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Hexelis last won the day on August 8 2015

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About Hexelis

  • Birthday 02/01/1977


  • Master of M'theria


  • RPG Biography
    Call of Cthulhu since 1990, BRP since 2008.
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  1. They must have moved it.
  2. @rsanford yeah I've posted all around. I'm just gearing up to start running some DG, and was looking for a good place where they're discussing rules and what-not. Haven't been over here in ages.
  3. @10baseT so there is no official way to determine this just up to the Keeeper then? I can do that, was just wondering if maybe I missed it somewhere in the book?
  4. In the new DG Handler's Guide, When studying a ritual or reading a tome, how do you determine the study time? I only see it says 'days/weeks/months' etc. How many days/weeks/months?
  5. I see I posted this in the wrong section.
  6. In the new DG Handler's Guide, When studying a ritual or reading a tome, how do you determine the study time? I only see it says 'days/weeks/months' etc. How many days/weeks/months?
  7. Yeah that movie sucked, a huge missed opportunity.
  8. Yup, I remember finding this a long time ago. Not a bad take.
  9. Stephen King's Dark Tower series. Psychics, cowboys, parallel worlds, beast men... I've wanted to make this myself, with the BGB. I wonder if anyone has ever approached King about an RPG.
  10. I plan on playing through Parallel Lines with some side quests thrown in. I got a ton of ideas just from the player's backgrounds. I wanted to dive into this setting about 2 years ago, but got sidetracked.
  11. Anybody been playing Luther Arkwright? I'm about to start up a campaign in a week or so, was curious if anyone had some experiences to share.
  12. OK, got it working. Thanks a lot for your help guys.
  13. I downloaded the foxit reader, but I don't see an option "print to pdf" or any way to export.
  14. "The ArialMT font is not embedded" this is the error I get from lulu. I'll try Nick's method.
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