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Posts posted by Psullie

  1. The chance for a Critical or Special is based on the final modified target number. Reductions for >100% are considered Modifiers. So the best one can hope for with Opposed or Combat rolls is 5% and 20% respectively. Also the reduction works until the highest value is 100%. So a 15% v 155% would become -40% v 100% (yes the -40% still has a 5% chance of success, a 1% chance of Critical and no chance of a special, Fumble on a 95+). a 250% v 325% = 25% v 100% with all specials etc reduced. 

    I believe that this is levelling factor, regardless of how great you are, there is a slim chance that some dweeb will take you down.

  2. 1 hour ago, Zozotroll said:

    What do you want to play?  RQG is about armored folk bashing at each other with weapons. Roughly bronze age.  I am not aware of any bronze age weaponless schools of combat.  Just as advanced weapons ad armor are not really part of the setting, advanced martial arts are not either.  Anytime you try to stretch a game beyond what it is meant to it doesnt do it very well.   RQG isnt really a martial arts game and all attempts to make it one are going to be unsatisfactory. 

    Palé goes back to 700BCE but even in simplest terms there are times when you just want to restrain someone 

  3. 6th ed or RQ6 published by the Design Mechanism (now called Mythra) is a major overhaul from RQ3  and has some very nice mechanics.

    Chaosium's new edition, RuneQuest Roleplaying in Glorantha or RQG is an evolution from RQ2 that has fully integrated Runes into the engine and firmly sets the game in Glorantha

  4. go wild, if it's strange and dangerous by Gloranthan standards then anything is possible. I recommend looking up actual deep sea creatures - pure nightmare fuel: frilled shark, toothfish, vampire squid, viperfish... 

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  5. 52 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    So addiction can be cured easily by a shaman? I don't see any evidence for this happening.

    Not wanting to diminish the struggle of kicking additive habits, but the first step is wanting to be cured. So while a shaman might be able to purge the spirit, getting the individual in to the sweat lodge would be a battle in itself. 

  6. 1 minute ago, jajagappa said:

    I can't see Nysalor doing this.  If there is any cult who would do so it would be Etyries, wayward daughter of Issaries.  It would be through New Pelorian, and quite likely a sorcery spell.

    Etyries teaches Tradetalk - but the idea of her secretly undermining her father seem really appealing! Fair enough on Nysalor, it was a long shot. Who else would seek to undermine Issaries?

    • Thanks 1
  7. First off I don't buy the it's fun/difficult/required so lets not have a spell for that. Everything that is made easier by magic could be said to be at the expense of a roleplaying opportunity. Getting run through by an axe is very different in Pavis than Innsmouth for example. Magic is their to make peoples lives easier. Roleplaying opportunities come when players are not prepared.

    Now as Jeorg points out this is Glorantha and nothing is by chance. But nothing about Tradetalk in this new edition of RuneQuest suggests it is a magical language: "The cult’s language, Tradetalk, was spread by the God Learners and is spoken as a second language throughout much of Glorantha." doesn't mean it isn't but we can't prove a negative. But I do prefer to place a mythic reason toward things, especially when logic or common sense suggests otherwise. 

    So, for now, here is my take on this: Issaries, as a god of communication, receives passive worship when people learn new languages. It is the willingness to communicate with others imparts the energy. This is also why there are so many languages, if we all spoke the same language then there would be no effort, and effort ensures understanding. This is also why no culture uses trade talk as a mother tongue. And why neither Issaries or Etyries possess magic that simplifies the process, as it would deny worship, even unconsciously.

    However this does not preclude others from devising such magic. Some cults (Nysalor perhaps) may do so to deny Issaries or simply want to the easy route. Such spells would be heretical to the Lightbringers and used with caution in civilised lands.

    Thanks for all the suggestions and as always YGWV  

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  8. I'm leaning towards the leatherette edition, but the question is, will the Bestiary and GM books be likewise jacketed and will they fit in the slipcase? but then who am I kidding I'll eventually end up with multiple copies anyway 

  9. I accept that what you say is valid, particularly for long term relationships learning the language is preferred. And from a gaming perspective I'm all for using interpreters and roleplaying the occasional clash of cultures when language becomes an issue. I recently had a scene where the PCs needed to speak with blue elves. None of the PCs had Aldryami, and the blue elves, being somewhat reclusive didn't speak trade talk - in the end they coopted a friendly ludoch (this was additionally complicated by the fact that blue elves can leave the water!)

    But there are occasions when time or other factors prevent that and given the way magic is used to simplify life in all other respects, enabling communication would be covered. We have the Translate spell for written works, (which by your logic the reader should go off and learn the language 😉) why not a similar spell for spoken words. 

    I looked at Mindspeech but is this is verbal I assumed a common language was required. 

  10. looking through RQG and older editions for a speak other language spell. It is something I'd expect from Goldentongue cult but can't find one. Simple spell to allow two people to communicate without a common language? Gloranthan babelfish perhaps?

  11. 10 minutes ago, Paid a bod yn dwp said:

    Dont forget according to the chart that in this situation critical damage is taken down a step to special damage

    there is no such thing as Critical Damage, a Critical Hit ignores Armour and does Max Special Damage, which is what the table says.

  12. Weapons and Shields can go to a negative value equal to their HP, that 12HP weapon can go to -12 before becoming completely useless, from 0 it can be used at 1/2 skill. 

    So in that example of 18 damage, does the weapon go to -6 but if so when does the excess carry? The wording says that the Weapon takes damage like hit locations, so going to -6 seems reasonable,  but says that any damage over the positive value carries through. So my reading is weapon to -6 with 6 damage carrying through. 


  13. I don't have the bestiary yet, but my take on spirits is that all living entities have spirit energy. Some, like humans, are bound to a form, while others are not. Generally most spirits that lack form cannot interact with the Middle World, but as there are always exceptions, some can inhabit specific medium to become corporeal. Undines for example can exert their will on water to become physical, but this is just a projection, destroying the water-form does not kill the spirt but may keep it from reforming for a while.

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  14. 15 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Runic Inspiration - Vasana (I think) rolls Truth to augment Scan, and fails - rather than imposing a -20 to further uses of the rune, you impose a -10 to the Scan skill (the rules on p229 do not specify a penalty to the skill being augmented - are you using a different form of augment?).

    my take on a failed augment is this (keep in mind that Runic inspiration is limited to once per session/scene/GM's remembrance, so even on a fail you can't re-roll a Rune) : -20 on any rolls using that Rune = ALL skills influenced by that Rune are effected. As Truth has no influence on skills it would only impact on Rune Spells, but for example Fire/Sky has governance over Scan (Perception).  Had she failed a Fire/Sky Runic augment, then until she can take time out she would be -20 to all Perception based skills. 

  15. 13 minutes ago, trystero said:
    Interesting to see that the hit-location die is oversized, and that Q-Workshop, like me, had trouble fitting "Abdomen" onto a face at a readable size. 🙂

    The D12 has "SR" printed on each face: are we expecting to see effects that occur on a random SR?

    the first set had a plain d12 for all the hardcore RQ1 players 😁


  16. You are right, its confusing. The Gas does have a 35% chance of causing harm but is the passive actor. Otherwise the GM should roll (aiming for 35%), as the active contestant Sorala needed a 65 or less to AVOID the effects of the Gas, and as she rolled a 76 and failed she should have been effected. It seems that the GM had the Player roll for the Gas as the active agent. 

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