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Posts posted by Pentallion

  1. Valeria is obviously Vingan.  She has Fearless.  "Do you want to live forever?"

    And Akiro is probably a shaman, not a wizard.  "The spirits here exact a heavy price!"

    Subatai worships the sky god, so Orlanth, but he's a tiny archer thief.  So I'm going with Impala rider who spent many years in Pavis.

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  2. 18 size and 18 str.  Bison rider gets +2 size.  Air rune for +2 str.  Darkness rune for +1 size.  So 20 str 21 size for 2d6 dmg bonus.

    He would drive his enemies before him and listen to the lamentations of the women.  Of course, in the Dino De Laurentiis Glorantha the Lunars capture him and put him in the Gladiator pits, eventually sending him to Kralorela to learn.  And he hates Ernaldans cuz, you know, that snake thing.

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  3. Lets make this simple.  Bob has a sword (70%) and a shield (60%).  4 bad guys attack Bob.  Bob decides to only parry.

    What happens?

    Bob decides to swing with his sword and parry with his shield.

    What happens?

    I tentatively assume if Bob attacks with shield and sword then he cant parry at all.

  4. 7 hours ago, Jason Durall said:

    Subsequent parries get a -20% per attempt modifier, cumulative, regardless of which hand the weapon or shield you're using is in. 


    This is a maddeningly confusing answer Jason as no one asked if it mattered which HAND youre using.  The question taxing everyones noggins is: if I parry with my shield then parry with my sword then parry again with my shield then parry again with my sword, where /how do the -20% modifiers accrue/stack up?

    And why does one section of the rules say you can only parry once per weapon and another say you can parry multiple times?

  5. On 6/26/2018 at 10:40 PM, Mugen said:

    Yes, I understand this perfectly. Nevertheless, two rules co-exist in RQG, and their interaction is not clear.

    -Multiple parries : you can parry multiple times with the same weapon, with a cumulative -20% after the first.

    -Limitation on'the number of actions with 2 weapons : eitheir 1 attack and 1 parry with each weapon, 1 parry with each, 1 attack with each.

    If you chose to attack and parry, the rule application is clear : you can attack once and parry multiple times, but parries must be with 1 weapon (with a cumulative malus) and the attack (or attacks if you split it) with the other weapon.

    Attacking with two weapons seems clear to me, too : you can't parry at all. That's harsh, however, in a game where unlimited parries are allowed.

    Parrying with both weapons is problematic, and there are three options :

    -Put a cumulative -20% for each parry after the first, no matter what weapon you use : not a very good option considering the character can't attack.

    -Put a cumulative -20% for each parry after the first parry with each weapon. Better option.

    -Make a literal read of the rule, and apply the cumulative modifiers to each weapons individually (that is, if you parry three times with the same weapon then twice with the other, the malus will be 0, -20, -40, then 0 and -20). That would be my interpretation.

    Another question is : how dodge interact with those rules ? Can you have 2 dodges with no cumulative modifiers, or is dodging multiple times without attacking just wasting an attack opportunity ?

    It works this way:  if you attack with a weapon you cannot parry with that weapon.  If you dont attack with that weapon you can parry multiple times at -20% for each additional parry.  If you have 2 weapons the penalty is separate for rach weapon.  So parry with shield at full then parry with sword at full then parry with shield at -20% then parry with sword at -20%.

    Thats how they will clarify the RAW when they get around to editing all the cut and paste errors.

    Of course, I could be wrong but it doesnt seem correct that if you parry with both weapons the second parry gets -20%.  If you attack with both weapons there is no second attack penalty.

    Im fairly certain they are adding Stormbringer parries.  They just let this slip past the editing.

  6. This is a huge move by the Lunars and would be planned and coordinated.  I think moonboats would be fully employed and could even see the construction of new moonboats specifically for this task.  No wind makes flying outside the glowline far less dangerous.  The cargo cap would be significantly greater than 1 ton mentioned above.  The strategic military and religious objectives would demand it.  The moonboat clan would make a fortune as well.

    Foregone conclusion moonboats would be heavily tasked with  resupply duties.

  7. They traveled quite a bit last night.  They returned to Drinax to learn that Lucas' Uncle Vlen had suddenly passed away and they had to go all the way to Tobia to pick up his remains and claim Lucas' inheritance.  Along the way they encountered a lone ship from Admiral Daroykins pirate fleet.  They met up and treated them to a meal and learned that an Imperial Flotilla had been spotted in the Reach hunting down pirates.  Their flagship was a Planet class Heavy Cruiser.  The flotilla sounded immense.  They proceeded to Cordan where they delivered the weapons the aborigines needed to overthrow the rulership.  Now that's a haven for their pirate fleet.  They then encountered an old belter in Wildeman who had discovered a hidden star base of a long dead famous pirate.  They learned the only way to get past its security was to find  a descendant of the pirate who built the base.  Their investigations led them to believe that she was in the employ of Admiral Daroykins pirate fleet.  They had business in Tobia, however, so they left it at that and proceeded into the Imperium.  They learned Vlen had been murdered and were starting to investigate when we called it a night.

    This was the lull before the storm.  The start of Secret of the Ancients will lead them on an epic campaign, but the appearance of the Imperial Flotilla means the beginning of an epic 18 month game of hide and seek.

  8. So tonight was a fun way to play my favorite board game Betrayal on house on the Hill.   They landed on Solaria and sent Q Bot, Trizana, Red and Lucas to scout out the area where Lucas' uncle Vlen Beckett told them they would find an alien spacecraft.  What they ran into was a psionic ambush by the two people who escaped from Dr. Steins abominable experiment when he broke the psionic plane.

    In the experiment, Stein attempted to use a psionically gifted child to mind control an Aslan.  What he got instead was the childs psyche transplanted into the Aslan whose own psyche is unaccounted for.  A third personality, that appeared when Stein broke the psionic plane, took over the childs body.  This person can best be described as innately evil to its core.

    These two now await the arrival of the Darklight so they can kill Dr. Stein.  They have found the alien starship.  It is also psionic.  It has an organic computer system that was linked to the psionic plane by an experiment similar to the one conducted by Dr. Stein but eons ago.  The child amplifies the ships psionics to create a dream like illusion to the four PCs who enter the ship.  They see a house instead.

    Each PC finds themselves lost in the house and separated from the others.  Q Bot has the worst of it.  He can't access his memory files but suppressed memories come forth.  Memories of Vlen Beckett ripping open the psionic plane and putting something inside of him.  Doing to Q Bot what aliens once did to this space ship.  He tries to break out by discharging energy into himself but only succeeds in stunning himself.  Eventually, he is overcome and a rift opens up in his mind.  The same rift that Vlen tore open long ago.

    But this time it is the child tearing open the rift and unleashing four of her friends from what they perceive as Hell.  These phantasms rush from the ship and go to the Darklight where three of them are destroyed but the forth possesses Ambrose who then tries to kill Dr. Stein. 

    Meanwhile, the ship pierces Trizana's neural comms and explains that it is also under psionic assault and that they have to find and waken Q Bot to close the rift.  They manage to do so.  Not before Ambrose is restrained and they record his ravings, which are in an unknown language.  The computer identifies the language as Russian of ancient Earth, specifically the lingua of the cossacks.  The entity within Ambrose was saying that he needed to kill the Doctor in order to free himself from Hell.

    Afterwards, they made contact with the ship, which is now theirs.  Other than speak telepathically to the crew, it has only one psionic power.  It has a luck point it can use in battle.  But it also had shocking information.  The same being that created it, created Q Bot as well.   And that being arranged for the child to wait here in ambush for Dr. Stein and use Q Bot to open a rift.  Why this being did that, the ship does not know.

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  9. 33 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    It's not limited to them, it's just that those are the only cults that teach it at discounted rates to initiates. Only those cults or their associate cults can start with it at character generation time. Plus shamans, of course, they can get pretty much whatever they like.

    Oh.  Thanks for clearing that up.  I'd misunderstood.

  10. Just now, jongjom said:

    I will salute their adventurers who will have short but glorious careers. 

    That's why I'm concerned about this.  Certain players get all excited.  I see this as nuclear escalation.  The bosses have to have access to the same abusable spells that they do.  I guess time will tell.  We will just have to play it out and see.  It's like in our M-Space Pirates of Drinax campaign.  They all wanted Gauss Rifles until I actually began shooting back with them, then they all admitted the gun was OP.

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    • Haha 2
  11. The player in my group who is coming up with all the broken ideas to abuse things is very excited and looking forward to playing.  So there's that.  The player in my group who always comes up with the ACTUAL broken ideas - like the infamous hula hoop of death or the whirling spear of massive bludgeoning - hasn't gotten a copy of the rules yet. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    They go off at the normal SR for an 8 point spirit spell.

    RQG pg 335: Multispell takes effect at the highest strike rank
    of any spell included in the combined attack. For example, if
    Joshfar tried to Demoralize one enemy and cast Disruption on
    another, both at the minimum cost to cast, it would take effect at
    his Demoralize SR of 2, not his Disruption SR of 1.

  13. 7 hours ago, Atgxtg said:

    Especially when they can just get a massed Disrupt out of the rest of the group that accomplished the same thing and wouldn't lock down all that magic.. I'd rather try that multispell/extension trick with Multiarrow. Firing 9 arrows at a target (8 multimissiles) would be a great opening shot, and with much better damage and range than a disruption spell. I wouldn't extend it for a year though, maybe for a day.


    Ooh, is Speedart stackable? 

    Well that's the thing, a year long multispell 7 allows you to do both if you have enough power crystals/power spirits.  And it's not like every published adventure doesn't hand out power crystals like candy.  Oh wait, they do.  So about the time the player has built up 12+ rune points, his magic point pool shouldn't be a problem.  So he can probably buff himself first then cast a disrupt which ignores armor so is better than either slings or multimissiles.

    People speak as if it's a one time thing.  They can keep right on multispelling all sorts of spells for the next year.

    Meanwhile, countermagic is limited to Issaries and Waha.  So only merchants and Praxians are likely to have defenses.  And they would either have to have a higher Dex SR or have previously cast it because those 8 disruptions go off as if they were a single 1 pt spell.  So while there are answers, those answers aren't likely to be in effect when the disruptions come whizzing in.

    I'll have to do more reading on this to be sure it isn't like Shattering, where it all hits one location.  I'm thinking it's 8 random hits, but something I read above makes me think I better double check that.

  14. It will only be a very short time before players can put away 12-13 Rune Points at which time they'll be able to Multispell 7 with Extension 5 and go around casting Disruption 8 with the power crystals/power spirits they've accrued.  This will require enemies that can do the same.  Countermagic 2 will be mandatory for survival since it will stop cold all 8 disruptions as they're simultaneous.  Which means protection, being incompatible, will become obsolete.

    Of course, campaigns where whoever casts disruption 8 first wins will be too boring to play anyways I suspect so it will be a moot point.

    Extension is really broken and multispell is a game changer.

  15. So a starting character can do this right?  Sink 3 POW into rune points at chargen to have a 6 pt rune pool then extension 5 sword trance sinking idk assuming the sunk their best stat into power say 12 mp into sword trance giving them +120% to attack and parry for a year, which if added to their starting skill lets say 80% puts them at 200% for the next year?

    Starting character?

    Or am I making an error?

    • Sad 1
  16. And so tonight the silicon based life form the Wuh'ja'ta attacked the Darklight.  Their goal was to blow her airlocks and vent her air.  But they failed pretty dramatically.  the dice definitely did not like me and loved the players.  So they were easily repulsed and Aaron used his bounty hunting Q Tech to reach his mind out to his prey.  They were fleeing through dark tunnels that led a mile deep to their city.  Some bargains were made at the Can, npcs hired in guarantee of residence on the Darklight.  They climbed down through twisted metal and viewed the city.   They made out what they thought was a life support complex, maybe, weren't too sure.  A power plant pretty sure about that and a guarded area they suspected had everything to do with the energy drain.  They decided if they took that out they wouldn't need Casimirium to escape so they climbed back up, went and got a guy who knew demolitions from The Can and brought him back down.  He made a bomb out of some Thermal Detonators, with a chemical timer.  Then Aaron used his Q Tech again along with his camoflage armor to sneak in while the others created a diversion,.

    In that room he saw what no other carbon based being had ever seen before.  Sadly, he lacked the astrophysics, or any science skills actually, to make heads or tails out of what he was looking at.  So he didn't understand blowing up the device that was draining all the energy was a Really Bad Idea.

    So he blew it up.  And then the race was on to get back to the Darklight and get off planet before the protosingularity that was being held in stasis began to form into a black hole and swallow the entire planetoid.

    There was some stressful moments and a showdown with the humans from the Can, but in the end, they took on as many as they could and escaped.

    A few weeks later they jump into Solaria just as the Mercifuge is arriving.  A happy reunion with the rest of their friends.  Now they are ready to go down and check out that buried star ship that Lucas' uncle Vlen Beckett told them about.

    Oh, and I forgot.  they met the Torchbearer, a duplicate of the Darklight, but it got away.

    I really can't wait until they take a hit to the med lab and the NanoIntelligence escapes.

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  17. 2 hours ago, jajagappa said:

    Got enamored of humans for some reason: fell in love; got rescued; was a gift from an elf/dryad to a Cinsina clanswoman; got blown to Cinsina lands by a hurricane gale and wants to get home; fell from a flower patch in the Sky World (which could become a subquest of the Three New Stars quest); was created by Voria to add the Cinsina after the Great Winter... 🙂

    annnnnd now my players are telling me to read Stardust by Neil Gaiman.

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  18. But Jeff's reply isn't relevant.  I only referenced the level of skills my players have played at to show we have a lot of experience dealing with %'s over 100 and to a person they hate this rule whereas I suspect whoever wrote this rule does not have a great deal of experience with playing skills over 100% for an extended period of time.  And my players tried to live with this rule twice.

    And believe me, our recent campaigns are much shorter so they don't get anywhere near even 200% anymore.  That was just the Argrath Saga and one dwarf adventure.  Our campaigns tend to be much shorter nowadays and this rule is not fun.  Having 100% while my opponent is reduced to 30%?  not fun.  No tension.  The reverse?  being the GM with 100% skill and the player has 30%?   Not fun, wrong kind of tension.  But taking 170% skilled character with 34% special and 9% crit up against a 100% character retains both fun and tension.

    Oh, and one of my players made a good point:  In RQ3 it was most  certainly well within Runequest parameters.  400 year old dwarves are a thing.  Immortal God Learners are a thing.  Delecti is a thing.  Harrek is a thing.  Gaining long life spans and going on 70 year campaigns is very much a thing.  Going up in skills every week is a thing.  Going up in skills by heroquesting is a thing.  So 400% skills for a very long campaign is very much within RQ parameters when everything you meet that has those levels of skills are very much a thing.

    I love that in RQG they only go up once a season, but that doesn't change that we won't be using the over 100% rule.

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