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Everything posted by Max_Writer

  1. Hi all. I've been posting my roleplaying journals (aka campaign logs) online for some years. As you can see by my signature, there are a few listed there, but I thought I'd officially note where they are, in case anyone is interested in reading them. Call of Cthulhu games - including a longish 2-year campaign and several stand-alone games, can be found here: http://www.yog-sothoth.com/blogs/2951-Max_Writer Other games I've run in the past few years (which includes a lot: looking backwards - Behind Enemy Lines, Top Secret, Cthonian Stars, 7th Sea, Bureau 13, Paranoia, Aliens Adventure Game, 2300 AD, Time Lord, Victoriana, Expendables, Weird Wars, Privateers and Gentlemen, Ringworld, Star Frontiers, Reich Star, Year of the Phoenix, Shadowrun, Traveller, and maybe even Ghostbusters and Star Trek) can be found here: http://www.myspace.com/max_writer/blog A few of them are also here, but I only started blogging at Pen & Paper games in the last year or so: http://www.penandpapergames.com/forums/blog.php/8662-Max_Writer I know for sure that the two Star Trek games I ran (FASA) are here: http://trekspace.ning.com/profiles/blog/list?user=1ouvupoe056ks Finally, Audio for numerous games I've run in the last few years can be found here: http://www.zanysite.com/hub/max_writer/ On March 8, 2008, I ran a game to memorialize Gary Gygax. We played Advanced Dungeons and Dragons; I ran the Keep on the Borderlands. A chair was set aside for Gary at the head of the table. We toasted him with scotch after that game. The man has touched so many lives. I've only now gotten around to fixing it so it can be online. The journal entry can be found here: http://www.penandpapergames.com/forums/blog.php/8662-Max_Writer More specifically, here: http://www.penandpapergames.com/forums/entry.php/1679-Gary-Gygax-Tribute-Game-Keep-on-the-Borderlands-March-8-2008 A photo of the game table is here:http://maxwriter.deviantart.com/art/Tribute-Game-Gary-Gygax-194539194
  2. I hope this is the appropriate thread for this. I'm in the process of reading through "This Favored Land," a supers rpg made by Arc Dream Publishing (and produced by Cubicle 7) that takes place during the Civil War. Despite it's being for a different system (and a super hero game at that), the book is so full of useful information on the time, the people, and the war (including a nice timeline) that I have to recommend it for anyone who wants to run a historical game set during the War Between the States. It's mostly background and information, and great background and information.
  3. The Mansion of Mad Professor Ludlow, Dragon Magazine #42. It was written by Jim Ward.
  4. I saw the last half hour or so of that movie as a kid and it FREAKED me out. I remember some kind of weird, human-shaped table that the main characters could go to for sustenance - but it changed you. One guy freaked out and smashed it and all these tubes started flailing about on it, spewing liquid. At the end, they felt air coming down from above and realized that the invisible saucer or whatever kind of ship the aliens had used had finally left and they hoped they'd be able to escape. Am I thinking of the same movie. Strange 60s/70s feel - you know, those depressing movies that are almost disturbing? Found it: The Bubble (1966). Links: http://www.the-losthighway.com/2008/08/21/the-bubble-in-3d-revised-review/ http://classicscifi.blogspot.com/2011/01/bubble.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bubble_(1966_film)
  5. Hey all. I'm new to the forums but go by the name Andy Miller in real life. I'm a writer and used to work for a local daily small-town newspaper. I currently write less - but have a monthly column in Knights of the Dinner Table Magazine (Lost Game Safari) wherein I review out-of-print games. I also ran quite a bit of Call of Cthulhu when I could, with a campaign that lasted from 07 to 09 where I was able to scare a few, give nightmares to one player, and even startle a real-life jail guard during one game. Good times. I also write role playing journals and keep them online for the most part. The entire Call of Cthulhu campaign and several other games I've run for the last few years can be found in the links in my signature below. If anyone wants to read them, I'd love feedback. Basic Role Playing (ala Call of Cthulhu) is my favorite. I'm hoping to get the actual BRP for Christmas this year and see what I can do with it.
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