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Posts posted by Kloster

  1. 18 hours ago, lordabdul said:

    That is, if SRs dictacte that the attacks come in the order of Trollkin 1, Trollkin 2, Great Troll, then either the player parries both trollkins and suffer -40% for the Great Troll, ignore one trollkin and get -20% for the Great Troll, or let both trollkin hit "for free" to be at full skill against the Great Troll.

    This is exactly how I would do it if I were using multiple parries.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    I think a strict reading of the rules would mean that each arrowhead has to be enchanted separately, so that's 1 POW per arrow.

    This is how I have always read it.

    3 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    If that is enforced then I wouldn't expect a lot of enchanted iron, but raw iron still hurts trolls and elves just as good.


  3. 4 hours ago, jackleg2010 said:

    I wonder does anyone still use RQ3 rules for games now?

    Yes. When I play RQG, my GM mostly play RAW, but when I GM, I completely replace RQG combat by RQ3 combat rules. I also (Thanks PhilHibbs for the reminder) try to have a working to replace the RQG modifiers tables by RQ3 formulas (every point counts, avoiding the steps caused by the tables and avoiding the problem of huge strength causing enormous combat modifiers: with RQG RAW, a character/creature with over 30 STR is very difficult to hit and has a very high attack bonus). In addition, our 15 years old RQ3 campaign is still in progress (albeit once or twice per year now, due to geographical and families considerations).

    • Like 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, Garrik said:

    We didn't go Glorantha first, but RQ rules first, and let the game mechanics define our Glorantha. (When we didn't like it anymore, we dropped RQ, but not Glorantha.)

    We did the reverse: When we stopped RQing in Glorantha (with RQ3), we dropped Glotantha and kept RQ.

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, Eff said:

    Classic RQ (RQ2, RQ3) would be a blend of Classic and Traditional- you can look at the Jeff Okamoto campaign log to see how you have the story focus of Traditional play and the disposable characters of Classic play both at work. Or look at dungeon crawl modules for early RQ. 

    Completely agree.

    2 hours ago, Eff said:

    RQ:RiG is more firmly Traditional but with a substantial admixture of Nordic LARP elements with the idea of creating a Gloranthan experience within the minds of the players, and some remnant Classical elements.

    Not many classical.I haven't understood enough about the nordic to comment on it.

  6. So, with a 2  years delay, welcome back among us.

    2 hours ago, JRE said:

    I left when Hero Wars started. A personal aversion to Mr. Laws' game style.

    Same for me. This was why I continued with RQ3, completely skipping the Hero Wars/Quest period, and jumped in the RQG wagon.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Godlearner said:

    Here is a problem I see in this situation; the person keeps jumping from allied cult to allied cult and in each case can get their CHA worth of Rune Points. 

    I don't think it is a problem in itself. But don't forget  that you must give time and tithing to both cults (or more if you are initiated in more than 2 and don't leave any). The rules are even describing how you can be priest of 1 cult and godspeaker of another, so you surely have a rune pool for each.

  8. 23 minutes ago, JRE said:

    I actually expect BG worshippers to have active sex lives, just not what your typical male orlanthi would appreciate.

    Completely agree here.

    24 minutes ago, JRE said:

    I suppose there are some worshippers that change from BG to Ernalda, and keep their children, embracing life. It would make a nice back history and a twist for an axe wielding Ernaldan priestess,

    It can be fun. At the very least, interesting.

    25 minutes ago, JRE said:

    though I would expect the death magic cannot be used unless she reverts to Maran Gor, or later to Ty Kora Tek. 

    I don't think so, but as the runic affinities are very different, except if illuminated, the stars have to be right (or the dice loaded).

  9. 3 hours ago, SDLeary said:

    Assuming a Greek Phalanx, they would probably drop their spear and pull out their xiphos or kopis. In a shield wall of any type, using your shield for anything other than protecting yourself, or the person to your left or to leverage and push against the opposition line in order to advance yours is somewhat suicidal.


    Iirc, the greek hoplite phalanx was fighting shoulder to shoulder, with interlocked shields. In that case, the use of the xiphos or kopi (or any sword) becomes very impractical, and only spears (doru) has any chance to be usable. According to Hanson, the shield wall push was the main way of fighting but this is now disputed.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, davecake said:

    That they have a rule about what to do if they become pregnant is a bit of a hint that they are symbolically celibate, but often not actually. 

    The way I understand it, the simple fact they have this rule means they don't have a rule about celibacy.

  11. Please note that here, I am not speaking of personal experience (foil fencing does not use shield), but of what I have seen on TV documentaries and reenactment: Greek phalanx warriors were using their shield as an offensive weapon as much as a defensive one, because the spear is too long to be used once the front rank of the phalanx are in contact.

  12. 4 hours ago, SDLeary said:

    Different enough, that the momentum is going to pull you to places that are slightly out of where you might be with the sword, making it harder to get your shield where it needs to be.

    Correct. It swill be harder, but I don't think the difference would be so high.

    4 hours ago, SDLeary said:

    So for me, any of the three routes work for a game... They are all three abstractions (Separate skills, Combat Styles, Pendragon combined skill), it just depends on what you are trying to emphasize.

    Completely agree.

  13. 5 hours ago, Ian Absentia said:

    To be particular, Mythras does address this situation specifically relative to its Combat Styles, shifting the difficulty one grade harder with an unfamiliar combination.

    This is especially the problem I have with this kind of rule: when you know how to use a shield (a specific one), you know how to use it, whether in combination with a sword, an axe or alone. I agree the rule can be interesting, but it feels wrong to me.

  14. 1 hour ago, Runeblogger said:

    In Ian Thomson's fanzines published long ago by Tentacles Press, there was a second group of settlers who were granted the lands south of Duke Raus'. They were several Carmanian families. I expect other grant lands to be granted to some Lunar officers.

    There are some (not much) informations in 'River of Cradles), including one part on  the Carmanian settlers (and their, iirc, different plow).

    • Like 1
  15. 3 hours ago, Scotty said:

    A type of enchantment that can hold spirit or rune magic. See:

    • Spell Matrix Enchantment (Spirit magic). Spirit magic only, available to Aldrya, Daka Fal, Mallia, Seven Mothers, Telmor, Thed, and to associate cults Eiritha, Chalana Arroy, Ernalda, Yelm, Yelmalio, Kyger Litor, & Odayla.
    • Matrix Creation (Rune magic). Spirit or rune magic, rune levels only, available to all RQG Cults.


    As a matter of fact, why no sorcery?

  16. 49 minutes ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    there are two way to answer @PhilHibbs questions:

    - a pure gameplay perspective: what is allowed, what can do the players

    - a background perspective explaining "why" players can do or not. That is what I m looking for.

    I need both, but am more interested by the first as, for me, RQ (even RQG) is not automatically linked to Glorantha, and the 2nd answer depends on the world you are playing in.

    • Like 1
  17. 14 hours ago, g33k said:

    It's my own Stupid, but I know I'm not alone in having lost a gas-cap by leaving atop the car as I drove away from the gas station.

    I choose "on top of the car" because it's *exactly* at my own eye-level as I pump the gas; it's presumably the LEAST "over-look-able" spot for it (I have tried "balanced on the slot where the handle of the gas-hose sits" but that's usually too streamlined, and the gas-cap falls off).

    Fortunately for me, all the cars I have owned are idiot-proof (for that specific point): The gas cap is opened ... with the ignition key. That way, if you forget to put back the cap, you have a half pound thing that stays between your key and where it is supposed to go. Hard to miss. My main Stupid is checking all tires pressure ... except for the back up one. When you get a tire puncture, you have a problem (I am not speaking of the old beetle where the windshield washing system is powered by the pressure of the backup tire, ensuring this one is never ok.).

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