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Posts posted by Newt

  1. To be clear if a book is still available from DriveThru, but not sold via the Web Store (because I can only hold a limited stock at D101 HQ),  I do list it on the store it with a clear link it is out of stock with me to the product page on DriveThru. So it is always worth checking on the D101 Webstore for stuff. You never know what you might find there :)

  2. Yup Ye Little Book of HeroQuest Fantasy (Dungeoneering + Monsters combined) as my very quick take on a HeroQuest D&D conversion. It was partly an experiment to see how well generic HeroQuest products would sell, and partly a bit of an experiment in doing a pdf product at a time when DriveThru seemed to be awash with small pdf only products for Savage Worlds, Fate and of course D20 type games. It did ok and I achieved what I set out what I to do with it, but I always felt that I could do more with it If I spent more time and effort on it. That's why I pulled if from sale...I have plans for a larger version of it (with a more sensible name ;) ) at some point.


    Which is exactly why it's going to be a free pdf release :)

    I'm getting to run the Mandate of Heaven, aka the Mega Monkey, today for amy home group. This a big ambitious Monkey adventure, spanning Heaven, Earth and Hell. Two of the players are going to be co-Gming it with me in a couple of weeks time, when we fun the full three table version for three groups simultaneously, at Furnace in Sheffield :)

    Back to an OQ focus, I still intend to do a Far Eastern OQ setting, alot of the setup for martial arts is already in place in Battle Magic, but it's a long way down the roadmap at the moment :)

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  4. 17 hours ago, Simlasa said:

    I'm not sure this goes here or not... but I heard the game is based on Openquest rather than CoC...


    Note I'm not a backer, there were too many factors that made it a 'nope' for me, but from a quick look at the preview if they have used the OpenQuest SRD they've built a much more complex game on top of it.  Look at the character sheet for evidence of this. There's a split between Common and Special skills, there's Action Points, Special Abilities, and Hit Locations are back in.  The character gen chapter is a whopping 44 pages (OQ is currently 17), most of which seems to be because they've gone back to full page professions. OQ is free form character generation, and the nearest equivalent to BRP style occupations is ready made concepts of which there is one page devoted to in OQ.  

    In my opinion, they've added so much in, that there's probably very little of OQ left in the text. 

  5. Hearts in Glorantha  issue 6 is going to have a bit of a Rq2 celebratory theme, seeing as it's now available again as RuneQuest Classic.

    People have fond memories of the game and I plan to have a page or two of them in HiG 2.

    So either drop me a line at newt@d101games.com or post you favourite Rq2 moment here :)

    As for HiG #6 eta, I'm busy putting articles into layout and commissioning art so I'm looking for a December release at present.



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  6. On 9/5/2017 at 5:48 PM, skarl said:

    Thank you for the prompt reply and information!

    I usually buy a couple of print copies for myself and often give a couple out to friends (a writer friend is very happy with Crypts & Things and is wanting to get a game together, he is also a heavy metal guitarist of note) and with shipping from Across the Pond $40 a book for a softcover adds up quickly.

    I'm sorry you've got caught as I'm transitioned between print editions. I've sent you a pm to see if I can sort things out for you. 

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  7. Hi Stephan

    The DriveThru PODs are the only versions available since it doesn't make sense for me to do them any other way. I have dreams of doing an OpenQuest 10th Anniversary Special Edition which would be in hard back with a very limited print run, that would fund via Kickstarter and only be available to backers, but that's what they are for the moment ;) 

    River of Heaven is getting updated as we speak, so I'd hold off getting a print version until that's done. If you get the pdf now, it will be updated to the new version when it comes out. 

  8. Hi Skarl

    No, you've not gone mad. I've just updated the version to 1.1, and as well as applying the hand full of fixes to the pdf version I've added them to print version.  Which means they become unavailable on DriveThruRPG for a week or so.

    I'll be sending you the up to date version, so be aware that there will be a delay of about a week while I get new copies in.

  9. LULU doesn't do pdf/print bundles by default. They want me to offer the pdf as a separate 'ebook' product :(  But I'm quite happy to provide a complimentary pdf to anyone who buys the print book from there, just send me your proof of purchase from lulu to newt@d101games.com and I'll sort you out.

    To be clear on what is going on here.  The book was set up on Lulu before DriveThruRPG.com had a POD service. When  DriveThruRPG.com did start its POD service I was busy with other things. DriveThruRPG.com's POD is much more demanding and less forgiving than LULU's taking on average two weeks to get a proof through, and then its back to the start if you have issues with the proof. So it's a significant chunk of my time to put a POD book up on  DriveThruRPG.com.  

    So fast forward a couple of months and then the author drops out of the hobby with very little warning, which was a quite a shock. So that put a spanner in the works for me as far as putting any more effort into the game.  I have the permission from the author to use the text, but it I was really counting on his help in going forward with it. Six months on and the sales have dwindled to almost nought so I decided to call it a day.  I told folk here and there was quite an outcry of support so I decided that keeping the book available in the formats that it was already available cost me nothing.   So as I said it's kinda in limbo ;) 

    Ironically since I left it in this limbo sales have perked up slightly.  Maybe it deserves a refreshed version, fixing some of the issues that have raised their ugly head since its initial release (it's based on OpenQuest 1st edition - so there are a few kinks in the rules that need sorting out as well as another proofing pass ). I'd love to do a 2nd Editon, but I'm a bit daunted by the work involved (some serious research would have to be done on my part).

  10. On 7/11/2017 at 1:08 PM, Oni said:

    Hey, I bought the new version of Openquest and a couple things jumped out at me.  I assume if I post them here the author will see them. 

    -Under Call spirit, the section on binding spirits seems to be missing some text. 

    -I couldn't find it specified, to resist magic is opposed, unopposed, handled like an attack and dodge?

    -There doesn't seem to be an explanation of the relationship skill.  

    -I'm unclear on the instant spell trait.  Do instant spells not have a cast time?  Are they cast in reaction.  Do they leave no ongoing effect that can be dispelled?  For instance Avoidance says it is instant, but then describes itself as lying dormant implying it has to be cast ahead of time, also when it says all multiply charges all fire off at once does that just mean you have they have to be used before the end of the round or literally at that initiative count (that seems like a real corner case, but also seems to be how it's written).  Why is Avoidance instant, but not Count-Attack or Counter-Defense, they seem really similar?

    -Flying Kick, the kick attack is just a regular unarmed attack, i.e. there's no difference between a kick and a punch?  Shouldn't this be instant?

    -Fist of the Wind/Multi-Attack, use dex or int for casting time?  Do they have a casting time, because I assume you get your regular attack that a spell would normally take the place of.  


    OK first off, I will eventually see things that are posted here but the best way to get my attention is to send me a friendly email at newt@d101games.com.  For example, I've spent the last two weeks+ away from the pc in an internet poor area armed only with my smart phone :)  Also OpenQuest, as much as I love it, is sometimes my not my focus and it a while for me to get my head in gear to answer questions. I'm currently working on Monkey which is as far as you can get from D100, being a card based narrative game, so it took me a couple of days to get my head into the much less hand wavy OQ.

    Right down to business. 

    Call Spirit - Yup missing some text, sloppy cut and paste on my part. Add the following text  "or possesses the caster if it is a Disease or Passion spirit."

    Relationship skill was cut in OpenQuest Refreshed, but I forgot to delete it from the table of skills on page 17. Another item for errata. 

    Instant Spell Trait - The spell still takes the time to cast (one combat round as declared on page 89 and taking place on the INT of the caster) but the effect takes place instantly (as declared on page 87). If the spell has been pre-cast the effect of the spell happens instantly when it is triggered.

    The difference between Avoidance and Counter Defence. Avoidance only applies to Dodges, while Counter Defence is any sort of defensive reaction (such as parry).  But you are right that both Counter Defence and Counter Attack should have the Instant spell trait. It's implied in the text but it should be there. Another Errata point :)

    Flying Kick - by the fact that it's a spell means it's a magical attack, which sees the recipient being able to fly through the air (15m in one go) and then make a normal kick attack. You could be mean and add the Instant spell trait, meaning that its one use or you can leave it as it is to allow those Kung Fu Wuxia heroes that I had in mind when I wrote the spell :)

    Fist of the Wind - You are right to point out that this is confusing, so I would change the description to read:


    Fist of the Wind
    Each point of Magnitude allows the caster to make one extra unarmed attack. These attacks happen in a blur of motion as soon as the spell fires, at the same INT rank that the spell is cast on instead of the normal DEX rank that the character's attacks happen on.

    Another point for errata. 



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