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Posts posted by TRose

  1.  There are two times I had fun with drink in Glorantha.


      The first was when they got their  hands on some Dwarf Alcohol . Now in my version of Glorantha Dwarves don't believe in wasting times during their once a decade day off so what they drink is similar to rectified spirits like Everclear , about 95% alcohol, which  its great for removing a few layer of cells in your throat if you drink a straight shot.. The players of course all took a straight shot of it an had to make con first to speak and then to stand.

      The second time was when they went to a newly opened Cadraland restaurant in Pavis.

      Now for some reason Cadraland has always seemed  a little like Meso America to me so I had Cadraland cuisine similar to Mexican food. So Our Urox hero goes in and sees a bowl of these slices of pickled vegetable on his table and figure Im hungry  so I will eat them in one gulp as a snack. Ever try to gulp down a bowl of jalapeno peppers? Good thing there was a small bottle of red vegetable juice also on the table for him to drink.:=)

    • Like 6
  2. Thanks. Going to start putting money aside so I have a few coins come April.

     My wife for some reason think paying for the House and feeding the kids is more important then me buying games so it takes me  a while to make a big purchase. I don't understand women.

    • Like 4
  3. Speaking of cold, does the Stormwalk mountains between Prax and Heortland have any snow cover peaks? Or do they ever get covered with snow? I think it would be a good place to set up a few Valind worshipping Highland Clans,, who despise their Heartland cousins as wimps, the Orlanthi  Worshipping Wind Children as sheep stealing  scum(Never mind  sheep stealing is their favorite hobby.) And would love to raid the nomads ,except they have so few horses or other mounts.

  4.  I have  always considered the everlasting biscuit  a very rare item. You have to kill a walktapus I understand which are both rare and tough, then use some sort of spooky magic to make them. I see them as being issued to Lunar scouts and Special units but not to everyone.

  5. 3 hours ago, David Scott said:

    The most obvious reason that the Wastes are warm, is due to what Lodril did. He burnt the forests and the survivors fed the remainders to him, He also crashed down onto what is now the Monkey Ruins. In the Spirit world there is the burning area called Fireground that reflects that. There's now also much less water to offset the heat and Storm Bull hovering over the centre doesn't help as he's no water powers. Orlanth's presence is only felt at the Sartar edge, and Heler doesn't get a look in. (

    Hmm sounds a bit Godlearner to me. The oceans had no effect on the Wastes as the land rose up, defenders Shore and all that. I can't see them having an effect now. Next thing you'll be saying that is that there's a climate:-)

    Thought it was Oakfed that burned the forest and the Monkey Ruins. Or is Oakfed and Lodril now one and the same?

  6. I think we just gave away one of the secrets of of the Lunar army success.

      For an army that travels by foot its hard to beat rice as the ration of choice as its light and easy to cook.

      I know in WWII the Japanese army also added barley in with the rice for extra nutrients and I can see the Lunar army doing the same. pickled beets and cabbage where also standard ration in Japanese ratio0n

     In the American west where beans where a common food, I know the beans where put in a pot on the  chuckwagon the evening before and left to soak for about 20 hours  and cooked for dinner the next day. Caravan and a military unit might have specialized wagons for cooking, but there nothing to stop a party from putting a pot full of dried beans in a wagon  to soak. But you will need a wagon and strap the pot down good.

    • Like 2
  7.  But one thing I did in my world was have the Oasis  People in Prax brew beer.

      Its almost impossible for Nomads to brew beer, and so part of the tribute the Oasis people pay the Nomads is in beer. I set the tribute as two gallons of beer per Oasis person per season.

     So one of the reasons the Nomads don't kill off the Oasis people is if they did , no more free beer. At least in my game.

    • Like 3
  8.  Porridge , bread and rice(Depending on where you lived) where the basis of most people meals. Most spices where what you grew or grew wild in the area.

     Even salt which is cheap today was valuable enough to be included in the pay in Rome.

     My wife grew up in the Philippines and although not considered  poor there as her family owned two acres on which they grew Vegetables and strawberries on and they sent several of their children to  various Universities  . But her mom would buy a chicken on Sunday and make three meals out of it,, the bones going into a soup. That was their meat for the week.

    • Like 2
  9.  For most of history meat and fish was a luxury item for the lower classes. A peasant might eat chicken, fish or perhaps a hare he caught. once a week. For most the population a bland porridge made out of local grain and a little vegetable would be standard fair.

    • Like 2
  10. 19 hours ago, David Scott said:

    I have Bolo Lizard figures, 15mm only from 20 years ago, no idea where I got them. Here are some Bison Riders with their recent raid prizes...

    (apologies for bad photo)



     Love it. Maybe we should have a miniature section someplace to let people show off their artwork and let people know where to buy Miniatures that work for a Glorantha game.

    • Like 1
  11. One thing to remember also that when Nomad Gods was first published in the 70"s( Forget year)  the idea that some dinosaurs had feathers was not well known.

     And does anyone have any figure they use for Bolo lizard people? I been thinking of getting some velocirapters  from Iron crown and then using some 15 or .20 mm barbarian cav figures for riders as that the best I can do now.

  12. 11 hours ago, M Helsdon said:

    Drastic Resolutions Prax states: 'Characteristics are for normal humans, except SIZ is 2D4+2 and STR is 2D8 for men, 2D6 for women.'

    Whether this is canonical...?

     considering the number of Pygmies in Glorantha like the Impala , Ostrich, and  Bolo tribes and the Wasp riders

     we do kind of need a canical source for Pygmys.



  13. 1 hour ago, M Helsdon said:

    In our world where similar intermarriage occurs it is almost always Pygmy women marrying outside their group - in West Africa such Pygmy-Bantu marriages are not uncommon. 


    True, but the Bantu are also the dominate ethnic group where Pygmy and Bantu mingle.

     That not true in Prax where the Impala tribe( And Bolo Lizard and Ostrich tribe) can give as good as it take.

     I read some place(Drastic Resolution Prax I think) that the Impala tribe conduct more raids then the other tribes.

  14. One problem I would see about raiding tribes for Wives/Husband although very common  in history, you have the size problem in Prax. If an Impala warrior captured a Sable woman and kept her as a wife, she would have to ride a captured beast, and what size would their children be? Although Eritha might make sure all children born into the Pygmy tribes come out the right size and children born into the other tribes grow to proper size even if one parent is a Pygmy.

  15.  I have   two question to ad

    Did  the original 21 tribe of the Covenant of Waha include the Loper tribe? I know they range far and wide , but the only people who say they still exist are the tribes of Prax.

     And has any thing else ever been written about the Magical societies in Prax.. I been thinking of running the Red Mask society as Illuminated Shamans allied to the Lunar Empire


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  16.  I think the big problem would be that although Homosexual behavior is accepted, men and women are for the most part expected to have children.  Children in a Bronze age society are needed for economic reason and you need to carry on the family name. Sometime we forget how important children are in a pre industrial society . Perhaps you could have a pair of gay men find a pair of Lesbian for child bearing reason?

      And if Gay marriage is allowed in a Clan how does it effect inheritance? If a man takes a husband and dies , doe his Husband inherit the land and cattle or does it go to his brother and sister or his Husband? And if the husband is  allowed to keep it until his death what happen if he takes a husband?

  17.  Not sure about Pirates and Dragons since I don't own a copy, but many version of  BRP/D100 have healing skills that allow people to brew potions or take Medical skills to increase healing. Encouraging  some one be a Doctor or medic in a BRP game I  have found is a good idea. Just don't expect it to be as good as the instant cure of the D20 system.

  18. On ‎12‎/‎3‎/‎2015 at 10:46 AM, Iskallor said:


    There's 80,000 of them, same as the Bison riders.  What size are their clans and how big are their herds of Gern? 

    Where do all these Morokanth hang out? They can't all be in the Zola Fel area. I have Hoofcrack oasis in their grubby paws but I can't see them traipsing out in the Wastes that much. Would they be over on the edge of Teshnos? Lots of slaves out that way. 


     I think there could be a few at Dead bottom as 5 Serpents come together there so there should be a little water there all the time. But its also has large chaos nest all around it so the clans that live there are going to those on the losing end of tribal wars and perhaps have lots  of chaos fighter

  19.  Prax is already a desert so a temp of 38 C Or (100F) is not unheard of Suddenly raising the temp to to 78 c (  or 172 F) is going to be more then a little uncomfortable. Anyplace they have metal is going cause burns fast. If barefoot their feet will quickly blister.. Its hot enough to fry an egg and its in a 50 meter by 50 meter area.

  20.  One slight problem with Lodril. If your player like to abuse spell( And  what player don't) Earthwarm can be a very nasty  spell unless some one puts down a few houserules. One point of Earthwarm raising the temp by 5 degree C in a 50 x50 meter area  is not much.  But  getting 8 points of Earthwarm and raising the temp by 40 C on a warm day can make thing warm on your bad guys.

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