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Prinz Slasar

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Posts posted by Prinz Slasar

  1. How do you handle special cases in fights human vs. animal/monster?

    For example: The animal is missing its attack and the fighter rolls for parry with his broadsword. He reaches a special parry versus the animal, but there aren't any weapon HP's to nibble off, 'cause the animal/monster only attacks with its teeth or claws.

    Do you have any house rules/special treatments for these kind of fights?

    Can't find any hints in the Core Rules or the Bestiary.

    Yes, I could look in MYTHRAS (with its chapter about fight-situations versus animals and such), but RQG has its own, different combat rules , so I find MYTHRAS ruleswise  not very useful .

  2. 12 minutes ago, Hyperlexic said:

    So basic question: can things change from the Statement of Intent, as played out on a per strike rank basis?

    E.g. let's assume that both Player 1 and Player 2 declare their SoI to be 'I'm hitting Enemy 1'.  Player 1 strikes first on SR5 and drops SoI; then on SR6 Player 2 comes up - can he/she change their action or does the whole action get invalidated?

    You can imagine many other similar examples.

    This can be boiled down to the core question: Do we need the SoI-step at all?

    Or should we keep the SoI simple like "I'll fight on" or "this round I'll try to disengage" and so on.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Atgxtg said:

    Quite a bit special if you can do it in a few seasons. In the real world it takes a several years for someone to be good enough to get a degree at something, at thats with their being a full time student (although with the summer off). To be able to do something like that in somebody's spare time, while performing their other duties seems quite special to me.  

    Yes, for sure, if we pointing at reality.
    I only mentioned, that GMs have nothing to fear about 75% skill values. It's not the range of a Hero tier.
    Two things are important to mention: first it's a fantasy world with its own natural laws. Second, RQG is a framework of rules to handle the narrative outcome at the table.
    But I comprehend your argument.

    • Like 1
  4. 37 minutes ago, womble said:

    One thing I'd keep from RQG, which I think RQ3 had is the cap on training 'active' skills. 75% is by no means 'hero' level, and 'a couple of years' of fairly dedicated training with a bit of experience rolled in isn't unreasonable for someone to get 'competent' with a skill, if we even want to constrain our PCs (who're supposed to be Heroes eventually) with 'real world' considerations and comparisons in this regard.

    Indeed, a skill rating of 75% means in RQG a score in the "Professional" range. Nothing special about it.

  5. 1 minute ago, Runeblogger said:

    I guess "substract -20%" could be a way of expressing that you have to substract 20 from your initial percentage, as opposed to substracting 20% of your score(?). So,if your skill is 50%, with -20% you are left with 30%, but if you substract 20% of 50 (which is 10) from 50%, you end up with 40% chances. 😛 (OK, just joking).


    A lot of RPGs have the writing convention to write a penalty with a minus and a bonus with a plus. So it is easier to perceive while reading.

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  6. 13 minutes ago, g33k said:

    Yes. but if we're being pedantic the Fire/Sky rune's Perception use isn't the same ability as Listen isn't the same ability as Scan.  So... can I augment my Scan with my Listen, which was augmented by a Fire/Sky? 


    Maybe there is a significant difference between RAW and RAI, but I interpret the phrase chronological backwards.
    You wrote: " Using A to augment B, using the (augmented) B to augment C, using the (doubly-augmented) C to augment D"

    Let's take ability D, which is a triple-augmented ability. According to the paragraph on page 144 this is not allowed, because an ability may be augmented only once.

  7. 1 hour ago, g33k said:

    Is this canonically legal, though?  Using A to augment B, using the (augmented) B to augment C, using the (doubly-augmented) C to augment D...? 

    I'm pretty sure it's NOT legal for a single character to entrain a suite of augmentations this way.  I'm not sure (either way) about a group.

    "Only one augment may be attempted per ability, and an ability can only be used once per session to augment a task being attempted." (RQG, p 144)

    "At the gamemaster’s discretion, an adventurer can use one ability to augment another adventurer’s ability, such as using one skill to bolster another, working cooperatively or in support of another." (RQG, p 145)

  8. I would say it depends.
    In the Adventure Book of RQG it's suggested that all adventurers roll for Listen or Scan. Not as opposed rolls but rather scene-defining to help or hinder the group.

    Regarding the question of Group tasks I would use the different mechanisms for different purposes.
    Is this scene from your narrative perspective important or just an obstacle? Then maybe let only roll one of them for one skill (plus augmentation). Or maybe all of them and decide the outcome of the scene according to the results.

    I would use opposed rolls as zoom-in rules mechanics, but only for 1on1-situations, i.e. the character is trying to sneak behind the guard. Even if there are a couple of guards I would only use ONE opposition.

    I understand the rules not as a tool for simulate scenes but rather as a toolset for modelling scenes rules-wise. Which application of the "Game System" is useful for certain situations to produce tension and complies the RQG credo of MGF.

    A resolution like "let's roll for all involved NPCs and PCs" and calculate the outcome like an accountant is not so good imho. Especially when a situation only serve as an obstacle or template for narration.

  9. I've got some questions regarding the Skill Base Chances.
    According to the Character Sheet, the RQG Core Rules (1st print) and the updated RQG Core Rules (PDF), there are some issues with the actual Base chances.

    Furthermore, I need your advise concerning some skills with and without parantheses.

    So, let's start:
    Is it Evaluate (05) or Evaluate (10)?
    Is it Farm (05) or Farm (10)?

    Is it Drive Chariot (05) or Drive [vehicle type] (05)? The character sheet lists the skill without any specific vehicle.

    Is it Art (00) or Art [all] (00)? In RQG, the "Art"-Skill includes all arts.
    Same with Game: Is it Game (15) or Game [all] (15)? In RQG your character can handle all games with the same chance, no matter what game.

    The both aforementioned skills compel the question: Why are some skills differentiate and others are broad?

    Thank you, guys. 

    [next up are the Weapon Skills]

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Atgxtg said:

    I, mostly, agree. A GM does need to keep his rulings consistent,  and not seem to be arbitrary though, so if he does make a "snap ruling" he  should keep that ruling for the rest of the campaign, or be very clear as to why, if he changes things later on. 

    This is even more important the more deadly the rule system is.
    If the survival of my character depends on the rules, the more important it is to me that the rules and rulings are consistent.
    I find it always very bad when a character dies in a session, and you learn later that a wrong rule interpretation/rule insight is the reason.

    If you play just for fun and the gaming group does not provide character death as a central option, lax handling of the rules' accuracy is acceptable.

  11. Hey folks,

    is there a listed collection of source material (bibliography) for the Gloranthian topics "Seas" and "Seafaring"?
    The sources could be canonical or non-canonical.

    Quite interesting for all GMs who like to plot some adventures regarding the Gloranthian seas.

    Thanks in advance!

  12. Hey folks,

    I recently finished RQG and wonder:

    What will be the objective for the upcoming adventures and campaigns?

    RQG mainly rely on RQ2, but many of the old-school RQ2-adventures are grounded in tropes of fights and dungeons (paired with a heavy gonzo-charm). With the emergence of Pendragon and later Heroquest, themes such as clans and community came to the fore. (See also KoDP)

    If you read through RQG from start to finish, the rules turn up as if they're focusing on the topics that Heroquest has established.

    So, what do you think, what will be the direction of the upcoming Scenario Packs?


    • Like 1
  13. The premise is great but I don't get why you would use BRP.
    The tropes in E.T. are foremost psychological and grounded in reciprocity.
    As far as I adore BRP and d100 but in this case I would rather use a narrativismic game (e.g. Fate).

    Otherwise, I am very curious if this aspect in BRP can be appropriate displayed.
    Certainly with a heavy focus on passions?

  14. 2 hours ago, DreadDomain said:

    (and of course, the quality of the artwork could only help raise interest). 

    It was the best idea to invest money in excellent artworkers.
    In times of Open Quest, Mythras, PDFs, the availability of RQ2 and RQ3 material, and the ability to easily write, compile and print RPG texts using text programs and other services; How does a modern (d100-)RPG reach the surfeited crowd?

    Through artwork. Because artwork is something nobody can knock out on the fly. Unless he is an artworker himself or takes a lot of money and pay for it.

    To stand out of the multitude of RPGs and get attention, you need good artwork. Best of all, artwork which is different from everything else that is currently seen.


    • Like 3
  15. So I've got the RQG & GSB PDFs plus The Quickstart in printed format with "The Broken Tower".

    Because the adventure has certainly been played by most people already, I'm looking for other scenarios.

    The challenge, however, is to find scenarios that can only be played with the previously published RQG stuff.

    Does anyone have tips for such short adventures? It doesn't have to be an official scenario, I'm looking for fanmade stuff as well. Maybe some nice scenarios buried deep in the world wide web.

    Thanks in advance!

  16. 1 minute ago, Atgxtg said:

    So you had no prior experience or exposure to RQ? That's encouraging

    A little bit OT:
    I played Stormbringer in the 90s so I was familiar with RQ light/d100.
    My return to d100 was initiated through the german translation of Mythras (2017).
    Not much later I discovered Glorantha and have been hooked ever since.


  17. 18 minutes ago, Atgxtg said:

    but none led to the influx of new blood and the restoration of RQ as a leading FRPG in the gaming market. Wasn't the BRPG BGB supposed to bring in new players? Did it? Sure. A lot? Uh, no. 


    And speaking on RQG again, who posting here was drawn into our corner by RQG. It's the BGB all over again. We're the choir, and that corner is our home turf.  

    I am one of those newbies who came to this "corner" through RQG. More specifically, it was the prospect of an updated rule version for RQ/Glorantha and the wonderful artwork.

    Only a few months ago, I knew Glorantha only by name, and now I bought the PDF just on 1st june.

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