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Posts posted by Alex

  1. 22 minutes ago, svensson said:

    [...] the Yelmite is not an enemy of Storm Bull and can respect the Bull's function as a Chaos Killer.

    Bear in mind the Yelmite is actually a Yu-Kargzantling (if you will).  Their first...  difference of emphasis is likely less whether to be smugly complacent (paging Dara Happa!) or rabidly fanatical about chaos, but to stare balefully at the other's choice of riding animal and mutter "... unspeakable abomination..." under their respective breaths.

    22 minutes ago, svensson said:

    If you had a Lunar who was a secret Ogre in the party, that'd be a whole 'nuther ball of [very bloody] wax.

    Well, yes.  Because of the "secret" part.

  2. Just now, Rodney Dangerduck said:

    I haven't checked his math, but one of our players calculated that the area of the Telmori tribe is an order of magnitude too small to support that many carnivores who have no real farming or herding or Ernaldan blessings etc.  By that reckoning, they raid neighbors because they are starving.

    I assume they're not strictly carnivorous by diet -- heck, even wolves aren't the most carnivorous of, um, carnivores, and they're anatomically humans for (almost) 6/7ths of the time (given or taken a ton of Extension on that there rune magic).  But if they don't have any agriculture -- unfree/semifree Temori vendref anyone? -- it does sound like they'd have an overdensity problem.  Even if they herd, which doesn't seem to be entirely incompatible with the hsunchen shtick.  Of course in a way this is the War Clan phenomenon writ large.  Whether plausibly so or not I dunno.

    They may of course be hunting over a larger area than their own tula.  Including possibly into Prax and Dagori Inkarth.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, svensson said:


    It was the only possible response to that quote.

    While this isn't the RQ subforum, I feel that Miss It, Special It, Crit It, and Fumble It were also options.

    1 minute ago, svensson said:

    Now boot up a 'bard-core' version of "Gimme Some Lovin'" and we're good to go....

    Am unable to assist on that particular ditty, but here's the latest smash from Hildegard von Blingin', surely the patron muse of Gloranthan gamers, especially given the geographical (near-reference).


    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  4. 1 hour ago, GoldShogun said:

    While I'm still new to the world of Glorantha I do know at least a good amount of information of the world to know that this party is quite diverse culture-wise and also knowing some of the relations between the cultures such as the hostility between the Grazelands and the tribes from Prax.

    Oh my word yes.  Plus minor details like the whole "your god murdered my god" angle, and so on. 🙂

    1 hour ago, GoldShogun said:

    I've been thinking of starting the party in Sartar as it is often recommended but even then I am having trouble to figure out what could bring a Yelmite Grazelander there especially as it would be quite difficult to continue his cult obligations and recover rune points. A way around that I have thought of is that the adventurers would return to their homelands after each season but again I find it difficult to find reasons why they would go back to their homelands each season and group up together once a new adventure starts.

    That's probably sensible, as otherwise you either have to rationalise why they've all relocated to the same place, which might be even more of a brainache.  Or abandon the 'seasonal' structure and have them live hand-to-mouth as freebooters, or otherwise handwave what's happening.

    I'd suggest basically (possibly a combination of) two approaches:-

    • Ask questions, use the answers;
    • Run something, see what happens.

    Obviously whatever motivation they might have, you really want player buy-in for.  So if they have ideas about that, or come up with any when gently led, go with that (or some enlightened compromise on those).  Common character history events, passions, or takes on Current Events as has been suggested are all excellent candidates.  If none of the characters (like most obviously the noble) work as a natural leader or common point of reference, then see if there's a two-degrees-of-kevin-bacon connection between them that might work as some sort of patron figure, located wherever your most convenient base-of-operations might be.  Somebody that fought alongside each of the PCs and decides to use them as "problem-solvers", for example.  Run with that if it works, or let the players find their own rationale.  Assuming they're the sort to do that, and not just unpick it for the sake of it!

  5. 14 minutes ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

    What if the bat is a holdover from the (putative) pre-Brightface takeover. The Green Age, when the sky had a day-night cycle? It was already present when Yelm (or even Aether) usurped the sky from the White Queen. And then it was marginalized until the Storm Age. 

    Dunno if there was a day and night cycle in the Green Age.  Unless you want to go full-spectrum "Dayzatari mystical materialist" and posit that the sky was the same then as now, and the myths are all just state-of-consciousness stuff.  Pass the hookah sultan, as someone once put it.   But it certainly seems like we get a Lunar cycle of some kind pretty early on.  

  6. 27 minutes ago, svensson said:

    So the Steve Jackson Games HeroQuest titles are canon?

    Definitely not, but we can still discuss them, spirits of reprisal permitting.  Though they were Issaries/Moon Designs products that just happened to have SJG sales and distributions.

    27 minutes ago, svensson said:

    I'm looking at the index of my copy of SJG's 'Imperial Lunar Handbook vol. 1' [2003, Issaries Inc. and SJG] and see no reference to Hurvaran or Blaskarth. Checking in the Rinliddi pages [pgs. 22-23], there's no mention of those beings either.

    Huvaran and Blaskarth are mentioned in ILH2. I think Simon fenceposted a little.

    On 12/4/2021 at 10:49 PM, Joerg said:

    Do any Rinliddi have magic to shape-change themselves into birds, or to take on bird characteristics other than superior sight (a general fire rune trait)?

    Interesting question.  They seemed likely a long way away from the "mandatory" hsunchen lifestyle.  But then again, after some humming and hawing we we have hsunchenesque Heortling magic, although particular to their hunter types...

    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

    This sounds like earlier versions of RQ. Current version has the Fetch being the other part of yourself, not a separate spirit.

    Either side of the game-mechanical details and surrounding flavour text, I've generally assumed that different cultures and traditions may see this differently.  And the more "mystical" viewpoint might be along the lines of "... and aren't those really the same thing, anyway?  *sagenod*"

    Bit of an eyeopener to learn that it's a chaos-arachnid, but live and learn!

    3 hours ago, dumuzid said:

    double-fumbling to this piddly scorpionman spirit and getting it cohabiting with their soul should definitely result in a few pips of Chaos rune

    Kinda seems a bit rough that you might get tainted with Chaos entirely from bad rolls.  I know Greg seemed to go back-and-forth on whether Permanent Taint and Inevitable Soul Destruction(TM) was something that only happened due to wilful consorting with chaos, or was more in the Stuff Happens realm, but just from a fumble-table result seems especially unsatisfying.

    5 hours ago, jajagappa said:

    Instead of having the spirit dominantly possess the body like a ghost, make it a type of Covert possession.  Both are present and both striving for control of the body.

    Incomplete dominant possession!  To mix the genetic and spiritualist metaphors.  Kinda cool idea.  Could be the sort of thing a player could have a certain horrific fun with, channeling their Dr Strangelove/All of Me/Venom scenery-chewing chops.

    On 12/3/2021 at 9:37 PM, Rodney Dangerduck said:

    So my PC came out, Illuminated, and very conflicted, as she was formerly quite skeptical about the Lunar use of Chaos.

    I'm reminded of an Alastair Reynolds line about a character who was highly skeptical about the capabilities of a certain type of AI...  but nuanced their views when they ended up as exactly that sort of AI...

  8. 2 hours ago, Scorus said:

    ...What comes out?

    A Telmori.  Visible number of limbs an incidental!

    2 hours ago, Scorus said:

    I remember reading somewhere that Telmori don't begin transforming until they reach maturity, but I doubt that was a canonical source.

    I dunno.  They might not follow the same pattern of adulthood and religious initiation as the Orlanthi, of course, and the automatic transformation may depend on either or neither of those.  The offspring might also be a non-sentient wolfcub, an awakened one, or a two-legged telmori child...  same as every other day of the week, really.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Harry the Dirty Dog said:

    I like the idea of a bunch of people worshipping a perfectly ordinary bat goddess who have been a) quite horrified at the Crimson Bat for some time now and b) carefully explaining to anyone that will listen that theirs is a different bat and that the big red one has nothing to with them.  

    "Zet ees nit ma bet."

    • Haha 2
  10. 31 minutes ago, AndreJarosch said:

    The gloranthan week has seven days, of which 5 are also associated with an element, the last two Wildday and Godsday are not. 

    There's a fair bit of variability even within the "major" calendars -- only the Theyalan and Lunars (those tawdry Theyalan cover acts) weeks are seven days.  So unless the runic determinism thing somehow works by bloodlines, or in geographical zones, it's likely not that strong, if not to say largely a narrative device.

    • Like 2
  11. 12 minutes ago, Agentorange said:

    What it says really. I keep checking over at Chaosium but no signs of these items in the UK warehouse. Does anybody from Chaosium have an idea of when the re stock is likely to happen ? Even a rough ETA would be fine......

    Sounds like that'd violate their "no release dates" policy. 🙂 Though as I understand it they have shared ship tracking IDs before...

  12. 13 hours ago, Jape_Vicho said:

    It might be problematic in some cases as many named Arthurian knights have storylines that include romance with women, and having a gay woman knight might be a little too wild, but well, we have dragons too so, why not?

    Or gender-flip their Amor, or any combo of the two, case-by-case.

    I don't know how far the next editions plans on detailing -- or "mandating", as they might say in some of the more over-excitable OSR quarters -- the gender issue, but past eds have discussed different campaign options that were considerably different from each other, and that might be an option here too.

  13. 24 minutes ago, Baron Wulfraed said:

    You could start training with the 2 year old in terms of getting it used to being led on halter, then introduce a bit and work the animal on a lunge-line... Saddle (but no rider) some time later. Maybe some dead weights on the saddle to introduce it to the load of a rider.

    Yeah, I was offering up a ballpark guess as to the likely minimum age of something appearing on "Horse, riding" pricelist item.  No doubt all sorts of other horsetrading -- sorrynotsorry -- at the moot happens too, with people buying and selling for preliminary training, finishing, specialised training, bloodstock, etc.

  14. 1 minute ago, Ladygolem said:

    Darn, I forgot about that. Oh well, scratch that then.

    OTOH the "runic determinist" birthdays may be exaggerated in RQG a) for simplicity, and b) because PCs are touched by fate, etc, moreso than the average air-rune-leaning person insisting on being born on a Windsday.

    • Like 1
  15. 15 minutes ago, Akhôrahil said:

    Five years of training for a basic riding horse sounds like… a lot?

    They do need several years of growing up.  Maybe around 3-4, from what I've read.  How much of that is 'training' as such is another matter.

    I assume the cavalry horse, warhorse, etc, isn't necessarily a great deal older, but the training gets a lot more intensive at some point.  Hence lots of labour-costs and skill rolls.

  16. 1 hour ago, Ladygolem said:

    This is because knowledge of a person's birth runes can be used by enemies to strengthen curses or hostile magic against that person - similar to IRL superstitions around leaving hair or nail clippings.

    If you're using the RQG rules for those, and if characters display their rune-preferences anything like as prominently as they have in decades of art, alynx might be out of the bag on that!

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