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Everything posted by MOB

  1. Note, HIGH PRIESTS and RUNE PRIEST-LORDS also receive all achieved Stretch Goal related PDFs for free.
  2. We'll do our best to address queries here and elsewhere including G+, but the go-to place to get answers is on the RQ Classic Kickstarter page itself. As you would imagine, the KS page is being monitored closely. (Note, you'll have to initially pledge at least one dollar at the "Member of the Tribe" level to be able to post questions, though you can upgrade your pledge level at any time during the KS).
  3. And we're live! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/224590870/runequest-classic-edition
  4. MOB

    RQ 2 Returns!

    And we're live! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/224590870/runequest-classic-edition
  5. A quick sneak peek at a special item being offered in the RuneQuest Classic Kickstarter, just before it's launched... the Runequest Playtest Manuscript.
  6. A quick sneak peek at a special item being offered in the RuneQuest Classic Kickstarter, just before it's launched... the Runequest Playtest Manuscript. This is a 250+ page hardcover book created from high resolution scans of the original playtest manuscript. This manuscript is the only known set of playtest notes in existence, which have been lovingly kept in a binder for the last 40 years. This playtest material was used to create the first edition of RuneQuest. The Kickstarter reproduction also features newly written introductory essays by Steve Perrin and Greg Stafford. It's going to be available at the Rune Lord-Priest and High Priest backer levels. Here's a couple of pics of the original:
  7. MOB

    RQ 2 Returns!

    The only backer level with a limit is the top one - high priest. Everyone can be a rune lord, rune priest, etc.
  8. Start time for the RuneQuest Classic Edition Kickstarter is tomorrow (Friday) at 7am EST! 12 Noon GMT
  9. MOB

    RQ 2 Returns!

    Start time for the RuneQuest Classic Edition Kickstarter is tomorrow (Friday) at 7am EST! 12 Noon GMT
  10. Yes! http://basicroleplaying.org/topic/4150-rq-2-returns/?do=findComment&comment=64201
  11. RQ2 is the second RPG I ever played - strangely enough, me and my junior high gaming buddies got our hands on a little supplement called "Apple Lane" long before we saw the RuneQuest rules, and working out RQ from first principles was pretty tough, particularly as we were teenagers still rooted in the DnD paradigm (just what armour class is Gringle? is Quackjohn chaotic evil? why are there no Gelatinous Cubes in this game?). What also excited us was what we saw of Greg Stafford's game world, Glorantha. There wasn't all that much to go on in Apple Lane, but plenty of tantalising hints and glimpses. Then we got our hands on this wonderful set of rules - RuneQuest 2; luckily for us, right when the golden age of RQ2 had just begun! And now there's a chance to bring pretty much all of this material back into print (wait til you see the stretch goals) - that's pretty exciting!
  12. MOB

    RQ 2 Returns!

    Also getting the word out there on Twitter!: https://twitter.com/Chaosium_Inc/status/669674694547603456
  13. MOB

    RQ 2 Returns!

    Pledge levels are "In the tribe", "Lay member", "Initiate", "Rune Lord", "Rune Priest", "Rune Lord-Priest" and "High Priest". As to what is offered at each level, you'll have to wait until Friday...
  14. As I've just posted over on the Glorantha forum, the Kickstarter launch is this Friday (11/27) - Moon Design is bringing the iconic RuneQuest 2nd edition rulebook back into print, kicking off the celebrations for the 50th Anniversary of Glorantha in 2016!
  15. MOB

    RQ 2 Returns!

    I think a lot of people will be excited to hear that the Kickstarter launch is this Friday (11/27) - Moon Design is bringing the iconic RuneQuest 2nd edition rulebook back into print, kicking off the celebrations for the 50th Anniversary of Glorantha in 2016!
  16. MOB


    Maybe it's just the dragon reproductive strategy? Could be like that of sea turtles or other creatures that produce lots and lots of offspring but with only a few surviving all the way to adulthood... Going with Sandy's notion that dragonewts are in fact just manifestations of the eggs' dreams, it's the clutches of eggs in Dragon Pass that the True Dragons care about, not individual dragonewts per se.
  17. This is nice: http://basicroleplaying.org/topic/4125-coc7th-edition-printing-has-commenced/?do=findComment&comment=63782
  18. Such a thing happens at the Sun Dome Temple in Prax at Sacred Time during the Great Winter (aka the Wind Stop). The customary rituals to renew the world utterly fail, the aged high priest collapses at the High Altar, spilling the sacred libation, and the shocked celebrants are unable to symbolically awaken the high earth priestess. Meanwhile, a creeping rot spreads from the spilled libations to the sacrificial food offerings (and is later found to have spread to the granaries). Evil spirits began to assail the assembled worshippers, and in horror they realize some in the crowd are actually the undead of Nontraya; those who had already died of hunger. The Sun Domers only prevail by desperately enacting Yelmalio's Last Light Heroquest. A part of this involves traveling to the Old Sun Dome, where they find the ruins swarming with vengeful wraiths and ghosts of Sun Folk who have died of hunger. In the blackened temple crypt, a host of undead assail the heroquesters: the animated remains of yet others who had starved, who are being driven at them by demons with scorpion whips. Later, the dog-headed god Jajagappa and his pack suddenly swarm into the crypt, seeking to drag the Yelmalian heroquesters to Hell. But Count Solanthos, his light sons and their allies successfully fight off Jajagappa, proving they are indeed worthy of the strongest god of light to live in the Darkness. They move on to the next stage of their quest, leaving the dog-headed Hunter of Souls and his Hell Hounds to gorge themselves on the undead infesting the ruins.
  19. If it's RQ2 you're playing, I heartily endorse Borderlands for a beginning campaign! The sequential nature of the adventures also make it an easy experience for a GM new to RQ. From there, the less structured adventures on offer in Pavis & Big Rubble could follow on (though save the very high-powered Cradle for much later!) "River of Cradles" is RQ3, but its not very hard to switch between the two editions. The Troubled Waters scenario is like Borderlands, actually a set of linked adventures, and also excellent for beginning characters. As noted above, River of Cradles, Sun County, Shadows on the Borderlands and Strangers in Prax all then flow very nicely.
  20. MOB

    The Gods War

    Speaking of the Gods War... Sandy has just posted this on the Glorantha G+ site, worth repeating here: "I am now moving almost full steam ahead on Gods War (there are still some balance tests left for Cthulhu Wars Onslaught Two, but not much). So Gods War is a thing now. Takes place during the Great Darkness, though it starts off in the Lesser Darkness. Usually the Spike explodes during the second turn, occasionally the third. The core factions are Chaos, Darkness, Sky, and Storm, featuiring as their chief gods Raglagar, Kyger Litor, Yelm, and Orlanth. Of course."
  21. "Forgotten Secrets of Glorantha" - the title says it all. This is the chapbook produced by the The Kraken, "the baroque gathering of international gamers" that takes place at Schloss Neuhausen, a Prussian Château (Chaosium was well-represented this year, with Jeff, Neil, Sandy and I all in attendance). This book features an illustrated transcript of Sandy Petersen's wide-ranging and entertainingly discursive seminar from Kraken 2014. Available from Glorantha.com: http://www.glorantha.com/product/forgotten-secrets-of-glorantha
  22. Yep, we'll be announcing it there soon, very prominently, once we have all the right pieces in place to go. But happy to give everyone on BRP Central the inside running...
  23. BTW, Chaosium now has a company page on Linked In. Another way to catch up on the latest developments: http://www.linkedin.com/company/chaosium
  24. Our patient backers get first priority, but we are currently working out the details on a fulfillment and distribution model for Australia and New Zealand which will expedite and reduce shipping costs. This includes supporting FLGSs here.
  25. Shipping will be early in the new year, but we can't be more accurate than that at this stage
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