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Posts posted by Videopete

  1. What is truly hilarious is that both are right and both are wrong. Illumination only turns the monstrous into monsters.  There were two basic forms of illumination, Gabaji and Nysalor. Now even then it wasn't quite right.  Illumination is not the end of a character  morality but only the beginning. It removes some of the blinders ignorance, but it is up to the illuminate to seek greater clarity.  

    Yes the unholy trio did create a source of bad chaos, but that was their goal. There were other untapped sources that are not poisoned.

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  2. I have yet to read about an illuminate that still worships any of the corrupted chaos gods.  Illumination doesn't make you a monster but does allow you to overcome the cognitive bias inherent in every one, and act with out your taboos getting in the way.  It doesn't make them any more monstrous than the next, the real question is can they stay in that illuminated state.  

  3. @soltakss  not every video game has overly complicated controls (hearts of iron) or meta (warframe) in how to play.  This one is very easy on players, where even the parry mechanics are generous (I suck at it in any souls game, but I'm a parry machine here), the only hard part is finding the runes, (hint they are formed from everyday objects and shadows and light) but even the puzzles are easy (but they make you feel smart). 

  4. On 1/18/2020 at 4:58 AM, soltakss said:

    Thanks, @g33k, the Wikipedia entry makes it sound awesome.

    Pity I'll never play it.

    I just don't have the knowledge, the coordination or the patience to play Video Games.

    There are ample and very generous check points, so you can bulldoze through it, and the game automatically adjusts its difficulty so even the stumpiest of stumps can get through it. The game makes it seem like a challenge even though it is not.

  5. So what are peoples thoughts on it, now I haven't beat it yet,  I just got to the part where her sword quest starts. So how has this game affected how you do Heroquesting. The idea of using shamans and priests to act as guides to not just keep you on track on the quest but remind you of you, to help maintain the balance of myth and ego. Too much myth the ego collapses and it absorbs you into the godtime lost forever, now just an extension of the story. Too much ego the myth shatters and the ego is overwhelmed by its human failings the quest ends and hopefully you just end up ejected from the quest.  

  6. First of all parents spend their Kids future money all the time. Where do you think the money for college went. And moving fund from liquid assets to land and cattle is an investment.

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  7. Start by paying for training and gain nobility the old fashioned way.  Buy a wife and some extra hides from an impoverished noble. But I have  a feeling 2K Lunar ain't much.  A cow is only 20L, so it's only about 100 cows, or the equivalent of 5 hides. Enough for the land but not enough for the supporting staff and facilities.  So buy a hide, get a spouse, and set some aside for the ransom.

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  8. This kinda drives a desire to see some Lunar source books written.  To play as a Lunar in the heart of the empire.  The problem, I started with the core runequest book 1st edition being on sale on drive thru and was working my way through the classics, and only the Glorantha Source Book to start breaking down the opaque nature of the setting.  Before I could only see the Lunars as moon worshiping Roman's.  For the longest time, I had no idea that the Lunars were also Solars too.  

    When I read King of Sartar though, it also seemed the the Grand Flaw in his resurrection is also causing more and more chaos to seep through each mask.  That is until Sheng Seleris awesome return.

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  9. Man Glorantha changed the way I imagined elementals, from rock monsters, to just graboid waves moving through the ground. Maybe on the spirit plane they might look like the pictures.

  10. Okay, been busy IRL.  So had the missus roll up her character.  Now on the ignite spell, for Balazarans the spell only works as long as their sacred Hearth fire is intact, and only women can have it.  For lithic weapons, well limit them to the ones mentioned in Griffon Mountain, and weapons lose additional health equal to the AP of any armor  plus they lose 1 HP after each use (parry, attack or single task)  Considering the disposable nature of Stone Tools, this makes sense, and any Metal Tools and Weapons possessed extremely valuable.  Stone Weapons only cost a fifth of their metal type, but most Balazarans make their own any way. Dragon Newts don't have any of these issues.  

    So why don't the Elder Races have these problems, because they have their own magic. 

    New craft skill Stone Knapping base 10%. Allows construction of stone tools and Weapons.  

    • Thanks 1
  11. The rules state that you can bond cha/3 spirits. The rules state how to bind them. Then kinda shrugs its shoulders when as far as what can I do with this cool thing.  I get it, imagination and stuff, but I dont have 6 editions, with fanzines and a experienced GM to run me throught the ropes, so the rules vagueness and assumptions are kind of annoying. The basic frame work of the game is solid. But once I start trying to get it to do the funky things its famous for it becomes difficult. Only once i read the NPC profiles in the GM Pack that the game hints that you can use bound spirits as additional MP and CHA for  learning spirit magic and then release it and command it to do cool spirit stuff. Guess what none of that is in the core book under magi, spirit magic or spirits chapter.  The only defined thing was that it states is that you get an obediant animal comanion and a thing you can command once if you dont habe the propper command spell to put it back for crystal.   This is my problem, the game hints core assumptions of the game in supplementary material, rather than say this is the basics of what you can do with it.

  12. So quick overview of bound spirits, now the core book is kind of vague with what you can do with them, but in the GM pamflet it seems that bound spirits give you a useful companion and those bound in objects give the owner a entity to sic on someone in spirit combat or as a reserve battery of MP and additional source of spirit magic. Aside from not having a dumb horse what do you see and how do you use them.

  13. On 9/10/2019 at 10:43 PM, midwinter said:

    Or spectacles, clothes and lots of books like the guy turning ghoul in "Paper Chase". Btw, I dislike that scenario because the ghoul guy is such a friendly chap. He breaks the Peterson mold of a horror creature being malign. The NPCs reasons for becoming a ghoul who gnaws upon the dead is probably the weakest motivation ever. He dislikes company and the demands of the civilized world, just likes to read and being a ghoul crawling around underground among the rot and filth with other monsters allows him to do all this apparently.

    He could just have sold his house, moved to Alaska or somewhere else that's isolated, bringing his books with him to live the life like any other recluse. But nah, eating wormridden flesh and slurping adipocere in order to be left alone reading Kipling or something is choice numero uno for this mental midget. A small price to pay for personal leasure, lol.

    Well thats the thing. Even in HP lovecrafts works the Ghouls were rarely malevolent.  They were kind of people.

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