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Posts posted by Newt

  1. D101 games is proud to announce 'Empires Rising' a scenario/sourcebook for OpenQuest by Nathan Baron.

    Two fledgling empires inspire to rule the world of Athennia, each making a fast grab for territory.

    * The Grydornlan Empire, a totalitarian regime that uses religious enlightenment as an excuse to conquer its weaker neighbours, threatens to engulf the entire Southern Continent.

    * Atalansia, a major naval power, sails the seas liberating nations from the yoke of tyranny.

    In the middle stands the Alliance, a handful of nations and smaller states who frightened of the prospect of invasion have decided to take a stand against the oncoming storm.

    Guide to Empires Rising

    Empires Rising is a new stand alone fantasy setting for OpenQuest filled with adventure, warfare, conquest and Empire building!

    The Guide includes:

    * A Gazetteer which includes a brief history of the world, a list of important NPCs and information about the three major civilisations; Atalansia, the Alliance and the Grydorlan Empire.

    * New character concepts.

    * A bestiary of new monsters.

    * Cult entries for the main religion ‘The Twelve Pilgrims’ and lesser cults.

    * How magic works in Athennia. Rules for the use of Battle Magic, Divine Magic and Sorcery in the setting.

    Four scenarios

    Each is set in a different part of the world, with a differing theme and its own Gazetteer at the beginning and is intended to showcase different aspects of the setting.

    * Pirates of the Black Isles – Rumours are rife that a long-dead infamous Pirate, Captain Xanbarer, left a map to his treasure horde hidden inside clay pot. Now this pot has mysteriously turned up in the possession of a one-eyed hermit living on one of the outer islands.

    * Curse of the Necromancer – Residents of a small village are complaining of a Necromancer who has cursed their lands. A high reward is now being offered to those who are brave enough to venture into Necromancer’s layer and being back the despicable man’s head.

    * Shadow Over Grydor – Seeds of a new plot are uncovered that sends ripples to the very heart of the Imperial Palace. Fearing that the troubles could spill over into civil war, a band of Imperial agents are dispatched to put an end to a conspiracy.

    * The King Thief – When a leading Senator hires a group of thieves to steal secret information from a rival and it leads to more than he bargains for. He realises he has disturb a great evil that slumbers deep beneath the city’s streets awaiting to be re-awoken.

    Empires Rising is the third adventure/setting book for OpenQuest and is broadly compatible with other D100 systems such as RuneQuest and Basic Roleplaying.

    It is currently being worked on for a Summer 2010 release.

  2. Also, Openquest (formerly SimpleQuest), is it also just a slight variant of BRP?

    Pretty much. Its based off the MRQ SRD, with tons if ideas form previous editions of Stormbringer and Runequest and some common sense house rulings from me to fill in the gaps. The overall intent was to create a streamlined easy to play Fantasy D100 game, that was broadly compatible with other editions of RQ and BRP.

    Please note the previous version of the game, SimpleQuest ZeroEdition, which is alot less polished is no longer available thorough me. I'd much rather provide people with free pdf's of the final version of OpenQuest :)

  3. Just checked my copy of HeroQuest 2nd edtion and the 100 Words method, or Prose Method, is still there, along with the list method and as you go method. Its the first method outlined in the Character Creation on p15.

  4. Quick update on progress on The Savage North adventure pack, which is flying along.

    • John Ossoway is finishing off the maps and has started the black and white line art, three pieces out fifteen sketches. Really nice stuff that evokes the setting.
    • I've started work on the Settings guide in earnest. This will include a short and unpretentious Gazetteer and descriptions and stats of the local important NPCs. As well as this factual information I intend to include lots of adventure seeds so you can expand use of the book beyond the scenario arc.
    • I've started playtesting with my group, actual play report to come, and we had a ball. The group is made up of barbarian types and so far they've won arm wrestling contests, been approached by mysterious hooded strangers and killed evil cultists (and their pet giant snake) in an underground temple to a foul and evil god. We're having a ball :)

    Tentative date for release Oct/Nov 2009.

  5. Woops - it was looking good to me until this. I guess that was done in the originial spirit of SimpleQuest ;). Thanks for the clarification, guys! Looking forward to seeing the supplements!


    Yup OpenQuest is a continuation of what I started in SimpleQuest, with creatures, a setting and an adventure thrown in.

    However the download is FREE, so don't let lack of Hit Locations put you off haveing a look and taking the bits you like. They are easily put back in from your favourite iteration of RQ/BRP. Its just I prefer no Hit Locations and the Major Wound system. Likewise if you don't any aspect of the system, just swop back in the bit you like. OpenQuest while very much its own man is designed to be broadly compatible with other D100 systems.

  6. How's The Savage North coming along?

    Very nicely thanks :)

    John has been churning maps out at a frightening pace and is now moving onto the internal art. I'm just finsihing of the background info and Magic chapters, before descending on John's four adventures and putting in OpenQuest stats.

    Its all coming together at a very fast n furious pace for these sort of things.

    I'm not going to be pinned down on a release date, but I don't see Oct as unreasonable even though I'm going to be a dad for the second time in Sept.

  7. The game has been out for over a week and during that time a couple of minor updates and clarifications have come to light. To this end an errata has been released and is available for people who want to see what has changed. Please note the PDF and Print version of the game have been updated to version 2 which includes this errata. If you ordered the print version from me you will be getting version 2 of the game with the errata included.

    D101 Games » Downloads

  8. Howdo all

    Indeed the website is down :( Should be back up later today or tomorrow. Its annoying when these things happen when you are on holiday without an internet connection.

    Good news is, the game is done. I have the proof back from the printers and its a lovely shiny thing :) Couple of amends to make but should be available in the next couple of weeks.

    I'll make an announcement when it is and how to get hold of a copy.

    Not long now.

  9. And how 'viking' will this setting be?

    Very much Fantasy Viking/Barbarian. The Pantheon of the Drakar, the Viking equivalents, will have its All father, Berserker and Trickster figures but the mythology will be slightly different to fit in with the rest of the setting and the back story of the adventure. The southern part of the Savage North, Bogdan, is more Celtic flavoured place, although the uncaring distant god Krimm will make an appearance.

    You'll be able to see if this is to your liking since the setting information which includes the new cults will be released under the OGL . This is for developers and gamesmasters who want to use it along side the OGL setting in the core OpenQuest rules book.

  10. Very nice Newt! I will have to consider opening a OpenQuest category in the Review Section then! :cool:


    Yes please.

    As well as the Savage North, we've got another OQ adventure pack Life and Death lined up for later in the year as well. This will be familiar to people who played SimpleQuest (the old name of OpenQuest) at Continuum and other cons last year since we ran a couple of the scenarios there.

    Also our friends Sceaptune Games are planning to release some OpenQuest Compatible supplements in the future.

    Life and Death's webpage over at d101games.co.uk.

  11. Short answer to this, from the book's webpage

    Like OpenQuest, Savage North is completely compatible with other D100 systems such as RuneQuest and Basic Roleplaying.

    More detailed answer, OpenQuest although based off the MRQ SRD has many rules in common with BRP. It has Total Hit Points, Combat Order based off DEX (or INT if your slinging a spell), Percentile Skills, seven characteristics (STR, DEX,CON,SIZ, INT, CHA, POW) and a magic system that if you are an old player of RuneQuest you should be familiar with ;)

    I should be doing a quick conversion guide, because there are a few differences. A shorter skill list which groups some BRP skills under a single skill for example. OpenQuest's Deception skill combines BRP's Hide, Sneak and Disguise skills. But even without this it should require very little effort from the GM to covert.

    To make it even easier OpenQuest itself will be available as a free PDF, as well as a POD Print version at low cost, so can download it and check out the main differences for yourself.

    Hope this helps.

  12. "If you want to see additional BRP releases buy a PDF now and a physical copy later. It's the best way to ensure BRP releases are profitable enough for us to print." - Dustin "O'Chaosium" Wright (here)

    That's Dustin fumbling his Communications (Online marketing) roll!

    The rest of that post is such a mess I'm inclined to ignore it all!

  13. Howdo

    Off some interest to you folk might be the OpenQuest Adventure pack that myself and John Ossoway (author of Cthulhu Rising) are currently working on called 'The Savage North'. Its basically Conan, in the cold north (brrr), with the the serial numbers filed off.

    Release sometime in Oct/Nov this year.

    More details here : D101 Games » The Savage North

    And here's the front cover by Jon Hodgson (Warhammer Armies, HeroQuest 2, Dragon Warriors amoungst others).


  14. I'd second Cthulhu Rising and its follow up monograph Jovian Nightmares.

    CR itself is a really good sci-fi setting in the mode of Bladerunner/Aliens. Its got enough depth to be a good work of escapism, but its got enough familiar references to make it accessible to players.

    Jovian Nightmares, which details Jupiter and its moons, was designed as so it could be used BRP setting with all the mythos elements in a separate chapter at the end. Sure the adventure has a mythos monster in it but it could easily be made a non-mythos monster.

  15. Not to worry, just clarifying.

    BTW it did have the positive effect that I contacted Jeff Richard about it and bagged a copy for myself. Its good Gloranthan material with the right balance of setting and rules. While I can't republish the Pendragon rules (White Wolf owns the rights to those) the setting, Talastar, can be republished along with a BRP/MRQ port of the rules in Hearts in Glorantha.

    I'm looking at Issue 4 which will come out early 2010.

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