for final approval. We approve - it's AWESOME!
  22. To celebrate the release of Call of Cthulhu the Video Game our friends Good Games Australia are holding a Call of Cthulhu Game Day at PAX Aus. Win a copy of the new computer game, and additional prizes from @Chaosium_Inc!
  23. We recently received the finished final prototype of our MISKATONIC UNIVERSITY: THE RESTRICTED COLLECTION board game from our printers, for our final approval. And wow it's come up well! More pics at the Kickstarter update: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/448333182/miskatonic-university-the-restricted-collection-bo/posts/2318887
  24. RPGNet says: "Greg Stafford's supreme creation brought fully up to date with the presentation it deserves and tremendous added depth. A fitting memorial. STYLE - 5/5: Chaosium is producing some of the best-looking books in gaming right now, and RuneQuest Glorantha is not only probably the best of the best, but also both a superb representation of its setting and a fitting tribute to it. SUBSTANCE - 5/5: Can it go higher than 5?"
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