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Posts posted by Pentallion

  1. The thing is, nobody, not even the Coders, have ever been printed up with the hint of having a wyter blessing.  Wyters are a new thing.  I'm leaning towards the opinion that the sentence in the example about Ernaldan cults was a mistake.  I'd like to know, one way or the other, however, from Jeff or someone.  Because from David's comments about the 20 points, it makes me doubt that the worshippers can give the wyter power all the time.  I'd say just give it a power gain roll on holy days or if it marks its power.


  2. Page 287 of the core book says about the Ernaldan clan (which would apply to the Seven Mothers too)


    who offer it magic points and sometimes even points of characteristic POW (which could bring its POW up to a maximum of 42).

    That 42 Power Wyter could - on full moon days - cast a Shield 35 with Extension 5 on itself lasting 2 years (full moon doubles temporal spells).  Next holy day, having been brought back up to 42 from worshippers, it can cast Shield 30 with Extension 5 for 2 years upon 25 members of the community.  Next holy day, do it again or cast, idk, lets say Spirit Armor Enchantments.  30 points worth on 25 worshippers.  Next holy day, make 30 point magic matrix enchantments on 25 items.  Make 25 items each with 15 Mindblasts seems good.  Will that work?

    It would seem so according to RAW. 

    The math works out to this:  use 8 power to hit 40 worshippers.  Shield 27 with extension 5.  For lunars, that lasts 2 years and cost the wyter 40 Power. The guys getting the benefit from the wyter then sac 1 POW to the wyter each in exchange, bringing the wyter back up to 42 power.   In two years, you can imbue 200 worshippers with Shield 27. 

    Why don't we see Lunar patrols and lunar army with Shield 27?  Why not everyone who has a wyter?

    I don't see any limits on how much power can be sacced to the wyter other than species maximum.  The rules don't say the wyter can only gain power by marking it, they say the worshippers can give it.  So the 20 points David talks about make no sense to me.  That's paltry compared to a minor wyter's power or the power that it imbues its worshippers with.

    I'm guessing these troublesome words need to disappear from the RAW?  and sometimes even points of characteristic POW (which could bring its POW up to a maximum of 42).

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  3. On 5/18/2019 at 5:55 AM, David Scott said:

    The straightforward answer is that you aren’t meant to. However don’t forget that wyters can’t regenerate POW so topping it up to maximum just means it has more to spend. Not that it’s fixed. 

    But you can top it to its maximum during holy days.  Then have it cast, (say it has max power 42) a Shield 35 on itself for an entire year, do the ceremony, have worshippers sac power to get it back to 42 again, wait till next holy day then do other stuff.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, soltakss said:

    They could do. 

    The Elements certainly do. Darkness has Cold/Shadow, Earth has Dust, Fire-Sky has Light/Heat, not sure about Water, Air/Storm has Air/Storm, not sure about Moon.

    Truth has Truth/Knowledge, Movement has Movement/Change, Fertility has Life and so on.

    I am the result of a Tap Dance spell, as I cannot Dance at all.

    My mother was a great tap dancer.  Never occurred to me she was stealing someone else's dance skill.

    I remember when I saw Wonder Woman in the theaters thinking if I were a Brithini, I'd tap that.

  5. Or how I destroyed all of Sartar in 2 minutes.

    M.A.D.  Moonfire Assured Destruction.  That's what ended the Hero Wars.  You see, shortly after the Dragonrise the Red Emperor got a hold of the new RQG spell Moonfire and when he read how ridiculously OP it was he decided to end the threat of Sartar once and for all.  He started a 10 year plan, the Mad Hatter Project.  He formed a group of sevened sorcerers.  That way they could gain power quickly having so many holy days.  They spent that power over a 10 year period building up their Moonfire inscriptions to have 13 pts into range.  Enough to destroy a 5 mile hex on the argan argar map and be outside of the moonfire.  Then, he had them put excess points into the strength of the spell.  He only used sorcerers of high intelligence (16+). 

    He only needed 110 of them.

    They worked in groups of 5.  Each group could nuke an entire 5 mile hex on the Argan Argar Atlas.  5 men in a 25 square mile area don't get any notice.  put 5 men in each hex for 22 hexes and you need 110 men.  Then the adjacent hex gets hit for 5d6 damage for 5 minutes.  All life extinguished save for the toughest of beings.  They move forward and do the next hex row.  Five miles deep, 110 miles wide.  16 castings of the spell and all of Sartar was destroyed in less than a week.

    The empire threw all its magical resources into keeping those 110 men alive from any retaliation.  From invisibility to detection blanks, you name it.  Power crystals, the works.

    At that point, Meriaten said wtf, wt actual f?  Why didn't MY wizards think of that?

    And thus all the surviving nations of Glorantha began building Wizards of Mass Destruction.  Those that had wizards that is.  They became superpowers, conquering all their wizardless neighbors in short order.

    Eventually, the worlds superpowers signed accords, ending the Hero Wars.  Each side could retaliate upon the other so the term M.A.D. was coined.  Moonfire Assured Destruction.  If one side used Wizards of Mass Destruction, then the other side would retaliate in kind.  People who had once believed RQ3 sorcery was broken realized that suddenly it was a brave new world and pined for the good old days when it took the Sorcerer Supreme to inflict that kind of damage.

    That's how the Hero Wars ended.  The reason everyone believes differently today is because at some unknown point in time HQers from a rogue terrorist outfit, brought down WMDs on the Lhankor Mhy god, destroying literacy and the ability to cast Moonfire.  That, in fact, was the entire purpose of the dark ages when literacy was lost.  To wipe the world of all knowledge of the spell.  This is why the histories of the time are all a collection of lies and misinformation.  To keep anyone from realizing how totally and completely broken this one spell was and how it single handedly managed to change the world.

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  6. On 4/26/2019 at 1:07 AM, metcalph said:

    Depends on what you mean by atheism.

    1)  If you mean does not worship, then worship of the Invisible God is not necessary to perform sorcery.  Some Malkioni may do it but they are considered to be stupid by others.

    2) If you mean a denial of the existence of Gods, then I don't think this is Glorantha.  The Gods are real, not figments of imagination.  Whether they should be worshipped is another matter.


    A:  from the Malkioni perspective, the gods are just sorcerers, nothing more.  B:  The only real god does NOT move amongst his worshippers, he is not present at all.   Hence, Invisible.  Unlike the phony gods.  This sorcerers are called atheists because they do not believe in the tangible gods.

  7. Argrath can be easily statted up without fear.  Because if he gets killed another Argrath could take his place.  We don't really know if there's more than one or if they are all the same Argraths or different leaders who rose to replace the last one, ala Dread Pirate Roberts.  And therefore, any stats you give him is fine, if he dies, it actually opens up paths for the PCs to carry the Argrath mantle for a time.

    • Like 2
  8. During RQ3, I always allowed immediate gains in all skills used on a HQ.  No roll to go up, just go up.  That included power and allowed for increases beyond species max.  However, if the PC sacrificed that power the species max returned to normal.  In RQG, where they've made a serious attempt to slow down character growth, I've ruled that HQ's simply allow an immediate roll to try to go up in skills.  that would allow PCs to conceivably go up twice in one season, something they otherwise could not do.

    • Like 3
  9. For the year 1625, Eleven Lights pg 162:


     The Lunars defeat and kill Broyan. Lunar magicians from the Field School of Magic use terrible magics to summon and bind a demon they direct to murder him.

    For the year 1627, Guide to Glorantha, pg 738:


    King Broyan, a man of great honor, came with his army. White Bull, Pillager of Pavis, came when Argrath asked his brothers to come. Chieftains of Prax came, and they were called
    the Army of the Bull.  The armies clashed at Sword Hill.

    To undermine 11L even further, the GtG continues to say:


    Shortly after that the lands of Kethaela, south of Sartar, were plundered by fleets of the horrible Wolf Pirates. Their valiant king, Broyan, was killed defending his folk, and the land fell to ruin. The people asked King Argrath for help.

    I've always been under the assumption that the GtG is canon and so I guess 11L is incorrect?  If so, do Lunars kill Broyan or Harrek?  The GtG is not clear on this. 

  10. On 4/13/2019 at 3:09 AM, Tywyll said:

    What it says on the tin. Are all 18-21 year olds as skilled as a beginning characters are? Or are PCs 'special' somehow?

    One beginning character dived into a pool of POT 20 acid to get a crystal.  He was special.  Another walked into a cave full of trolls.  Everyone thought he was special too.

    Lots of beginning characters are special.

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  11. Give them a shaman.  3 spell barrages and a multispell 2 later when he is slinging aroung multi godawful disrupts he will think he is a dnd wizard gawd.

    When he starts power within spel barrage multispelling he will know he is a god.

  12. On 3/25/2019 at 2:41 AM, David Scott said:

    No, I’m just suggesting that as we now have runes in characters and magic that it might need to be re-evaluated as it currently (RQ2 & RQ3) doesn’t really add up.

    It makes sense to me.  The Runes are the laws of magic so of course can be contained in Truestone.  The true fabric of Glorantha.

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