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Posts posted by Kloster

  1. Not really. While Champions had an influence there was as much influence from V&V on it; in fact, the origin of Superworld was an attempt to take V&V and BRP-ize it, according to Steve Perrin.

    This I have read, but I think the Champions influence is more clear (The point system for buying powers, with advantages and limitations, forex).

    Runequestement votre,


  2. I'd argue that wasn't a bad scenario, just a specialized one; it did a pretty good job with the teen heroes genre of the time, but if that wasn't what you were after...

    Even for a very specialized one, I found it bad.

    It's true I've never been a fan of teen heroes, but this one ...

    Almost the only one I find acceptable are the one about the Something Academy, for Champions New millenium (the one using Fuzion system).

    Runequestement votre,


  3. I think there was maybe one supplement for Superworld. Most of the superhero RPGs did have supplements printed for them, though. The best supported were the first Marvel and DC rpgs, not surprisingly.


    No, Champions wins, no question asked, for the best support and the sheer amount of products.

    Even if, from France, I never had the ability to see all the production on the subject, here is what I saw or have (in addition to rules):

    - Superworld - 3 products.

    - Villains and Vigilantes (FGU): Around 10 scenarii I do have.

    - MSH (TSR) and Advanced (Sic) MSH: 5 sextensions and around 20 scenarii.

    - DC Heroes (Mayfair Games) : 3 extensions.

    - Golden Heroes (Games Workshop) : 2 Introductory scenarii (excellent).

    - Heroes unlimited (Palladium) : 1 extensions.

    - Champions (Hero Games) : more than 30 Scenarii and more than 50 extensions.

    Runequestement votre,


  4. ...

    IMO, the worst fits are probably GURPS (which really breaks down, as it tries to be grittier than BRP), and Palladium (no non-lethal combat, so people don't drop unless dead or dying, making most heroes mass murderers).


    I never saw a better assassination attempt on GURPS Super and Heroes Unlimited (that was the name). How true.


  5. Superworld was in fact Champions, 2nd ed system for managing powers tacked on BRP.

    It was one that part badly done and prone to breaking (we tried and succeded successfuly at that time when we were quite powerplayers):

    With champions, the active cost is divided by 1+(sum of limitations) to get the real cost, which drives a reduction of efficiency each time you add a limitation.

    With superworld, you get a price break of n 6th of the price for each limitation, which means that if you get 6 1/6th limitations (or 3 1/3rd limitations), the power cost becomes ... ZERO, and you could get all the powers of the book at an infinite level for free.

    At that time, a friend of mine discovered that. We were already more inclined to used Champions and, in addition with the lack of support from Chaosium, that was the crippling blow. We stopped using Superworld because some players were unstoppable.

    Another problem was that the number of power points was to be equal to the total sum of characteristics, which could drive to stupid characters, just to have the right amount of power points.

    Runequestement votre,


  6. Yeah, it all depended on your mindset at the onset. DC heroes are severely overpowered in my book. I find Marvel heroes more plausabily in my mind.

    If you tried to re-create a comic book hero with Superworld, then you would run into issues. However, if you created a hero from scratch within the Superworld rules framework, then you can create some really cool heroes.

    If your's is the 1st ed of DC Heroes, you're getting pre-crisis characters, which are GROSSLY overpowered. If I remember well, Superman's strength was 50, as a normal one was 2, and each increment was a doubling. That meant 48 doubling, or 2 power 48 times the normal strength.

    Runequestement votre,


  7. I think you are on to something there. BRP with its nitty gritty realistic approach does not really fit well as an enginge for toon-like superhero gaming. Were there ever any published scenarios for Superworld or any of the other superhero games?


    - 1 scenario pack called 'Bad medicine for Dr Drugs', which is for a teen hero campaign (not good, compatible with Champions, 2nd Ed and Villains and Vigillantes)

    - a second scenario book called 'Trouble for H.A.V.O.C', which contained 3 scenarii, one of them clearly drawn from Cthulhu mythos.

    Plus Superworld companion (additional rules, conversion for champions, and some other things)

    Runequestement votre,


  8. ...

    Who else but a gamer can hold discussions on mythology, ballistics, use Einstein's theory of relativity to work out the energy output of a photon torpedo, and know the difference between Lorica Segementata and CHOBHAM? :shocked:

    Hey Atgxtg, some of us also went to school!!! :P

    But globally, I think you're right.

    Runequestement votre,


  9. Hello,

    First of all, count me in favor of fixed armor+localization table.

    One house rule we used (with RQ) to solve the problem of having some armor (like plate) that are difficult to go over, but don't absorb damage well once they are overcome was to add a Damage Threshold to each type of armor.

    If I remember well, for plate, DT was 10 but AV (Armor Value) was only 6. If damage is less than 11, nothing goes through. If damage is over 10, only 6 is substracted to damage.

    I'm sorry, but at that time, the computer I had was using an odd format floppies and I can't read them anymore so I don' have access to all the values we ended to use.

    The system worked well for RQ, but we never used it for other settings, so I have no idea to the in play results it would bring with firearms.

    Runequestement votre,


  10. Hello,

    As I don't have SB5, I can't check!

    Will the combat skills be Attack/Parry (like RQ) or same skill for both (like SB1)?

    Is the skill the same for all weapons in same category (like RQ III, same skill for all 1H axes) or different skill for each weapons (like CoC)?

    Runequestement votre,


  11. Welcome to the board Kloster! :)

    Have you heard anything about the licensed french BRP game we hear rumours about?


    No, Nothing. The last french game using BRP I heard (and saw) something about was Nephilim (by Multisim), and it was years ago.

    Runequestement votre,


  12. Hi,

    Kloster here, newbie to the forum but not to BRP.

    Apparently the 1st frenchie here on this topic.

    40 years old, father of 1 1/2, 26 of roleplaying, 23 of BRP:

    started with RQII, then Cthulhu, RQIII, then some iterations of SB and Hawkmoon.

    Other roleplaying include D&D (there must be a start, and in France in 1981, no choice), Champions (3, 4 and 5), JB007, Shadowrun, Vampire, Traveller, plus some other.

    Avid RQ fan since the begining.

    Runequestement votre,


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