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Everything posted by HeartQuintessence

  1. You all are making gonna spend aome money when i get home... For hokiday presents . Also its juat Heroquest Glorantha and RQG for me. Does Glorantha have.. A winter sokistice festival? Winter is a time of life and creation and death allnrolled into one.. It seems. Ooh actually is there a book that talks about Prax? I always am curious about the rider culture... The feather horse queen and the pure(?) rider culture?
  2. Oh this makes me happy i guess chaosium is about to get 150 heart dollars the amount of stuff about to buy. Also that in the hulking Guide ro Glorantha... Wow thata an important peice of info.
  3. Yeah i see that now. Which book is that from RqG?
  4. @Jane Thunderrebels is now on my list for purchase this evening for Holiday goodies. thanks. i am sort of using HQG to get a feel for the characters, and the fleah them out in RQG.
  5. And the Great MOB has graced my thread. Man this is really making me want to take a look at Glorantha a LITTLE closer. guess i am buying more The Coming Storm and Eleven lights, and maybe that new book that just came out for runquest. Is it too weird to want to mix HQ and RQ together? Though now i am wondering about calling this supposed female supplimwnt "Kerchiefs and Kirtles" or maybe " Hearth and Heart "something more allterative...
  6. Waiy Kallyr Starbrow ia female? Inthought they had been refered to as He in material. ok well thats inyeresting. So how do you all write women and women related things in your campaign?
  7. No @Bill the barbarian, I do not this is most definitely a clan effort to come up and smooth out these idea. Though this does get me thinking mythologically, at this rate " My Glorantha "that will some very different myths to write and for people to tell. Though I suppose the time, Orlath cleaned the house would be a funny story indeed.
  8. Which does make me wonder about another fictional series, where Queen's had'power' over the Earth, a literally connection of the land they ruled: Anne Bishop's Black Jewel Triology. It makes me wonder if the women of Glorantha, any woman in that sense as an initate of Ernalda (or one of her daughters, or other forms), would have a 'Queen's Garden' a little patch of land that symbolically (and maybe literally) is a reflection of herself.
  9. @Jane: I guess I never considered that Glorantha isn't 'male as a default' as most of the material I've read presents male as a warriors with few Vingan things sprinkled in but maybe I am not reading the right material or am just steaking with HQ (, HQ:G, Kingdom of Sartar, The Sartar Companion) and RQG, and the Glorantha Source book and haven't actually look at any of the older material. I own King of Dragon PAss- I suck playing it, just I struggle with it. I guess I'll grab Thunder Rebels and Storm Tribe, and Coming Storm, (Good thing nothing on the winter steam sale is calling my name) And So far I've been loving the fiction(I spent last night reading your stuff!) I did notice that whole, without the female aspect soveriegnty means little. Though i guess when your marriage partner is an aspect of the Earth Goddess, which means food and animals and people continue to produce and change and grow and without it he world becomes very barren, it make sense. And this is the part I do not quite understand about Glorantha in some respects, I guess I its because its so old in many respects, tales and have btold and again and experienced by thousands of people, and yet, I as a new person have zero reference points. Though I suppose in a way this experience is very Gloranthan, a child learning at the feet of her tribe, to understand the stories of her people and therefore experience them anew, with each variation a deeper and more interesting meaning. Each time someone mentions some new name I go and google it and it gets more confusing. But I kind of like it.
  10. I know I have aagriculture & hunting as starting points. (seems easiest to work with). Though I like the idea that these hm... Horned Does (because yes mixing imagery for a horned female deer as their Wyter, is just visually cool). But where to go with it.
  11. Thanks for all the points of light in a sea of darkness. But now I need to figure out how to create my own material when I don't know the world. but maybe I can start here. And no one has to stop, honestly its given me a bit of an ego boost to hear that I am doing it 'right'. I just have to know where to start. Knowing whether or not to grab the HQ books and work on building a tribe. Hmm maybe that is the Quest, the girls are experiencing, and building off of, build a tribe when they return as a dult women to the waking world. And that's mission for the adventure portion.
  12. As I am discovering, Glorantha is split up over a lot of stuff and sometimes you have to be an advocate of change that you want to see. And right now, that's presenting Women ( and all that entails), to the audience. So many times its murder, and take loot. If Glorantha is about community, then the things which build it are nessacery, and that means women. Can a woman be woman and still do masculine things, being a Initiate of Ernalda but still enjoy the feel of bow as it the arrow hits its mark and it means those under your care may eat meat tonight? (Or any other number of things). I know I want to do a initiation of female characters and then turn them into an adventuring party ( and I've never done this before.
  13. Yes please. As a newbie to Glorantha i will happily take those thoughts. I did discover that passivity was the main "theme" and maybe that inversion is nessacery and building upon it is probably a good thing. It maybe why the female rites are not talked about. I mean groqing food is hardly passive, hunting is probably masculine.. But using your crops as a lure... Is crafty and 'feminine'. Turning things into active hmm does seem to make them Masculine by Gloranthan standards... Right? If The red goddess who was shot feom the sky... Instead choose to come down and caught the arrow as it approached, so she is still hit, but instead chooses to descended to meet her foe... Time to grow Glorantha alittle wider I guess.
  14. I have been wanting to wait till the Esorlia source book, and/ the God and goddess book hoping... I had read those prior. But i guess i have to do it myself .
  15. (phone posting draft) Initiation of Women, of the Feminine and of Glorantha and storytelling there in. So i see much of the Gloranthan materials do the whole "male role as default " which is a reflection of earth. I am considering putting together a book perhaps even go so far as to do Jonstown Compendium because i as a female gamer wanna see more of this sort of thing. But i need help: what resources do i turn to, do i juat make stuff up? As i read about Male initiation i realized it... Active and outer world related. Female role initiation i feel should be just as harrowing and interesting facing people and the mythical. Anyone have opiniona or ideas.. I hobestly am considering writing a Wonder women style compendium clan using HQ (coming storm and 11 light) kas a starting point and building out.
  16. Does anyone know if you backed the kickstarter, are we going to get copies of the PDFs hosted on the Chaosium site as well for download or only through DTRPG?
  17. True, and yes that was most definately me. Someone on of my other FB groups pointed me to that so I dropped a line hoping for a bite. Oh I'll find a game its just a matter of time. The other down side, is that Glorantha isn't as 'popular' but then again, people are getting started in D&D and then branching out all we can do is bring them into Glorantha, when we see them.
  18. As a USA player, but one who lives on the east coast, its actually a little harder to make the trip to a middle state to do a convention (as someone who's just gotten the ability to potentially do that if I save). So I am basically based online for now. I did join the Facebook group. But I guess being under only a 'kid' in comparison to how long some of you all have been playing ( my entire existence)- just means I have to find new ways to inovate.
  19. Thank you, And hopefully when that book comes out, along with the Gods & Goddess book, it will be better, and I shall by all of them!.
  20. So after sitting down and reading my HeroQuest:Glorantha on my commute, I realized, I am in want of a game, but it smaller, but on line, but I've no one who is wiser in Glorantha than I, and so I turn to you all- where do you all go to look for Roleplayers, or GMS for Glorantha? Is there some secret community?
  21. Wow. I never thought of it that way. I suppose that it is true. Riding out of hell on The Crimson Bat which eats souls is... Not a Good Guy Thing (tm). But as I re read my RQ:Glorantha book. I ask myself, is hero quesand invitation going to be in another book? And do the Eleven Lights stuff from Hero quest is that compatable?
  22. Thanks. At This point have a friend who is a... Gloratha Guru (who some how thinks the Lunars are OK? ISH? with Illumination and some other stuff-- I sort of understand it), But I know that 'Lunars are sort of the 'bad guys' but not really, because they're playable?) I guess I am sort of interested Ernalda (Yeah Esrolia! ), but am also trying to understand how the Runes and MAgic work, can you work magic outside of the runs you have? Do they have to be inscribed on your body to work, or can be on an object? I know most people are 'vaugely' priest-like, due to the way the world is. I guess since own RQ:G (in both physical & PDF) I am trying to understand how to read it. Because it seems like older editions of Glorantha were let 'timeline' more 'toolkit' and RQG went with :Timeline specific?
  23. Is there a community for beginners like myself to Glorantha? THere is so much material, so much history... I own the RQ:G book, the new one, but I kind of don't understand what it 'means' in the larger context. I got the sense that RQ:G puts the game in a specific time and era ( incomparrison to some of the old material), but when you do not understand that context or the timeline. I don't know if I can play my character effectively. Is there a good beginners guide to the world ( that is the insane Atlas or Guide to Glorantha- that has you drowning? As much as I love them they made me more confused. Not that I have a community to play in (yet?) Is there a Glorantha discord running around somewhere?
  24. I love this approach. Hopefully more this can be spun into a solid 'beginners' 'world' primer of sorts. (I know that the Glorantha source book, but it doesn't talk about the people ect), the rituals and cultures.
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