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Posts posted by lawrence.whitaker

  1. Our friends at 77Mundos, the Spanish partner for Mythras, has produced a wonderful 3D printed resin figure set of Anathaym and the Slargr, from the front cover of Mythras here's their announcement in full, and here's a link to their store for placing an order.


    On May 21, 2014, Runa Digital managed to carry out the crowdfunding campaign on Verkami, tripling the minimum amount set for the project, bringing in no less than 696 backers who funded what would be the 6th edition of Runequest, thus commemorating the 35th Anniversary of the game. 

    Anathaym was facing a monstrous Slargr in the fantastic illustration by Pascal Quidault for the cover of this edition of the book.

    But on August 15, 2016, the publisher communicated the abandonment of the line, among other reasons by not obtaining the rights to Glorantha, so RQ6 was discontinued. 

    Unfortunately, this time Slargr won.

    Two years later, on December 2, 2018, it was 77Mundos the publisher who took the baton, and thanks to the contribution of 247 patrons brought this time the Island of Monsters and the Mythras we know today, which shared cover with the previous game.

    This May 21, 2024, was the 10th anniversary of the arrival of Anathaym to our lives, and from our publishing company, in collaboration with Red Bard Games, we want to celebrate it with a commemorative miniature that represents the eternal struggle of these two icons of the d100 system.


    Get this great miniature to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the arrival of Anathaym to the Spanish role-playing world.

    The miniature is sold unpainted and unassembled.

      •     Scale 28mm.
      •     3D printing with high quality resin.
      •     WARNING: Not a toy. Small parts. From 14 years old.
      •     Made in EU

    Shipments of the first 100 units will be made from July 15, if this number of orders is exceeded we will inform you of future delivery dates.





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  2. Quote

    However, even they do take cover.... How does cover work? I imagine it mean even if one "succeed the attack roll" one must also make a location roll that can be covered location? (reducing the overall chance of harm)... is that it? Lying on the ground is not quite cover how does it work? (hard roll against small target)

    Cover works exactly as described on pages 102 and 103 of the Mythras core rules, or page 47 of Mythras Imperative.

    Lying on the ground: Ranged Combat Situational Modifiers table, page 108.


    Now further along the fight, both party safely behind cover. How does anything happen? I guess people need to move... so there are sneaking and listening checks... There are crossings of area without cover. So I guess there is Delay actions that can take effect during an enemy movement (otherwise turn by turn allow people to stay always in full cover, if not for Delay action, right?). How does Delay shoot during movement? normal skill roll BUT with an opportunity for evade (even against firearm)?

    This is a combination of movement (if running from cover to cover), and ideally with some supportive suppressing fire, and the Sneak Peek and Take Cover Combat Actions described in the Firearms supplement, or page 38 of Mythras Imperative. Delay can be used to wait until an opponent exposes a vulnerability.


    Doing suppressing barrage on an open area... I guess this one is easy, it requires the initiative to shoot first.. and remove the evade roll if crossing that particular area? (though if blind shooting will incur sever shooting skill !) also... the enemy can see the area is unsafe. and also might reduce everyone perception (lots of noise)

    Rules for automatic fire, pages 48-50 of Mythras Imperative.

    In general, Evade is tough against firearms as it also leaves you prone. That might make you a smaller target, but also makes it tougher for you to get out of the line of fire.

    Gun combat also has some unique Special Effects too: Drop Foe, Over Penetration and Pin Down can all be extremely effective when used properly. However, gun combat feels, and plays out, very differently to melee combat.

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  3. Awakening deep in the forest...
    No idea how you got here...
    ...Who the hell ARE you?... Who the hell are these others...?
    Something's not right. There's something strange about how you feel...
    No time. Danger! Armed drones, searching, hunter-killers. You have to run...
    Run like Hell. Towards the lights, distant lights of the city.
    Maybe someone there knows who you are; what you are.
    Maybe they have answers. But right now, run.
    Run like Hell.

    Power Outage is an adventure for Destined, and now available!

    Nascent powers are awakened in a group of unsuspecting individuals, and immediately they are fighting for their lives. Where can they find answers? Who can they trust? Does Gemelos City hold the key?

    Power Outage is designed to introduce new players to superhero roleplaying, but makes a fine start to any superhero campaign.

    40 pages, softcover
    $10.99 POD & PDF
    $4.99 PDF


    Power Outage Thumbnail.png

    • Like 5
  4. The long awaited 'Book of Schemes' is now available to buy.

    A complete city, and inspired by the medieval city-states of the Hanseatic league, this book is not a fairy tale. It is not about heroes and heroines. It is certainly not about standing up to and overcoming evil. This book is about grey morality, personal interests and rivalry. This is Book of Schemes, a Mythras supplement to help you weave scheming and intrigue into your campaigns – and turn your players into Machiavellian masterminds.

    Set in the city-state of Guelden, in the lands known as Wittringia, Book of Schemes is a self-contained guide to the city, its politics, people, factions, secrets, feuds, plots and duplicities. In these pages you will find everything needed for an exciting campaign using Guelden’s streets as a backdrop. Book of Schemes also covers the cults, magic, guilds and gangs of the city, and contains a multitude of scenario ideas, and a complete introductory adventure: Chaos at the Quay.

    Written by Dan True, mastermind behind the Combat Training Module series, Book of Schemes is a fascinating addition to the Mythras city book range, and is easily used with, and alongside, Mythic Constantinople, Fioracitta, and the cities found in the Book of Quests.

    So prepare to walk the labyrinthine cobbles of Guelden… but watch your back. Treachery is only a footfall away.

    Print Edition (Hardback, 272 pages, Colour and B/W): $44.99
    PDF: $16.99

    TDM Store: https://thedesignmechanism.com/book-of-schemes-print/

    Lulu: https://tinyurl.com/yck4c2dh

    DrivethruRPG: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/468943/Book-of-Schemes

    Book of Schemes Cover Large.png

    • Like 7
  5. 7 hours ago, Nozbat said:

    There’s an upcoming Design Mechanism book, which while not Early Modern real world is based on a north Low German Hanse city. I’m not sure who the authors are but if it’s in a similar vein to @Alex Greene excellent Fioracitta, based on a Renaissance Italian City State (and not on some delicious artisan Tuscan bread)… it’ll be worth investing in. Whether you favour the Mythras rules or a BRP derivative, it’ll be easy to convert.

    Not sure what the timescales are for publication maybe @lawrence.whitaker could update us?

    This weekend.

    • Like 2
  6. Its an excellent shorthand. I used the same approach in an online combat yesterday, where a bunch of guards had a flat 'Guard 45%' skill for anything that a guard could be expected to perform to a reasonable degree of competence.

    • Like 1
  7. To usher in the Year of the Dragon, we're holding a New Year sale, reducing all items bought on our webstore by 15%  rom 12 midnight, 1st January, until 12 midnight on the 7th January. So if there's a book you've been holding back on, or want to make a new year gift to friends, loved ones, gaming pals, or just as a random act of kindness, the Year of the Dragon sale is the time to do it.

    Simply use the code Dragon2024 at checkout to claim your discount.

    And there'll be lots of news on TDM activities for the Year of the Dragon coming very soon. New releases, plans for various lines, and lots more to look forward to.

    So from all of us here at TDM: Loz, Pete, Brian, Rod and Soph, Happy 2024! May it be safe and prosperous for you all.

    • Like 3
  8. The new, revised, expanded, ORC-licensed edition of Mythras Imperative is now available - just in time for Christmas.

    While the game and mechanics are fundamentally the same, we've tweaked a few rules, made errata corrections, and fully integrated rules for firearms, vehicles, new character creation options, and sample creatures (with a complete list of traits to make them worthy opponents).

    Most important of all, Mythras Imperative is licensed under ORC, meaning that 3rd party creators can freely use, adapt and build upon the Mythras Imperative foundation for their own unique d100 games, supplements and adventures. Combine Mythras Imperative with its sister book, Classic Fantasy Imperative, or any other ORC-licensed open gaming system.

    So whether you want gritty fantasy or mythic historical, Pulp-era spies or cinematic superheroes, Mythras Imperative has you covered. Simple to learn, simple to play, but with a surprising depth that is the result of many, many years of refinement.

    The PDF version is free to download. The Print on Demand version is $24.99 (black and white, softcover, 80 pages). A POD version for Drivethru customers will follow later.

    TDM Store

    Lulu Store


    Mythras Imperative Thumbnail.png

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  9. 2 hours ago, g33k said:

    This image totally makes me want to run a time-travelers' campaign... or maybe a "reincarnations / past-lives;" where you've got different eras' campaigns intermixed...?

    Quite coincidentally, we also publish...


    ...which is designed to support exactly those sorts of campaigns!

    • Like 2
  10. A sneak peak at the brand new cover for the updated Mythras Imperative. Anathaym in three incarnations, reflecting the scope of the Mythras rules and the content of Mythras Imperative.

    This edition of Mythras Imperative has additional rules for character creation, firearms, and vehicles. Like Classic Fantasy Imperative, it is completely open using the ORC license and will have an accompanying SRD. The PDF is completely free, and there will be a Print on Demand edition for those wanting a physical copy.

    We expect to release it in December. Watch this space for release details.


    Mythras Imperative Cover Large Large.jpeg

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  11. An epic scenario for Mythic Constantinople: The Curse of Triton.

    The pirate calling himself Triton has laid siege to The Golden Horn, paralysing sea traffic into the Queen of Cities. Meanwhile, in a small monastery a mute slave has sought refuge from a terrible tragedy; elsewhere, an old and determined cult is seeking the return of a treasure stolen several years before by a disgraced soldier of Constantinople. 

    These events are set to collide, and new secrets revealed, as the characters investigate a seemingly low-key house near one of the fish markets. But they are not the only ones interested in the dwelling of Agenor, and what they discover will lead them into both the catacombs of the city, and into Triton’s carefully laid plans. Old gods will be disturbed; old rituals revived; and Constantinople’s fate hangs in the balance. 

    The Curse of Triton is a self-contained Mythras scenario set in 15th Century Constantinople. Fully compatible with the Mythic Constantinople setting, it can also be adapted to other historical or fantasy settings involving a large coastal city. The adventure works best with three to six characters, possessing a wide range of both social and martial skills.

    Softcover. 66 pages. $16.99 (POD), $8.99 (PDF)

    TDM Store




    Curse of Triton.png

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  12. This a case for clarifying how Damage Weapon applies given the standard damage reduction mechanics for parrying based on relative size. My feeling is that weapon size should still be in play: ie, a dagger is going to have a tough time damaging a shield.

    One for us ponder.

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  13. 2 hours ago, RosenMcStern said:

    It is a very neat game, and the license part is very well worded. A good example of how to do a D100 game under the ORC. Congratulations to TDM and Rodney for a job well done, which will undoubtedly inspire thousands of hours of retro-gaming fun.

    Thank you Paolo. That’s really appreciated. Actually, the wording around what ORC is, is taken almost verbatim from the ORC AxE (a great little FAQ doc accompanying the full license). It succinctly explains the intent, so was worth quoting with only a few small tweaks.

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  14. 40 minutes ago, g33k said:

    Thank you very, VERY much Loz / TDM!!!

    I admit I'm not following the "ORC"-Licensed world closely...  I'm pretty sure Chaosium's BRP:UGE edition was the first ORC game out the door... is this the 2nd?
    Are there any others?


    I've genuinely no idea. There may not be all that many just yet. I think that WotC back-tracking on their OGL changes, and then releasing the 5ed under Creative Commons may have taken the wind out of some of ORC's sails. But that doesn't mean it's not worth using the license to show support for independent creators and games companies.

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