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Everything posted by MOB

  1. Congratulations to Andrew Logan Montgomery, whose Six Seasons in Sartar is the first Jonstown Compendium title to attain Platinum Best Seller status! Described as "one of the best RuneQuest adventures ever" (Shannon Appelcline) and "a superb treatment of community, myth, and tragedy in Glorantha [that] as a campaign starter has no equal" (Reviews from R'lyeh), Six Seasons in Sartar is available in PDF and POD formats at DriveThruRPG. The Company of the Dragon, Andrew's acclaimed sequel to Six Seasons in Sartar is also available in the Jonstown Compendium. Under the Jonstown Compendium community content license, fans of Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha can sell and share their own material on DriveThruRPG. If that appeals, check out the Jonstown Compendium Guidelines and start creating yourself!
  2. By David Larkins, Pendragon line editor. A new edition of the Pendragon RPG is coming! The intention of this series of design journals by Pendragon line editor David Larkins is to trace the path of development, starting in the early 1980s and culminating with the forthcoming new edition of the Pendragon RPG, which will be first to be wholly published by Chaosium in a quarter-century. Pendragon Design Journal #1: Where It All Began Pendragon Design Journal #2: Bringing the Light Pendragon Design Journal #3: A Modular Approach As we have seen in earlier installments of this very Design Journal, Pendragon 6th edition was over a decade in the making. Greg Stafford dubbed it his “Ultimate Edition.” So what exactly did he mean by that? To answer that question, let’s spend some time this month and in the next few installments looking at how he tweaked and modified the core mechanics of the game, starting with how Traits and Passions work in 6th edition. The Trait and Passion systems, it is fair to say, stand as Pendragon’s most notable mechanical innovations. For those of you less familiar with the game, a quick review: Traits define your character’s personality in terms of values and behavior, and are expressed as a set of 13 matched pairs, while Passions measure your character’s strongly-held beliefs and emotional triggers. It is through the twin engines of Traits and Passions that your Pendragon character accomplishes great and memorable deeds—or gets in over their head… Either way, much dramatic fun ensues! Longtime Pendragon fans will be pleased to know that Traits and Passions work much the same as always. Traits, in particular, have hardly changed. (Why mess with perfection?) A critical success or fumble on a Trait roll may, at the Gamemaster’s discretion, now grant a +5 bonus to a subsequent Skill roll, but for the most part Greg strove for increased clarity in describing when to make Trait rolls and how to apply them in the game and left things at that. Directed Traits function the same as always, though it is now possible to acquire Obsessions—a sort of hyper-Directed Trait (such as Fear and Jealousy) that significantly boosts a particular Trait (Cowardly and Suspicious, respectively). Passions, on the other hand, received a few mechanical tweaks, all reflections of Greg’s thinking with regard to the types of boons and banes generated by Passion use in the game. First of all, if you have played earlier editions of Pendragon, you will note the appearance of some new Passions: Station, for example, and Chivalry. Other Passions that were introduced in 5th edition’s supplemental material, such as Homage and Fealty, are now elevated to core status. More significantly, Passion values now interact with each other to an extent. Passions are divided into four courts, or categories: Fidelity, Fervor, Adoration, and Civility. The total value of all Passions in a court may never exceed 40. So, for example, if you have two Hate Passions of 15 and one Love Passion of 10 (all of which belong to the Court of Fervor), that equals 40 points total in that court—meaning when any of those three Passions go up a point during the Winter Phase, the Player must reduce one of the other two by one point as well in order not to go over 40. This cap on Passion totals is offset by the fact that Passion values in 6th edition tend to start a little lower than previously. This is because the penalties for a failed Passion roll now scale with the value of the Passion. A particularly low Passion is unlikely to cause Melancholy or Madness on a failed roll, and in the event of such a fate the duration of the affliction is much shorter, so lower Passion values are not the problem they were in earlier editions. All of this points to a couple of Greg’s design goals with the new edition: get folks to focus on a smaller number of character-defining Passions, and to encourage rolling for inspiration even with lower-rated Passions. Madness or Melancholy may also be triggered in 6th edition through game events. For example, losing the source of a Directed Passion (that is, a Passion that refers to a specific person)—a beloved spouse dies, you are banished by your lord, and so forth—can easily trigger a crisis that leads to years of wandering in the wilderness as a mad hermit! Finally, in another change those familiar with earlier editions of Pendragon will note, the bonus conferred from inspiration has gone from +10/+20 to +5/+10. This means that a regular success on a Passion roll significantly boosts a character’s chances of success, but a critical success essentially guarantees the win, particularly against non-inspired opponents. (Oh, and tied critical successes in combat now inflict regular weapon damage against each opponent.) The one exception to this is the Adoration Passion taken by romantic knights; this Passion, which may be invoked at any time by simply thinking of the Beloved, grants a +10 bonus on any success! This helps place the ideal of Romance on par with Chivalry and Religion in desirability—knights will very much want to find a chaste amor to moon over! (Failed Adoration rolls, it should be noted, do cause a special kind of Affliction called Misery in addition any Melancholy or Madness incurred.) Over the course of years of revision, refinement, discussion, and playtesting, all of these changes, and may others, left Greg satisfied that he had at least achieved his final vision for the game, a process started so long ago in his marginalia of Le Morte d’Arthur. The one system he hadn’t quite nailed down to his satisfaction at the time of his passing was a revised Battle mechanic, and we’ll be taking a look at how we took his notes and rough draft and shaped it into a new system in a future installment. Next month, however, we are going to put a spotlight on the other core Pendragon mechanics of Honor and Glory. Until next time! ART: 'CRYING KNIGHT' BY ELEONOR PITEIRA
  3. Chaosium founder Greg Stafford loved King Arthur and wanted to do a game based on the legend. And he did. But this was before the Pendragon RPG was first published 1985; in 1981 Chaosium published Greg's King Arthur's Knights. In his latest 'Out of the Suitcase' post Chaosium president Rick Meints talks about this long out-of-print board game. https://www.chaosium.com/blogout-of-the-suitcase-26-chaosiums-first-arthurian-game-king-arthurs-knights
  4. At about 5:14 Nick reveals a cheeky Greg Stafford easter egg that Martin and artist Mark Smylie snuck into the cover art of the book!
  5. I was delighted to receive print copies of the final volume of the Sandheart series today (Vol 4), featuring my scenario 'Mad Prax: Beyond Sun Dome'! The Sandheart series of Sun County adventures began as a one-person operation (Jonathan Webb), evolving into what I think is a best practice example of community content creation, with Jon gathering the talents of Glorantha-loving layout experts, cartographers, artists, and writers, to produce what have become some of the most well-received and popular titles in the Jonstown Compendium. For me, it was great to collaborate creatively again with Nick Brooke, just like we did back in the days of Tales of the Reaching Moon, and a special surprise to reconnect and work again with Mark Baldwin, who illustrated the spec RuneQuest manuscript I sent to the Avalon Hill in 1991. That spec manuscript of course became Sun County, published in 1992, but sadly without Mark’s art. So it is especially delightful that, some thirty years later, his vision of the Sun Dome lands and its inhabitants has finally reached the audience it deserves. I was honoured when Sandheart creator Jon Webb asked me to write a foreword for the first volume, one of the inaugural releases of the Jonstown Compendium. In that first forward I noted that these days we’re fortunate to be living in an all-new “RuneQuest Renaissance”, with the Jonstown Compendium giving independent Gloranthan creators access to a worldwide audience in ways we didn’t even dream about back in the early days. And by Yamsur’s Truss, haven't creators in the Jonstown Compendium grasped that opportunity! I enjoyed contributing two scenarios myself, the aforementioned 'Mad Prax' in Vol 4 and 'Fortunate Sun' in Vol 2 (which recently reached Gold bestseller status). As amply demonstrated by the popular reception of the Sandheart series, and other Jonstown Compendium releases like Nick Brooke’s recent and most wonderful Black Spear: it’s immensely gratifying for me to see that, coming up to thirty years since Sun County was published, there is still much to be written about, discovered, argued over, and gamed in, in this small and distant, yet special, part of Glorantha. — MOB. All four Sandheart volumes now available in full colour print format at DriveThruRPG! Volume One: Tales of the Sun County Militia Volume Two: The Corn Dolls & Fortunate Sun Volume Three: Tradition Volume Four: The God Skin & Mad Prax
  6. Here Julia Rawcliffe, our 'merc of merch', talks us through her process for designing the many pieces of Chaosium merchandise available online at places like Redbubble. Julia is talking with James Coquillat as part of our Chaosium Interviews series.
  7. Best-selling Jonstown Compendium title The Armies and Enemies of Dragon Pass is now available in print format! This 388 page work is the magnum opus of 2019 Greg Stafford Memorial Award for Gloranthan Fandom recipient Martin Helsdon. It was one of the inaugural releases in Chaosium's community content program for RuneQuest at DriveThruRPG, the Jonstown Compendium. Since then has remained one of the Jonstown Compendium's most highly-rated and best-selling titles. The Armies and Enemies of Dragon Pass Martin Helsdon ($24.95/$39.95/$64.99, 388 page PDF or POD book with B&W interior) Winner of the 2019 Greg Stafford Memorial Award The timeless appeal of the legends of the Hero Wars has resulted in an enduring interest in the period. Surviving texts, supplemented by archaeological evidence, are used here as the basis of this reconstruction of the combatants of the initial phases of that world-shattering conflict. Focused on Dragon Pass and the surrounding regions (Peloria, Pent, Prax and Maniria), this volume presents details of the warriors, soldiers and mercenaries of the opening periods of the Hero Wars, their arms and armor, their cultures, histories and organization, the terrain they traveled, the battlefields on which they fought, their fortifications, their magic, and their gods. Army Lists provide details of the regiments and other entities that fought in this epic conflict, supplemented by numerous illustrations of the participants. Bonus chapters: — Lunar Army Strength — Righteous War — Jar-eel Marches Forth from Mirin’s Cross (with art by Mark Smylie) Under the Jonstown Compendium community content license, fans of Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha can sell and share their own material on DriveThruRPG. Check out the Jonstown Compendium Guidelines and start creating!
  8. In this comprehensive video review RPG Imaginings says the RuneQuest Starter Set is "by far the best Starter Set that has been produced for a roleplaying game... an industry changing product.”
  9. OK, so it's Black Friday, and here's all the Chaosium deals going on: — 10% off your order sitewide at Chaosium.com until Nov 30 with the coupon code BLACKFRI21 https://bit.ly/3CUl0hW — Plus, save up to 66.6% off in our ongoing Warehouse Clearance. All while stocks last! https://bit.ly/3laAdWi — 20% off on over 450 Chaosium titles at DriveThruRPG until Nov 30, inc Jonstown Compendium and Miskatonic Repository: http://bit.ly/2Knv0Hb — 20-60% off Chaosium merch items (t-shirts, posters, mugs, and more) at Redbubble until Nov 30 with the code CYBER5 https://rdbl.co/2MxfZYa
  10. BLACK FRIDAY Save Yourself! – get 10% off sitewide for Black Friday at Chaosium.com. Use the code BLACKFRI21 on checkout! One use per customer, code cannot be combined with any other coupon, no retro-active discounts will be given to past orders. Coupon valid until 11.59pm November 30, 2021. WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE SALE Plus save up to 66.6% off in our ongoing Warehouse Clearance. All while stocks last! – US WAREHOUSE – CALL OF CTHULHU RPG - includes PDF Call of Cthulhu Stratiograph - Art Print - $15.95 $7.99 CALL OF CTHULHU AUDIO Sense Impacts - MP3 - $14.99 - $7.49 Horror on the Orient Express Soundtrack - M4a - $14.99 $7.49 CALL OF CTHULHU CLASSIC - includes PDF Arkham Now - Softcover - $28.95 $8.99 Secrets of Morocco - Softcover - $20.95 $8.99 RUNEQUEST CLASSIC - includes PDF RuneQuest Classic - Hardcover - $24.99 $18.99 Borderlands and Beyond - Softcover - $39.99 $18.99 13TH AGE GLORANTHA RPG - includes PDF 13th Age Glorantha - Hardcover - $54.95 $26.99 13th Age Glorantha - Leatherette - $90.00 $69.99 GLORANTHA MAPS 6 Poster Map Set of Genertela (24" x 36") - $60.00 $18.99 AQUELARRE RPG - includes PDF Aquelarre GM Screen - 4 panel screen (no PDF) - $19.99 $9.99 WÜRM ICE AGE RPG - includes PDF Würm Core Rules - Hardcover - $39.99 $29.99 Würm Game Master Screen - 4 panel screen (no PDF) - $12.99 $9.99 Black Machairodus - Softcover - $5.99 $3.99 Voice of the Ancestors 1: Tales of the Antler Bearers - Softcover - $12.99 $9.99 Voice of the Ancestors 2: Tales of the Man Eaters - Softcover - $12.99 $9.99 7TH SEA RPG - accessories 7th Sea Bone Dice - $14.99 $8.99 7th Sea Booty Box - $79.99 $44.99 7th Sea - Sorte Deck - $24.99 $12.99 7th Sea - Deck of Heroes - $19.99 $8.99 7th Sea - Deck of Villains - $19.99 $8.99 7th Sea GM Screen - $19.99 $9.99 7th Sea Hero Points - $19.99 $8.99 BOARD AND CARD GAMES Khan of Khans - $24.95 $12.99 Miskatonic University: The Restricted Collection - $24.99 $12.99 Sweet Jenny - 7th Sea Card Game - $24.95 $12.99 FICTION - includes PDF and/or e-book (EPUB/MOBI) Edge of Sundown - $15.95 $8.99 Legacy of the Reanimator - $16.95 $8.99 Mark of the Beast - $15.95 $8.99 Undead and Unbound - $17.95 $8.99 FICTION - does not include PDF or e-book Eldritch Evolutions - $15.95 $6.99 The Yith Cycle $16.95 $6.99 The Terror and Other Stories - $15.95 $6.99 – UK WAREHOUSE – CALL OF CTHULHU RPG - includes PDF Alone Against the Flames - Softcover - $9.95 $3.99 Petersen Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors - Softcover - $24.95 $18.99 CALL OF CTHULHU AUDIO Sense Impacts - MP3 - $14.99 - $7.49 Horror on the Orient Express Soundtrack - M4a - $14.99 $7.49 CALL OF CTHULHU CLASSIC - includes PDF Arkham Now - Softcover - $28.95 $8.99 H.P. Lovecraft's Dunwich - Softcover - $25.95 $8.99 Terror from the Skies - Softcover - $22.95 $8.99 RUNEQUEST CLASSIC - includes PDF RuneQuest Classic - Hardcover - $24.99 $18.99 13TH AGE GLORANTHA RPG - includes PDF 13th Age Glorantha - Hardcover - $54.95 $26.99 13th Age Glorantha - Leatherette - $90.00 $69.99 GLORANTHA MAPS 6 Poster Map Set of Genertela (24" x 36") - $60.00 $18.99 AQUELARRE RPG - includes PDF Aquelarre GM Screen - 4 panel screen (no PDF) - $19.99 $9.99 WÜRM ICE AGE RPG - includes PDF Würm Core Rules - Hardcover - $39.99 $29.99 7TH SEA RPG - accessories 7th Sea Bone Dice - $14.99 $8.99 7th Sea Booty Box - $79.99 $44.99 7th Sea - Deck of Heroes - $19.99 $8.99 7th Sea - Deck of Villains - $19.99 $8.99 7th Sea GM Screen - $19.99 $9.99 7th Sea Hero Points - $19.99 $8.99 BOARD AND CARD GAMES Miskatonic University: The Restricted Collection - $24.99 $12.99 Sweet Jenny - 7th Sea Card Game - $24.95 $12.99 FICTION - includes PDF and/or e-book (EPUB/MOBI) Cassilda's Song - $16.95 $8.99 Edge of Sundown - $15.95 $8.99 Eldritch Chrome - $17.95 $8.99 Legacy of the Reanimator - $16.95 $8.99 Mark of the Beast - $15.95 $8.99 Once Upon an Apocalypse - $14.95 $8.99 Steampunk Cthulhu - $18.95 $8.99 Undead and Unbound - $17.95 $8.99 FICTION - does not include PDF or e-book Arkham Tales - $15.95 $6.99 Cthulhu's Dark Cults - $14.95 $6.99 Eldritch Evolutions - $15.95 $6.99 The Book of Dzyan - $15.95 $6.99 The Necronomicon - $19.99 $6.99 The Three Imposters and Other Stories - $15.95 $6.99 The Yellow Sign and Other Stories $19.95 $6.99 The Yith Cycle $16.95 $6.99 – EU WAREHOUSE – CALL OF CTHULHU RPG - includes PDF Alone Against the Flames - Softcover - $9.95 $3.99 Petersen Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors - Softcover - $24.95 $18.99 CALL OF CTHULHU AUDIO Sense Impacts - MP3 - $14.99 - $7.49 Horror on the Orient Express Soundtrack - M4a - $14.99 CALL OF CTHULHU CLASSIC - includes PDF Arkham Now - Softcover - $28.95 $8.99 Terror from the Skies - Softcover - $22.95 $8.99 RUNEQUEST CLASSIC - includes PDF RuneQuest Classic - Hardcover - $24.99 $18.99 13TH AGE GLORANTHA RPG - includes PDF 13th Age Glorantha - Hardcover - $54.95 $26.99 WÜRM ICE AGE RPG - includes PDF Würm Core Rules - Hardcover - $39.99 $29.99 Black Machairodus - Softcover - $5.99 $3.99 Voice of the Ancestors 1: Tales of the Antler Bearers - Softcover - $12.99 $9.99 Voice of the Ancestors 2: Tales of the Man Eaters - Softcover - $12.99 $9.99 7TH SEA RPG - accessories 7th Sea Bone Dice - $14.99 $8.99 7th Sea Booty Box - $79.99 $44.99 7th Sea - Deck of Heroes - $19.99 $8.99 7th Sea - Deck of Villains - $19.99 $8.99 7th Sea GM Screen - $19.99 $9.99 7th Sea Hero Points - $19.99 $8.99 BOARD AND CARD GAMES Khan of Khans - $24.95 $12.99 Miskatonic University: The Restricted Collection - $24.99 $12.99 Sweet Jenny - 7th Sea Card Game - $24.95 $12.99 – AUSTRALIA WAREHOUSE – CALL OF CTHULHU RPG - includes PDF Alone Against the Flames - Softcover - $9.95 $3.99 Nameless Horrors - Softcover - $34.95 $11.99 CALL OF CTHULHU AUDIO Sense Impacts - MP3 - $14.99 - $7.49 Horror on the Orient Express Soundtrack - M4a - $14.99 $7.49 RUNEQUEST CLASSIC - includes PDF RuneQuest Classic - Hardcover - $24.99 $18.99 RuneQuest Old School Resource Pack Softcover - $49.95 $19.99 13TH AGE GLORANTHA RPG - includes PDF 13th Age Glorantha - Hardcover - $54.95 $26.99 7TH SEA RPG - accessories 7th Sea GM Screen - $19.99 $9.99 BOARD AND CARD GAMES Khan of Khans - $24.95 $12.99 Miskatonic University: The Restricted Collection - $24.99 $12.99 FICTION - includes PDF and/or e-book (EPUB/MOBI) King of Sartar - $24.95 $8.99 – CANADA WAREHOUSE – CALL OF CTHULHU RPG - includes PDF Alone Against the Flames - Softcover - $9.95 $3.99 CALL OF CTHULHU AUDIO Sense Impacts - MP3 - $14.99 - $7.49 Horror on the Orient Express Soundtrack - M4a - $14.99 $7.49 RUNEQUEST CLASSIC - includes PDF RuneQuest Classic - Hardcover - $24.99 $18.99 13TH AGE GLORANTHA RPG - includes PDF 13th Age Glorantha - Hardcover - $54.95 $26.99 WÜRM ICE AGE RPG - includes PDF Würm Core Rules - Hardcover - $39.99 $29.99 Würm Game Master Screen - 4 panel screen (no PDF) - $12.99 $9.99 Black Machairodus - Softcover - $5.99 $3.99 Voice of the Ancestors 1: Tales of the Antler Bearers - Softcover - $12.99 $9.99 Voice of the Ancestors 2: Tales of the Man Eaters - Softcover - $12.99 $9.99 7TH SEA RPG - accessories 7th Sea GM Screen - $19.99 $9.99 BOARD AND CARD GAMES Khan of Khans - $24.95 $12.99 Miskatonic University: The Restricted Collection - $24.99 $12.99 Shipping Notes Check the individual product for availability in your local Chaosium warehouse (USA, UK, EU, Australia, Canada). Submit orders for items from a single warehouse at a time. Chaosium warehouse locations: Important note, not all products are available in every location and stocks of certain titles are very (very) limited. If you really, really want an item that is not available to ship to your location please email Dustin and he will do what he can to assist (international shipping charges will apply). All prices are in USD.
  11. The Digital Gamer Props for the Call of Cthulhu Starter Set are available now! In partnership with Chaosium Inc., our friends at TYPE40 have created a set of highly detailed digital props for use with the scenarios in the Call of Cthulhu Starter Set. "TYPE40 are leading the charge on the next evolution of ‘immersive’ ttrpg experiences without removing the table top part. Brilliant." — Thomas Newman, TYPE40 Customer Each prop comes with a set of digital reference cards with handy in-game mechanic information for the Keeper, as well as a unique QR code, allowing players to access the digital prop on their phone from anywhere in the world! TYPE40’s Digital Gamer Props are a great way to enhance your tabletop experience. Players can explore the props for clues in Augmented Reality or on their phone with no download or app required. Digital Gamer Props for the Call of Cthulhu Starter Set are available now! Head on over to TYPE40 to get yours today.
  12. Congratulations to our friends at EDGE Entertainment, Spanish licensees for Call of Cthulhu, and Álex de la Iglesia. Their Call of Cthulhu release La Broma Macabra ('The Macabre Joke') has won the 2021 Dado de Oro de la Marca del Este 'Golden Dice' Award. As well as being a long-time devoted Call of Cthulhu fan, Álex de la Iglesia is the acclaimed Spanish film director, screenwriter and producer, whose series 30 Monetas ("30 Coins") recently featured on HBO in the United States. In a Polygon profile Alex de la Iglesia said "30 Coins is structured like a tabletop role-playing game, with subplots following each other in a narrative that eventually reveals their close connections", expressly citing the Call of Cthulhu campaigns Masks of Nyarlathotep and Tatters of the King. Chaosium is currently working with EDGE to release an English translation of Alex's work in 2022.
  13. Next week! We take a cadre of brand new players into the mythic world of RuneQuest! Join Josephine McAdam, Jess McDonell, Cynthia Marie, and London Carlisle on their first foray into RuneQuest accompanied by Chaosium's James Coquillat and GM Brian Holland! Live on twitch.tv/chaosiuminc! Tuesday Nov 30th, 6:30pm PST, 9:30pm EST.
  14. In the latest of James Coquillat's Chaosium Interviews series, our Miskatonic Repository community ambassador Bridgett Jeffries discusses her experiences entering the world of professional TTRPG streaming.
  15. In this Chaosium Interview, our Organized Play director Todd Gardiner shares details with James Coquillat about Chaosium Con, our inaugural convention happening in Ann Arbor MI next April. For more information about Chaosium Con and to book your ticket, visit our convention page.
  16. If it was a Jonstown Compendium release it would have the Jonstown Compendium logo on the cover. This is a Chaosium product for the RuneQuest line. It will be released as a PDF on Dec 10, and come out as a full color hardback next year. Buy the PDF, and you get the price of the PDF off the printed book.
  17. Yes, PDF release on Dec 10. As always, if you buy the PDF from Chaosium.com you get that amount off the cost of the physical product when it is out next year.
  18. Featuring more glorious cover art from Ossi Hiekkala, who did the box cover art for the RuneQuest Starter Set.
  19. Here our resident Gloranthan guru Jeff Richard explains to James Coquillat the differences between the main types of magic in the RuneQuest RPG. Part of our Chaosium Interviews series on YouTube.
  20. No swords. No wizards. Just regular humans, in way over their heads... for the last 40 years. It's Call of Cthulhu's 40th birthday today.
  21. To commemorate Call of Cthulhu's 40th birthday (today!), our Keeper Tips book is a gathering of collected wisdom for running the game. Out now in PDF and will be released as a 128 page leatherette pocketbook early next year.* *Buy the PDF now and get the cost of the PDF off the physical book. Our Keeper Tips book features tips, essays, and contributions from experienced and diverse Call of Cthulhu Keepers including Jason Durall (RuneQuest), Becca Scott (Good Time Society), Sean Branney (H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society), Allan Carrey (Type40), Lynne Hardy (The Children of Fear) Bridgett Jeffries (The Miskatonic Repository), Mike Mason (Call of Cthulhu), and many, many others!
  22. We were honored to have the renowned comic book artist Mark Smylie, creator of the epic fantasy series Artesia, contribute several artworks for RuneQuest Starter Set. This is what Mark said on the Starter Set's release earlier this week: "I did a few pieces for Chaosium's RuneQuest Starter Set last year and the boxed set is finally out. RuneQuest and Greg Stafford's setting of Glorantha were an enormous influence on my thinking of the magical/religious structures of the Known World (setting for Artesia), though Glorantha is very much a bronze-age setting and the Known World a late-medieval/Renaissance one. If you have never seen RuneQuest or Glorantha before, the RQ Starter Set was designed as an entry point, though there's also a lot of new stuff in there for seasoned players and GMs (including an amazing write-up of the City of Jonstown). It's also a classic throw-back to the kinds of RPG Box Sets that used to come out in the 80s and 90s. And RuneQuest is likely to be the rules base for the next edition of the Artesia/Known World RPG (if the folks at Chaosium are okay with my proposed rules changes and expansions...)." In addition to his work in the RuneQuest Starter Set, you can also see more of Mark Smylie's art for Glorantha on the cover of RuneQuest's The Red Book of Magic, along with the covers of Chris Gidlow's ENNIE-nominated Citizens of the Lunar Empire, and Martin Helsdon's best-selling The Armies and Enemies of Dragon Pass and Men of the West in the Jonstown Compendium at DriveThruRPG.
  23. Following the success of their Masks of Nyarlathotep SoundPacks, our friends at Syrinscape are releasing full audio support for the thrilling Pulp Cthulhu adventures of The Two-Headed Serpent, chapter by chapter! Chapters 1,2,3 are already out - Soundsets for Bolivia, New York and North Borneo. And now there is a complete sound solution to Chapter 4 of this epic adventure, Oklahoma! From the mission briefing room and radio station broadcast center to the whole town of Bingham, every location is packed in here. Stores, offices, people’s houses and even a lumberyard. You’ll get the chance to hear Tyranssh get angry with her capture before opening a portal. Also a mysterious recording that hides a message. And every now and then, the chance to hear the Oklahoma’s popular radio station. And is this Adventure SoundPack useful when you're not actually playing the The Two Headed Serpent adventure? Yes! Because if you want the sounds of... fist fights gun fights old 1900's quiet store small news publisher office traveling on a train quiet fan ventilated office 1930’s radio broadcasting center a lumber yard a building being molotoved 1900's small American town street old backwaters American house All of this and more can be found in this pack! This product is also included for FREE with a SuperSyrin Subscription. Consider trying that out instead? Our friends at Syrinscape currently have a 30 day free trail offer.
  24. Note to our UK Customers: due to overwhelming demand, The RuneQuest Starter Set is TEMPORARILY unavailable from our UK Warehouse. We have a new shipment on the way. We expect it will be available to UK customers again Nov 29th*.Stocks still available from our other four warehouses (US, EU, AUS, CAN).https://www.chaosium.com/runequest-starter-set*UK customers: remember, you can still buy the PDF version! When the physical box is back in stock in the UK just send Dustin a note at customerservice@chaosium.com and he'll credit you the cost of the PDF off your purchase of it.
  25. The RUNEQUEST STARTER SET is now also on DriveThruRPG! Look what you get for USD$14.99—download over 300 pages of prime TTRPG content! Here's everything you need to play this famous game inc three scenarios and a solo adventure that teaches you the rules.
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