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Posts posted by Kloster

  1. 5 hours ago, Baron Wulfraed said:

    Hopefully not what French "mal" represents 😎 (Mal de mere, malaria, malfeasance) OTOH -- it might apply for Eurmal, Malia, and a few others...


    Hello Baron. 'Mal de mer' (sea sickness), not 'Mal de mere' (Mother's sickness), and 'malfaisance'.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Baron Wulfraed said:

    Strangely -- it took until nightmare time for me to recall the /other/ equation that may matter.

    Energy = mass * velocity^2

    In nameless units, a spear of mass 1 accelerated up to velocity 2 would have energy 4.

    A spear of mass 2 accelerated only up to velocity 1 has a measly energy of 2.

    That would seem to put the balance back on the side of the short spear...


    This works for a javelin, not a spear, where the mass that counts is not only the weapon's mass. And the wound effects depends on the energy lost by the weapon in it's target, the width of the wound and some other factors.

  3. 41 minutes ago, Manimati said:

    and frequency: bows are S/MR meaning that up to 2 arrows can be shot each round (up to 3 shots on a first round with preparation), while Javelin is 1/MR : one shot per round. 

    Yes, but except for very close range, with RQG's rule of engagement and move, this is less a factor, especially with:

    27 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Check the WoD, if you are using SRs... there is time to prep the missile as well. It will take a very dextrous individual to get 2 shots every round on a S/MR weapon.


    23 minutes ago, Manimati said:

    Yes, I wrote "up to". Moreover, magic like coordination and mobility can help you compensate for lower DEX scores to reach 2 arrows per round.

    And you are right on this.

  4. To give a more precise answer to the OP, the highest I remember with RQG is 37 exp marks on 'Defending Apple Lane': 10 for Combat skills (Broadsword, LH Broadsword, Battleaxe, Medium Shield, Large shield, Dodge, Composite Bow, 1H Short Spear, Thrown Short Spear, Thrown Axe), 16 for Non Combat skills (Climb, Ride, Intimidate, Orate, Sing, Battle, Customs (Heortling), Evaluate, First Aid, Meditate, Worship Orlanth, Listen, Scan, Track, Hide, Move Quietly), 3 for Passions (Honor, Loyalty Sartar, Hate Tusk Rider), 4 for Runes (Air, Fire, Moon, Life), 1 for POW and 3 Sorcery spells.

  5. 30 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    To me that's CA's concession to realpolitik, they know there's no way that Storm Bull or other like minded allies are going to respect CA's protection of chaotics so they don't try to enforce it.

    Interesting. I've not thought to that.

    30 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Undead and constructs are not living, but I suspect that they would want the termination of a sentient undead to not involve unnecessary suffering.

    So do I, but Jeff's answer was 'Initiates don't fight. At all. ', hence my question.

    31 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    A sentient construct would be an interesting case.

    Yes, agreed. Good roleplaying opportunities.

    • Like 1
  6. 14 hours ago, Qizilbashwoman said:

    they don't have the Undeath rune

    OK, but they are undead nonetheless, meaning not all undead are linked to chaos, unless I don't understand anything to Zorak Zoran's cult (which is fairly possible).

    15 hours ago, Dragon said:

    While RQ:G is not literally stating vegetarians,

    It is (RQG p290: 'An initiate must become a vegetarian').

    15 hours ago, Jeff said:

    Not even Shield. Just Dodge.

    Why not shield? This is a purely self defense skill.

    15 hours ago, Jeff said:

    Nope. Initiates don't fight. At all.

    Does that mean (RQG p290) that the line 'Chaotic foes are exempt from this protection' only means that chaotic creatures incapacitated by a healer's actions can be terminated by others? What about undead, which are by definition not living, or machines (Jolanti or nilmergs or god learner's artifacts)?

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  7. 19 hours ago, Professor Chaos said:

    Also great point on javelins vs bows - the Romans conquered pretty much the whole civilised world armed with several different types of throwing spear and very few or no bows.

    Alexander's all-conquering army had just two regiments of archers and many more javelineers.

    Hannibal's army had IIRC no bows at all - just javelins and a few Baearic slingers.

    Wargamers however love having a choice of ranged weapon units and so have long overrated the bow in rules terms and this has been carried over into RPGs.

    An 'ancient' RPG should however reflect a world where the javelin was the primary missile weapon of almost every culture rather than a cod-medieval one of longbows and crossbows.

    On that point, RQ follows you, because a javelin does 1D10+1 (+1D2 on the average) damage, as the best bows (Composite and Elf) do 1D8+1 damage. The real advantage of bows are range and weight if you carry more than a few shots.

  8. 25 minutes ago, Qizilbashwoman said:

    I'd argue it's because Undead are Chaos, not because they aren't alive.

    I kept them separate because of Zorak Zoran's zombies, that are (seemingly) not linked to chaos. And, as stated by OP, CA 'provides quite explicit taboos with regard to life and living things, Chaos excepted' and 'Worshipers of Chalana Arroy practice total non-violence and take an oath never to harm a living creature' (Sourcebook p117).

    30 minutes ago, Qizilbashwoman said:

    The reason I mentioned the "CA aren't Storm Bulls" is because a CA could help a broo redeem themself of Chaos. It's rare but we know it happens.

    Fully agreed.

    31 minutes ago, Qizilbashwoman said:

    The Undeath rune is a Chaos rune (although Undead creatures can also have a separate actual Chaos rune as well): it's the Chaos perversion of the Death-Life rune set.

    Are Zorak Zoran's zombies linked to chaos? I am sure they are not.

    Is Delecti (himself, not his creatures/creations) chaotic? I am not sure. He is described as a God Learner sorcerer.

    11 minutes ago, simonh said:

    Undead yes perhaps, because they are not creatures,

    Undead are creatures, but not living ones.

    • Like 1
  9. 35 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Can a CA learn combat skills in order to a) defend herself (eg, shield or dodge)

    Yes, of course: this does not harm anybody, sentient or not.

    36 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    or b) to actually fight undead or Chaos?

    Chaos, yes, because they are chaos. Undead, yes, because they are not living.

    37 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    The question of undead was left a bit open... especially since in RQG, it says "never to harm an intelligent creature" - are zombies or skeletons considered 'intelligent? What's going to be the deal with vampires or similar?

    With RQG, intelligent means having an INT stat. Zombies and skeletons don't have INT. Vampires have INT, but are not concerned because not living.

    • Like 1
  10. 31 minutes ago, lordabdul said:

    How about working with exceptions -- you get a checkmark on a success unless the GM says you don't. You don't get a checkmark on a failure unless the GM says you do. So the GM only has to think about it when it matters. That's what I do. I intervened in that way only a couple times so far, and both times it was because the situation was so exceptional that it was hard to miss.

    This is also how we do it.

    • Like 1
  11. 29 minutes ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

    And at rune lord level, when you mix the original 1D10 POW cost with changes that make DI very likely and the likely cost more like 1 POW, you have made the character a cartoon superhero.

    In fact, this is already the case, because a Rune Lord uses a D10, and most probably has more than 10RP. The permanent cost is for him the 1st RP, the others being recovered at the next worship(s).

    14 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Would I be correct in presuming that for Initiates, that wouldn't be the case? Lost RPs are permanently lost?

    No, they also are recovered as usual, but the initiate rolls a D100, which means the possibility of loosing all his RP and some or all his POW (and to fail if the roll is above POW+RP).

  12. 1 hour ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    but your god need energy to open the channel to the mundane world, that's the great compromise, so for me you need at least a match to create a big wildfire or a little firecamp.

    Don't forget you start the DI procedure by permanently spending a RP. This is roughly equivalent to spending a POW. In fact, it is equivalent if you spend said POW to compensate for the loss of the RP.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Kloster said:

    Yes. I can't see that rule being able to increase POW or RP, so any roll brought to zero or less would be treated as 0 and only the original RP is lost.

    Another possibility is to treat said 'below 0' roll as 1, because the minimum rollable result is 1, but I prefer 0: Your devotion so much impressed your god that he thinks the original offering is sufficient.

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