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Thot last won the day on April 14 2018

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  • RPG Biography
    Been playing RPG's for 25 years, of all kinds and tastes. Even wrote and published my own (in German).
  • Current games
    Currently, I am running a Mythras campaign set in the Young Kingdoms of Stormbringer, using the magic system from Magic World. The players are in year 11 after the fall of Imryrr and try to escape the end of the world, which they found out about via visions, dreams and prophecies.
  • Location
    In the middle of the middle of Germany
  • Blurb
    Born 1976, self-employed IT networking consultant, served 4 years in my country's Navy as an officer candidate/officer back in the day, happily married.

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  1. Hence my conclusion that the same table cannot possibly apply for all types of vehicles and my proposal to define speed ranges for each type of vehicle, say, a walker, a grav speeder, an airplane, a car, a spaceship. How do you handle it?
  2. Only now I found the table for vehicles in M-Space. 😄 But that doesn't make sense, does it? With that,. I could build a car breaking the speed of sound.
  3. To explain this maybe a bit clearer. Say, I have a car with speed stat 2 and one with speed stat 19. How would you determine what precise top speed they each have, knowing that cars can go up to 400 km/h? And what about a car with speed 18 compared a jet airplane with speed stat 3? And so on. In a vehicle-centric campaign, that could become rather important. Especially when using M-Space's vehicle construction system. I think I am going with the following approach: I define a range of movement in a given medium, say, 50-400 km/h for a four-wheeled internal combustion car. Speed stat 1 then represents the 50 km/h, while speed stat 120 defines the theoretical maximum (a hypothetical car that is only engine of the best quality). The range between my set speed boundaries of 100 to 400 is 300, so adding one speed stat point roughly equals 3 km/h. So speed 10 would be 130 km/h, speed 20 would be 160, and speed stat 40 would be 220 km/h. Another example: Say, I have a space ship with a fusion torch drive. Ships with that drive type usually do accelerations of 0.001 m/s² and 0.01 m/s². That means a spread of 0.0099, distributed evenly among 120 theoretically possible speed stats is about 0.000075. So a speed stat of 20 will be equivalent to roughly 0.0025 m/s² of acceleration. But I would love to read how others have approached this? Or what do you think of the above approach?
  4. Also an interesting thought, in fact I am going to steal it for my planned vehicle-centric campaign! Well, kph or m/s is just a matter of computation, of course. The key is: The abstract speed stat of two different vehicles (of the same type or of different types), how do they translate to actual speeds in concrete numbers?
  5. Obviously, vehicle speeds in Mythras and M-Space are abstract values and cannot be directly translated into an actual real-life speed value. But as soon as I have people on foot and vehicles interact with one another, I need some kind of actual, non-abstract speed value for a given vehicle. How have you guys solved this problem in your campaigns? Have you just declared a rough range for each vehicle class (such as 100-200 km/h for cars, and 100-850 km/h for propeller-driven airplanes), and placed any given vehicles in that range according to their speed?
  6. Experimenteller Schreitpanzer SPX-1 Module Cr Stats Schubmodule: 24 48.000 Steuerungsmodule: 12 24.000 Kanzel: 1 1.000 Waffen: Blasterkanone 2 3.000 Selbstreparaturmodule 1 1.000 2 Arme: 12 12.000 Sensoren: 1 1.000 Luftvorrat: 1 1.000 Tarnung: 2 1.000 Zielautomatik: 1 1.000 Gesamtmodule ohne Schreiter und Steuerung: 17 Gesamtmodule: 53 Modulgewichtsäquivalent: 194,333333333333 Schnelligkeit: 7,70053475935829 Wendigkeit: 7,70053475935829 Panzerungsgewichtsmultiplikator: 5 Panzerungskosten: 136.000 Schutzwert: 40 Trefferpunkte: 530 Gesamtgewicht: 19.433 kg Gesamtkosten: 229.000
  7. Ich habe gerade einein Schreitpanzer (Mecha) gebaut, mit den Fahrzeugregeln. Zählt das auch? :)
  8. I was forced by the players to use Elric, Dyvim Slorm, and Dharnizhaan (yes) as NPC's. It was a hairy thing, but I think I did them justice to some extend. Never used any pregenerated characters in any RPG, though. Players should be able to forge their own characters.
  9. ... and nobody here is talking about this? Elric: https://comicbook.com/tv-shows/2019/11/19/elric-saga-tv-series-michael-moorcock/ Hawkmoon: https://deadline.com/2019/02/bbcs-michael-moorcock-runestaff-1202556240/
  10. So... Having read it further, the idea does have merits, but somehow doesn't enthrall me to run a campaign in it. I'd maybe use it in some kind of world hopping campaign as a stop between adventures. But for a setting fully based on this one world, it seems... too peaceful? I mean, sure, there's the Cold War with a somehow only half-communist dictatorial Soviet Union, but that doesn't really inspire me. Maybe it's using a divergence point way, way in the ancient past of the early 20th century that fails to bewitch me... but then again, it's the only that makes sense when emulating the pulp sf, "inhabited solar system" genre. It's pulp in all its glory. Not quite my genre, but it's well done, I enjoyed the read.
  11. I totally forgot the existence of this until now; bought the PDF. Thanks for this thread! Their nuclear rockets have an exhaust velocity of about "25 times that of the best chemical rockets", which would translate into roughly 111,550 m/s. This results in these delta V numbers per tenth of ship mass as fuel: 1 11,753 2 24,892 3 39,787 4 56,983 5 77,321 6 102,212 7 134,303 8 179,533 9 256,853 9.9 513,707 9.99 770,560 9.999 1,027,413 I'll have to read the rest later on, but it does look promising from what I've seen already.
  12. Tangentially relevant: https://lifespanbook.com/
  13. There are many setting-specific variables. You have to decide how much mass a solar sail will have per square km. Something like 3 grams per square meter seems realistic; that would mean 3 tons per square km. So e.g. a 30 ton ship would have 1 module for 1 km² of solar sail, providing the ship with an acceleration of 0.0003 m/s² at 1 AU distance from the sun. There are, by the way, also concepts of solar sails that are not actual sails, but magnetic fields filled with thin hydrogen, for the same effect, but with potential of a much larger sail - if you have the energy.
  14. You just turn the sail 45° from the star so that it slows your orbit around it, and then the star's gravity does the rest. Likewise, you can turn the sail so that your orbital speed increases.
  15. For solar sails, the table here is also highly relevant: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiation_pressure#Pressures_of_absorption_and_reflection At Earth's distance from the sun, the radiation pressure is about 9 Newton per square kilometer of solar sail surface. In other words, if you had a 100 ton ship with a solar sail 100 by 100 km, you'd be able to accelerate at roughly 1 m/s², assuming 100% efficiency of reflection. So, you need an incredibly light material to make a solar sail worth doing, obviously.
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