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Lloyd Dupont

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Posts posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. Searching for ongoing project with Revolution D100.. I found 3 that looks like they could be interesting for me...
    (Red Moon Rising looks quite interesting and original too.. but less relevant to my current ideas! ;)

    - Irem, the city of 10,000 pillar
    - Weird adventure on the Astral Sea
    - Guide to the Galactic Frontier

    And I was curious to know if there is any (near?) ETA for any of them? :o 

  2. I was not complaining about Teleport usage by player (i.e. not "accusing them of gaming it"), that seemed fair use of teleport to me. And I did run the whole conflict phase! (which give enough time use neutralise magic)
    Speaking of which... It is it one conflict per round? or one conflict per 5SR (concentration action) of the caster?

    I was wondering how would people (Dark Elf) who had a much longer experience with it would deal with it!
    Hiding during the overcome phase! :o I like it, didn't think of it! :D 

    I also got the idea in bed yesterday night, they could have "grenade" and use it in a kamikase way if teleported.
    (work like fireball? which would work like firebolt except all location in an area of effect?)
    (thanks to toughness fireball and area effect are more palatable to me in Revolution, yeah)

    They did teleport wild animal to the dark elves to avoid raising attention while doing the teleport and create a diversion. I am sure they had fun and they are still afraid of the dark elves "it's like a higher level zone" said one player (which is totally my intent), so everybody got good fun! ;)

    Teleporting alchemical grenade, haha! Nice idea, like it!
    Also makes me think of one of my legendary grenade in Borderland 3! :D

    • Like 1
  3. I gave my player a trove of Dark Elves spell book last week. And one of them was Teleport.

    They have applied it creatively including teleporting 1 enemy at a time to them and hacking him or her.

    Now I wonder how the elves themselves would have coped which what can only be one of their own ancient magical guerilla tactics?
    One of my own mistake might have been to give them a discreet vantage point (i.e. high up on a hill, can't be seen with tree cover but can easily see the enemy town)

    This time I used Neutralize Magic during the conflict phase to prevent the spell from completing and mitigated the attack... But that leave whoever originated the teleport attack safe and around.

    I didn't have detect magic on the enemy spell list, which should definitely be more prominent in the future. Yet if cast after the attack, and provided the enemy lay low, wouldn't help that much.

    Reading the spell list... Me think that perhaps I could use Second Sight to the trace the Teleport Spell's to its origin, like one would with a magical attack. Actually this last one sounds a good use for that spell that doesn't include any sort of OP divination.

  4. Yeah, I guess you did from reading your past posts :) , and I was still contemplating undecided if I wanted to do that too or not...

    Although I was thinking +20% like Paolo suggested but that seemed to much.. +10% as you do seems more attractive... :)

  5. It was just a semantic question Soltkass, not a RPG one, but thanks to you to go beyond the call with great clarity, this had some unexpected but interesting ideas. One of which was to understand the ambiguity of my own question! :D 

  6. It was not really an RPG question, but a purely semantic / language question which strike me out of blue as I was using the world  miracle at work, for some reason I cant remember! 😛 

    But as g33k spelled it clearly (I didn't quite understand SDLeary, bad forum reading during work hours), demon also have less power than gods so the don't do miracles or their infernal equivalent... that's another good answer I guess! ^_^ 

    Although, to be pulling straw, when Jesus turned water into wine in the bible, I think they call that a miracle. But I am pretty sure a demon could do that too! And if it doesn't, its on purpose! 😛 

    So now it's either way, either demon are lesser magical beings not able to perform miracle, or they can and they are called (infernal) miracles! :) 

  7. Ha! that's what happened in North Dakota?! hahaha! :D

    On another forum a friend of mine argued demon are like evil gods, and evil gods do evil miracle... so miracle it is!
    So I guess the agreement is, it is miracle for demons too... or I could make a new word too, if like, need to come up with something sounding good though.. or bad, in this case! 😛 

  8. Gods provide their follower with Miracles...
    What do Demons do?

    I know that RuneQuest / BRP generally doesn't differentiate between gods and demons mechanically, hence both gods and demons provide miracles to their followers...
    But in plain common English this seems to go against common sense, demons don't do miracle, they do.... dot-dot-dot.. what would be the name?

  9. 9 hours ago, NickMiddleton said:

    "Ask ten different scientists about the environment, population control, genetics, and you'll get ten different answers. But there's one thing every scientist on the planet agrees on. Whether it happens in a hundred years or a thousand years or a million years, eventually our Sun will grow cold and go out. When that happens, it won't just take us. It'll take Marilyn Monroe, and Lao-Tzu, and Einstein, and Morobuto, and Buddy Holly, and Aristophanes, and all of this…all of this…was for nothing. Unless we go to the stars."



    Just to be super clear..

    You know we have a few hundred million years ahead of us before it get problematic.... and a few billion before the star dies?

    Just to clarify since a setting in a few million of years would look very different, I assume, from a setting in a few thousands of years...

    • Like 1
  10. 12 minutes ago, Thot said:

    Industrial? What would you produce out there, and for who?

    It seems to me that the asteroid belt would be an ideal "location" (a few billion miles across ^_^ ) to do mining and manufacturing, since all those raw material with 0 gravity well. But one might need some "local" mining facility. Might be easier to bring asteroid to Ceres and extract mineral there than to ferry them whole to Earth (as some people are talking about today in the real world)...


    Anyway, if you want scifi adventure on Ceres you don't really need to explain it an overthink it much. If you really start to think and justify it, maybe you should start with: there is no such thing as space adventure...

  11. On 4/18/2019 at 11:47 PM, boradicus said:

    Although I have only played CoC thus far, I love Chaosium's game system.  As for the skills, what immediately occurred to me as an enhancement, would be a skill "tree" by era.  In other words, some skills are related to each other in such a way that there might be enough in common between them that they could provide some cross-over capabilities. 

    Check out Revolution D100

    While it doesn't have a skill tree, it has skill and "traits and stunt" which, in effect, give you general skill in an area with in depth expertise in some more pointed area.


    EDIT, long rambling on Revolution D100 skills, traits and stun

    The skill system lock you into 2 values for skills, the general skill value (i.e. close combat) and the expert version (sword), which is +30%. I sometimes find that annoying and want more variation.

    Although where variation is desired, it might easy to come by with many stunts (stunts are skill augmenter, which don't change the percentage of success but change anything else that you can think of and is appropriate, like, with one sword, more damage, easier special effect, better initiative) and the more stunt the better the specialist feels.

    Also I like this trait and stunt. it's plain English, it's open ended, people might plan ahead their character development and build anticipation. Character creation with that is the easiest and most meaningful of all D100 variant I have seen.
    Though, while character creation is the easiest of all, combat is even more involved than Mythras! 😮

  12. 15 hours ago, Thot said:

    Why would anyone want to build a colony on Ceres? There is nothing there that you cannot find elsewhere closer to the sun.

    It's a question I sometimes ask myself...
    If space travel is such a difficult matter, why bother? even today there is hardly anyone in Antarctica, and it's much easier!

    I guess, it's a "realistic option" only if it's "relatively easy" (to go there, with the setting's technology) and "somewhat attractive"..

    Let's see....

    - science station
    - biggest gravity well in the asteroid belt (gravity might help some industrial / chemical reaction, and be welcome by "local workers")
    - hideout for pirate? although might be a worst hideout that some lonesome forgotten asteroid or just plan deep space...
    - trade station, halfway between inner planet and outer planet, rest stop, refuel stop, etc...

    mmmm.... it's all I can think of for now....

  13. I changed rule set 4 times in a few months.. Players still joke about it! 😛
    (Just sharing Classic Fantasy => Mythras => BRP => Revolution D100)

    I guess it depends of the players.. mention that you'd like to try to see how it goes... implying it's both an experiment and you can roll back..

    The only real issue is if they bought materials (rule book and the like) and you made them waste money that way.. 😕

    Since I earn good money I bought rule book for my players, because I was sorry one of them did buy a book and I changed the ruleset.

  14. A quick answer from work... 
    I feel like I want to pitch in but I just saw that thread and I haven't read it all yet (will do that at home)

    Anyway I played D&D a lot (the Basic, Expect, Companion, Master boxes, as GM), as well as a lot of AD&D 1, 3, Pathfinder (as player).
    As well as RQ3, Mythras, Classic Fantasy, BRP and, last but not least, RevolutionD100 some (as GM).
    Most of them in homebrew adventures and campaigns.

    I like the AD&D atmosphere and feeling around level 5-15, and magic impact.

    I love the freeform "class" (in fact, no class) and no level of all D100 games.

    I am very wary of most D100 magic implementation. It's all too often OP and too easy, with most advice revolving around "this spell is rare".
    (granted this is hard to balance when in most game rule set you got like 5 HP per location and magic effect scaling up exponentially per magic point).

  15. Hey Zit!

    I thought along those lines initially, of elemental dominance and opposition. And this also seems to beg elemental are creature summoned from the elemental planes.

    But after more thinking I decided I was not going that way. Instead, I should have say "Construct Elemental" spell where the magic just amalgamate some random matter (mud, water, ice, magma, you name it) and follow some basic guidelines to tweak their characteristic depending what they are made of on the fly. And yes, sure water and fire damage each other more... I think that's it. And maybe it pulls some spirit from the astral plane to control it , or not.
    And maybe energy elemental (fire?) would be harder to learn. And attak (if they do any damage) simply destroy (the integrity) of the .. "thing" / elemental.


    While we are at it.... :D 

    I decided no multiple infinite planes, only 2 (prime and astral) which are like all mushed up together.. so, going through the astral plane, one can reach distant planet on the prime plane, and vice versa....
    And the astral plane wouldn't have starts and planet, but pocket plane like structure, like the discworld, or Cthulhu's dream world, or Marvel's Valahla, or even just a small floating rock... And would behave sort of like the dream world, where things can be just made up with the "dream / astral" skill. And creature do not follow normal biology rule but more dream / narrative one, i.e. unique creatures, which always bother me in fantasy game (because a species need many individual just to perpetuate), would be common there. So I can pull any demon I like from the astral plane without need to make demon "category" or "species" or wondering of its place of origin.

    I decided the astral plane would also have star like formation, occasionally. Fountain of primordial creation's fire. Which would be part of a later campaign and how one would become an immortal (i.e lesser divinity), or incinerated at the soul level, it depends...  And also create and sustain larger astral plane realms.
    Realm could also be sustained through the worshipper -  god relationship (the more followers, the bigger the realms).

  16. Thanks hey! :)

    yeah manastrike would be an exclusive to some order, I might not be able to introduce it to the player for a while given the current circumstances...

    I wonder.. how would Elemental or Wraith be affected by energy / elemental attack, such as Project Fire?

    Yeah.. l quite like the project [magical energy] would be for my Archon or Wraith then? Cool idea, sounds great, I wanted to give them a little something different! :)

  17. Chemical rocket won't get you anywhere in just one life time in the space between stars....


    Other than that, for interplanetary near space, here is some interesting and relevant reading about chemical propulsion:


    And here some hard science speculation about space travel:


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