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Everything posted by MandilarasM

  1. Thanks everyone for all the replies! I'll try to implement some of the nice ideas into the game. /cheers
  2. #WeAreAllUs Finished another session from "The Two-Headed Serpent". This one was dedicated to the memory of Greg.
  3. I think I' ve created a monster! Me and my players are about to start The Two-Headed Serpent tonight. I allowed one of them to get the Psychic talent and gave him the Divination skill. It is currently at 80% and I think he intends to use it constantly for everything, which might be a potential spoiler for all things to come. Even though it's not mentioned anywhere, I came to the conclusion that I as a keeper, should do a hidden roll whenever he goes for it and give him the "yes" or "no". This way he will know that there is a very good chance that the answer might be true, but he can never be certain. Have you ever faced a similar situation? How did you handle it? Do you have any suggestions on how to work things out? Thanks for your time!
  4. The mi-go looks fantastic! I love the eldritch feeling that this artistic style emanates.
  5. I just noticed that the hardcover and leatherette version of "Berlin - The Wicked City", are available on the Chaosium website. Go dive into the madness people!
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