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Posts posted by Pentallion

  1. Looking a little closer, I see Snakepipe Holow totally inundated.  Anyone remember that there's a tunnel in there that goes deep beneath the earth?  Remember where you wind up if you go down it?  I think a lot of water is going to siphon down that drain.

  2. On 11/12/2017 at 3:44 AM, MOB said:

    Back into Magasta's Pool, eventually... taking as much of the top layers of the lowlands of Genertela with it as it can... 

    The whole place will look like the scablands of eastern Washington where I grew up!

  3. What I wanna know is, Annilla formed into the giant ice clot or not, when the thing finally breaks up and goes down Magasta's Pool does it make a noise like a toilet flushing?

    Cuz that would be Really Cool.

    "...and the dwarves who witnessed the event still swear that they saw their dead god Mostal in a towering ghostly form, driving a plunger deep into Magasta's Pool"

    • Haha 2
  4. 2 minutes ago, Atgxtg said:

    I think you're right on the money with that assessment. I wonder if it is about time that somebody addressed that? Maybe limit the bonus for such spells to damage and either have another spell that improves skill (or attack and parry) or not and  make Coordination much more useful. 

    My personal opinion:  it's not worth addressing.  Just rationalize it and move on.  To use my previous analogy, it's not worth getting a divorce over.

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  5. On 11/21/2018 at 12:05 PM, Jakob said:

    I'd interpret it as "The weapon becomes perfectly balanced and might also seem to actually want to hit it's target." I wouldn't see it as the spell magically increasing the blade's sharpness and the user's skill, because that way, one spell would target to different entities with two different effects, which seems strange. Just making a weapon "better" in pretty much every regard and also giving it a slight "will to hit" makes more sense to me.

    IMO, it's a carryover from D&D that they didn't think through.  A +1 sword in D&D increases the chance to hit and do damage.  But that's because part of "hitting" in D&D is this abstract notion that getting past armor is factored into your chance to hit.  The +1 "to hit" is actually the swords ability to slice through armor.  When they made up Bladesharp in the early days they were probably not thinking it all the way through and just said, +5% to hit and +1 damage, voila!  +1 sword.  But the +1 damage the sword does IS it's ability to slice through armor.  So in RQ any edition, that part of the spell hasn't ever really made sense.

    You can make up any reason for why it makes you better to hit, but in the end, you're just like the spouse making up a reason why things aren't so bad really, giving a + to hit and a + to damage is a bad marriage between D&D and RQ and doesn't really belong in RQG.  But hey, that's always been a part of the game and it's easy for D&D players to grasp if they don't think very hard on it and really, why think very hard on it in the first place right?

    It's only when people start puzzling over rules like this that the quesion "hey, why does Bladesharp give bonuses to hit?" ever come up.

    • Like 1
  6. Okay, I just finally noticed this so forgive me if it's been already brought up elsewhere and just link to that thread please.

    In RQG animals have no INT stat.  They never know spells.  Animal spirits, however, have INT and know spells?  This makes no sense to me.  Can anyone explain to me why this should be so?

    If I sacrifice my cow and bind its spirit can it cast it's spells for me?  With the INT it never had and the spells it never knew during its lifetime?

    • Like 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, Ali the Helering said:

    Nope, just stop expecting myth to be logical!  Timeflow is subjective, and relative timing (especially before Time) doubly so....

    No, that's too blatant a flaw.  Points to the entire Orlanthi mythology being one huge God Learner conspiracy. 

  8. On 11/18/2018 at 9:49 AM, jeffjerwin said:

    It does seem that given that Ernalda has the Harmony Rune she is the source of justice among Earth peoples.

    I would imagine given "There is Always Another Way" that the principle behind Earth justice is restorative, not codified. The Gor cults are necessary only when restoration and recompense is impossible or the enemy is not cooperative.

    yes, we mustn't fall prey to the American insensibility of justice.  It's not all Babeester Gor wielding an Axe and slaying the outlawed.  There is always another way is a concept not always familiar to western players when it comes to justice.   Murder, for example, could result in the killer having to join the deceased's family and replacing his income.  So the term "avengers" should be used with care.  Ernaldan justice could take many forms but first and foremost, it would take the form of problem solving, not avenging.

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  9. So still haven't answered a very important question IMO.  Who is Tolat's mother?

    And this puzzles me:


    “If I wait too long, I will be gone,” said the river. And Kendathalus laughed again. Oslira knew then what his will was. He would kill her. And now she laughed, not in a great roar but in a bitter ironic knowing way.

    So Tolat kills Umath, Kendathalus kills Oslira and all this happens before Humakt gains death?  Huh?  I must be missing something.

  10. thank you everyone.  So looking at the obsidian klanth (totally forgot about that last night, musta been all the tequila) I see it's basically doing a die better damage than a broadsword.  Since they know some dragonewts who owe them a favor, I suppose they could forge the agimori an obsidian pike that does 2d8+2 damage with 12 hp and if firespear is cast upon it, it adds an extra d6 damage.  Not giving him a dragonslayer type weapon though, seems too much.


  11. I've run that campaign twice, with adventures on a weekly, not a seasonal basis, though there were stretches of time that passed without adventures.  Especially when limbs got lopped off and had to slowly regrow and the group spent that time on training.  Starting in 1613 with the River of Cradles campaign.  It's the Argrath Saga, but I call it the Ouroboros Trilogy.  Part one, The Fangs of Ouroboros, ended with the Cradle adventure.  Part two, the Claws of Ouroboros, saw the group split into two, with half on Argraths circumnavigation of the world and the other in Sartar during the Orlanth is Dead era.  Part two ended with Argrath acclaimed King of Dragon Pass.  Part three The Flames of Ouroboros, then lasted until it all ends with the death of the gods and beginning of the new world.  While they were gone on the LBQ, a great deal of time passed in Glorantha so part three was the same gaming time as the other two parts.

    Now that I have so much cool info on what's going to happen in the upcoming Hero Wars, my players, once they get done with Eleven Lights, will get to experience what they missed in the other campaign.

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  12. 4 hours ago, womble said:

    I think there's another pointer that Heal Wound should take SR per MP: Heal Body is an instant total heal (trading 2 additional RP for the needed MP). The difference between that and Heal Wound becomes less marked if Heal Wound is also an SR1 spell regardless of size.

    I look at it from the other angle:  Heal 6 heals all 6 pts instantly.  Since when are Rune Spells out done in any single way by a spirit magic spell?  In every instance, the Rune magic is better or equal to the spirit magic.  So if Heal 6 heals instantly then it goes without saying that Heal Wound does too.

  13. 15 hours ago, JonL said:

    Unclear there. The Closing didn't hinder a bunch of Waertagi from riding Magasta's Pool down to the Underworld either. It may be that the Cradle's intended path was also on the list of acceptable dooms of the Closing.

    But didn't the Closing 'push' the Waertagi down Magasta's Pool? Not the same thing at all IMO.

  14. It wasn't really Harrek's circumnavigation, it was Argrath who was circling the ocean like an air rune, starting off with the Cradle.  So the Cradle is definitely a big part of the Opening.  Plus, it doesn't say ANYWHERE in the Cradle adventure that Dormal's opening ritual is used.  That fact right there says the the Opening began with the Cradle.

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