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Everything posted by JerHoc

  1. I searched through and didn't see this question already, but I apologize if I missed it. On page 6, regarding Opposed Resolutions..."If both participants succeed, the winner is whoever rolled higher." Is this a typo? If critical successes are the lowest of rolls, and you are always aiming to roll under a number, why would the higher roll of an opposed resolution win (if both have succeeded)? It seems counter intuitive to the mechanic, and confusing for the players. Should it not be, "If both participants succeed, the winner is whoever rolled lower"? Thanks in advance!
  2. Yah, that's what the CoC group on FB also recommended...nothing really out there for a creation guide. So wing it I shall! Thanks for taking the time to reply.
  3. I did track down this thread about BRP in general...but I was hoping for something a bit more than "look at another creature and wing it." But maybe that doesn't exist.
  4. With the Cult of Chaos library open, I've been kicking around some ideas for some game modules. The biggest issue is, some of the things I have in mind don't already have creature stats, etc. In addition, I started a blog where I'm converting monsters from movies, books, and folklore into RPG monsters, and I'd like to include CoC options as well. So my question is, does anyone know of a good guide for creature design for Call of Cthulhu? My Internet Use score must be pretty low, or there's nothing really out there, and I didn't see anything in the Keeper's Guide for monster creation. Perhaps an older book? Or one online somewhere? Thanks in advance for any advice! ~Jeremy
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