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Posts posted by Pentallion

  1. I gave it its full CHA in battle magic, randomly determined on the Ancestor spells table, ignoring any rolls for Enchantments.  A spirit screen 3, Dispel Magic 2 and Heal 2 were very useful for the beginning characters.

  2. 1 hour ago, Newt said:

    Wimps :D


    Hey!  I'll have you know one of those players has a noble tradition of dying with great glory.  Why in Snow Kings Bride his warrior fought off that size two bird quite valiantly.  The bird had to peck out both his eyes thus blinding him and only then did he stumble off the rock bridge to his doom.

    Size 2 seems really big for a snowbird btw.


  3. Okay, took some new adventurers into the Temple of the Golden Gorp.  Newt wasn't kidding.  Even pumped up RQG adventurers weren't tough enough for this baby.  They fled after the second encounter and only two escaped.

    We had a blast playing however.  They definitely want to give that place a second go round once they're readier.

  4. 54 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    While I am slightly over 6'5" tall, I fear my SIZ has grown closer to 20 from the original 17 when I first discovered RQ (without much of any advantage but all the disadvantages, like higher wear and tear on furniture). Nowhere near Conan levels of STR, for example.

    The RQ rules are quite forgiving on the subject of overweight. Maybe that's just accumulating a Darkness affinity?

    Yup.  I've increased 30% more mass with no height gain in the 36 years II've played RQ.  1.3 x 13 = 17.  So I've jumped 4 size points.  Muscle weighs more than, um, that other stuff so conan could easily be Size 20 while barely 6'+.

  5. 21 hours ago, DreadDomain said:

    However Conan would "only" be a SIZ 17 in RQ terms so even with STR 20 he would still have a +1d6 damage bonus.

    Those size eequivalents are only guidelines.  Not every size 17 person is 6'4".  Not every size 20 person is 6'9".  They could be shorter and more massive.  Such as Conan.  So Size 20, Str 21 is definitely within the parameters of Conan.

  6. First, the hunter who died needs to make his Cult Lore (Odayla) roll to even know of this quest.  It shouldn't be too big a secret because presumably Odaylan hunters have come back from the dead and said, "Dead?  Nah, I was just sleeping" a few times in the past.

    I'd say this HeroQuest has 7 stations: One for each day it takes the soul to reach Daka Fal's court.  First station is obviously the River Styx.  You pass into the land of the dead.  I like Nightwood.  That should be next.  Of course, you've got your one unexpected station.  And the court itself.  That leaves three stations of the GM's imagining and of course Nightwood, for the PC to come up with what he needs to succeed in proving he is really just sleeping.  The key is what did Odayla do?  That can vary by locale, but is something the questor would know if he knows the myth.  Remember, you can't take it with you, so if the answer is as simple as release an air elemental to claim you still breath (perhaps a disorder rune to augment your deceit roll here) then the questor needs to find the air elemental along the way.  Which probably makes that "proof" you're not dead a rather difficult one to obtain in the underworld.  On the other hand, if you're in Nightwood and you meet Trickster, you might persuade him to steal an air elemental from a certain storm god who stumbles into the Nightwood on his LBQ. 

    But you get my point, the journey to the Hall of Judgement becomes the heroquest to get out of Hell, seeking what is needed along the way.  You can role play each day that passes after the hunters death as a station while the rest of the players continue on.  "So today we do travel to blah, blah, blah, by the way, your hunter passes over the River Styx."

    I would go this route with proving you're not dead:  The Odaylan changes into a bear and points out that "Death is eternal and the dead cannot change, therefore I am not dead."  this fits with his runes and his powers.  It also means that if the questor does not have the rune points to change himself, he will need to find access to them on the quest itself.  That would be something that reinforces the myth of Odayla the Bear.  So your myth should allow the questor to gain one time use of Transofrm self or the other bear shapeshifting spells.

    Better yet:  In the Nightwood Odayla meets a bear, hunts to find it food, helps it defend its lair and when the bear goes into hibernation the spirit of the bear tells the Odaylan he can call on him. Then, at the Halls of the Dead, the Odaylan "awakens the bear" transforming into a bear and awakening the spirit of the bear.

  7. 19 hours ago, David Scott said:

    This looks like a lost in translation moment. Too specialist means too specific, too exact... @simonh is correct.

    for example, if you decided that the shamans hunters' camp should be a place just outside of runegate fort by the river, they'd have to travel there by spirit from where ever they are. By keeping it as any hunters fire makes it much easier to use. Using skyriver titan also gets round that problem as its related to the major waters of sartar.


    Ahhh, to vs too.  got it. Thanks.

  8. Okay, so my shaman player found this:  http://www.geocities.ws/praxpack/greg-stormbull.html

    From the sounds of it, his non-Storm Bull Shaman has got to go on a  seasonal pilgrimage to the Block?  Enter the Eternal Battle and find his way to Bulldry.  Every Season?  I'm thinking he probably doesn't have to go that route, he can just go straight to the Bulldry on the spirit plane, but does this mean his Orlanthi shaman has to travel every season to the Block?

    And that's just Bulldry dug up from a vague web link he stumbled upon.  What about Hunter's Camp?  Daka Fal's Fire?  Etc.

    EDIT:  After an absurd amount of searching, turns out Hunter's camp is accesible from Bear Mountain in the Autumn Mountain range of Aggar.  Does this mean that taboo means travelling to Bear Mountain in Aggar once a season?

  9. For your example, you are correct if you took the hauberk instead of cuirass and skirt.  You end up weighing in at 8.5 encumbrance.  But no idea if or how to calculate the encumbrance penalty for overlapping leather pants with a hauberk and linothorax. 


    The way I read it, you could wear a Quilted Linothorax covering chest and abdomen.  A heavy leather Hauberk covering same.  Then you could wear heavy leather pants with leather pants underneath.  All of this would weigh 3 encumbrance (quilted=1, hauberk=1, pants=1).   You'd have 4 armor in chest, 7 armor in Abdomen and 3 armor in legs.

    But I agree, nowhere can I find where it says how to calculate any encumbrance penalty for wearing 4 pieces of armor over the abdomen.

    Let's say you wanted to put on your Big Boy armor.  Plate greaves, leather pants, quilted Linothorax and Heavy Scale Hauberk.  That weighs encumbrance 6 (scale=3, lino=1, plate=2).  You'd have 7 armor chest, 8 armor abdomen and 7 armor legs.

    And again, no clue how to calculate any encumbrance penalty if any for wearing three pieces of armor over the abdomen.

  10. 19 hours ago, DreadDomain said:



    Sorry, I wasn't clear, I know how it works in Stormbringer. My questions to @Jason Durall (and others) were:

    A) what does he mean by that: Sometimes they're a means of ordering attacks by first to last, sometimes they're an action point allowance. Both work in entirely different fashions. If I understand correctly, the former relates to actions raking place in SR order while the latter refers to actions being limited to a total of 12 SR. If it is the case, how does he see that as working in entirely different fashions?

    B) while Stormbringer has a simpler approach, DEX Ranks serves pretty much the same functions aren't they? What makes them work better then?

    In one we count from a top number down in the other from a bottom number up.  Both are identical but dex only is a simplistic way to calculate the starting point.  No reason for one to be considered more or less complicated than the other.

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