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Everything posted by MOB

  1. This recent interview with Rick Meints and Jeff Richard talks about the RuneQuest Classic Kickstarter and discusses the influence of RQ2, both in the history of the development of RPG design, and the new Chaosium edition of RQ in the works: http://basicroleplaying.org/topic/4225-interview-with-rick-and-jeff/?do=findComment&comment=65341
  2. Here's an interview Rick and Jeff recently did with Shannon McNamara, talking about RuneQuest old & new, Chaosium, and Glorantha. Lots of interesting stuff about the new edition in the works... http://storytellersjem.blogspot.de/2015/12/another-interview-with-chaosium.html
  3. Check out issue #3 of the Arkham Gazette from our colleagues at Sentinel Hill Press! The focus of this issue is witches and witchcraft in Lovecraft Country. Articles by great writers *and* a 40 page scenario! https://sentinelhillpress.wordpress.com/2015/11/16/issue-3-now-available
  4. Here's another excerpt from Steve Perrin's 4,500 word essay "Creating RuneQuest, Through Glorantha with Sword and Crystal": https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/224590870/runequest-classic-edition/posts/1449046
  5. Here's another excerpt from Steve Perrin's 4,500 word essay "Creating RuneQuest, Through Glorantha with Sword and Crystal": https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/224590870/runequest-classic-edition/posts/1449046
  6. Another stretch goal unlocked, 44 hours to go.. .
  7. Another stretch goal unlocked, 44 hours to go...
  8. And we've just added an all-PDF "Shaman" backer level, for those who eschew the material world: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/224590870/runequest-classic-edition/posts/1448835
  9. And we've just added an all-PDF "Shaman" backer level, for those who eschew the material world: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/224590870/runequest-classic-edition/posts/1448835
  10. Traveller also introduced the interesting concept that absolutely every player character was a retiree or pensioner!
  11. 70 Hours to go ! A new top tier has just been added "Temple Founder", and the "Unpublished Scenarios and Source Material" set - is now *three* hardcover books not two: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/224590870/runequest-classic-edition/updates
  12. 70 Hours to go ! A new top tier has just been added "Temple Founder", and the "Unpublished Scenarios and Source Material" set - is now *three* hardcover books not two: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/224590870/runequest-classic-edition/updates
  13. New ToMA episode, in which we talk some more about the items on offer in the KS, and the importance of RQ in the development of RPGs: http://www.glorantha.com/tales-of-mythic-adventure-episode-17-a-foundational-document-for-rpgs
  14. RuneQuest is one of two foundational documents for pretty much every fantasy RPG. AD&D and RQ2. There are level-based games and skill-based games, the X and the Y axis of game design, if you will. From the interplay between those two sets of rules you get just about every game, which generally fall into two camps: d20 (D&D and its many successors) and d100 (RQ, the many variants of Chaosium's Basic Roleplaying system, and beyond). When it first appeared on the scene in 1978 RuneQuest was quickly recognized as revolutionary. Using a skill-based percentile dice system, it cast aside many of the approaches most other games took: no character classes, no experience points, no levels, and far fewer restrictions on how weapons, armor, and spells could be used. As Steve Perrin says in his essay about the original development of the game, "characters could do anything". Distinctively, RuneQuest also had a rich, internally-consistent and stunningly original fantasy setting built right into the rules, Greg Stafford's mythic world of Glorantha. RuneQuest directly influenced (or was even the progenitor) of many other games, including Call of Cthulhu, 3rd Edition D&D, GURPS, World of Darkness, the Morrowwind and King of Dragon Pass computer games, Pendragon, Ars Magic, and many more. Jeff and I talk about this and more in the this week's episode of the Tales of Mythic Adventure podcast: http://www.glorantha.com/tales-of-mythic-adventure-episode-17-a-foundational-document-for-rpgs
  15. ... Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition comes to DriveThruRPG
  16. Final FOUR Days... just hit the 145K mark, so Griffin Mountain is the latest stretch goal achieved (this is the RQ2 Griffin Mountain set in the Gloranthan Elder Wilds, not RQ3's Gateway version Griffin Island, BTW)
  17. Final FOUR Days... just hit the 145K mark, so "Griffin Mountain" is the latest stretch goal achieved! Can we now get to "Pavis: Threshold to Danger"?
  18. New ADD ON for the RuneQuest Classic Kickstarter... Getting back to where it all started: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/224590870/runequest-classic-edition/posts/1445477
  19. New ADD ON for the RuneQuest Classic Kickstarter... Getting back to where it all started: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/224590870/runequest-classic-edition/posts/1445477
  20. 130K - SoloQuest Collection is unlocked! Next stretch goal - the legendary and eagerly anticipated Griffin Mountain, one of the greatest sandbox campaigns ever published, by Chaosium or anyone else...6 days to go... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/224590870/runequest-classic-edition
  21. 130K - SoloQuest Collection is unlocked (btw, Gateway players, none of the three SoloQuests are particularly Gloranthan)! Next stretch goal - the legendary and eagerly anticipated Griffin Mountain, one of the greatest sandbox campaigns ever published, by Chaosium or anyone else...6 days to go... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/224590870/runequest-classic-edition
  22. The latest KS update from Rick features an excerpt from Steve Perrin's 4,500 word introduction to the RuneQuest Playtest Manuscript, and a "spot the goofs" scan of the RQ1 back cover (in his account Steve talks about the frantic rush to get it ready for Origins 1978 in the days before personal computers): https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/224590870/runequest-classic-edition/posts/1442570
  23. 9 days to go and we've now kicked over the 120K mark and 1400 backers, on the way to the next stretch goal - the SoloQuest Compendium, at 130K! Please note, the "Old School RQ Source Pack" (consisting of the earliest RQ1/RQ2 supplements published: Militia & Mercenaries, Scorpionmen & Broos, Trolls & Trollkin, Balastor's Barracks plus Greg Stafford's unpublished scenario The Sea Cave) now has a PDF-only option.
  24. We also talk a bit about this scenario (and the other special unpublished items in the Kickstarter) in the most recent episode of Tales of Mythic Adventure: http://www.glorantha.com/tales-of-mythic-adventure-episode-16-treasure-from-the-vaults BTW, there is now a PDF-only option for this, as part of the "Old School RQ Source Pack".
  25. New Tales of Mythic Adventure podcast, in which Rick, Jeff and I talk about the various special items on offer in the RQ Classic Kickstarter, more details here: http://basicroleplaying.org/topic/4166-rq-classic-kickstarter-update/?do=findComment&comment=65043
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