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Everything posted by Snugz

  1. Snugz


    I'd read earlier on this forum that "Urcheth is a new Chaos god that appears early in the Hero Wars. Its many organs are new chaos outbursts and manifestations across Genertela." I know that there is ~nothing official published yet on this Urcheth but do people have speculations beyond the above what it is, and what role it plays in the Hero Wars? I am curious. Along the lines of (also from this forum) "There's also some unpublished stuff that may or may not be relevant now. In Fronela a Chaotic Miasma, one of the Tentacles of Urcheth appears and is spread or supported by Selkorze, Lord Death Riding (AKA lord Death a Horse)." Sounds like it is also part of what happens in Dragon Pass w/Chaos outbursts after the Lunars get pushed out. (and 13th Age game plotlines?)
  2. Why is Pithdaros important in the Hero Wars? Nolos and Pasos clearly play their parts with it in the Quinpolic League against Seshnela, but Pithdaros seems to get short shrift in mentions/plotlines. Maybe partly as they weren't visited by Dormal (right?) so their naval participation is unremarkable, although they are known as good magicians (and probably have some exotic Horali orders making them good on the battlefield on land). Is Pithdaros just weak (e.g. politically/economically)-- or good at shifting allegiance/playing neutral when needed? Or good at living up to its reputation as (paraphrasing) always being too late to the party? We know the Red Gold Knife comes from Pithdaros and a few things related to the Harreksaga/Mularik Ironeye, at least.
  3. I had always took it that (some of) the Sables switched sides because that is the nature of Sable riders--- their repute is one of unusual opportunism, even for Praxians (IMG at least). "Perfidious" is the adjective often applied to them and that propensity to betray can work on their Lunar allies just as much as their fellow Praxians. So the chickens came home to roost, is how I saw it.
  4. Snugz

    Merfolk vs human

    Tactically: avoid them (use stealth; stay away from known merfolk areas), use speed (fast sailing ships, maybe able to out-endure not-so-fast swimmers), strong hulls/blessings on ship, or draw the merfolk and their marine creatures to the surface and hit them with magics+missiles (if not able to bring them on deck). Nets? Poison for the water? Not sure what else unless they have elementals, special sorceries (scrying?), sea creature allies etc. But yeah, people fear the sea for a very good reason, especially since the Closing. Even with Dormal's ritual you're eventually assured to run into merfolk. I like how ?Strangers in Prax? likened being a sailor in Glorantha to being an astronaut in our modern world. People think you're nuts for risking death in such an alien, hostile realm. The odds are against sailors-- but they seem to like it that way.
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