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Asian show with Super Hero themes.


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 I dont know if I should of added this to Favorite TV superheros or not but I have become a big fan of Asian Dramas and movies now you can stream shows all over the world and many have idea for a Super powered game. 

Strong Woman Bong Soong:(Korean) A shy  young Lady who has super strength given to her by a magic book as long as she uses it for Good 

The Item :(Korean)  A wealthy Sociopath and a Prosecutor battle over 10 items that give people special abilities . There a bracelet that gives super strength , a camera that takes pictures of the future a kids toy that turns into a energy whip

Bring it on ghost (Korean) A college student can see and physically effect ghost and runs an exorcist service( Love the scene where he runs into the body builder ghost and has to run) He runs into the ghost of a high school student who wants to know who she is and why she died .

My Girlfriend is a Nine Tailed Fox . A want to be Actor release a Nine Tailed fox who been imprisoned for 400 years . One of the most popular Korean dramas.

Life of the White Fox( Chinese) Here the Fox is a male who been cultivating in a cave for a thousand years when a young college student falls into his caves and she accidentally absorbs his fox bead and thousand years of cultivation . Nice superhero style battle at the end.

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Following two need a little longer explanation .

Hansen and the Beast: ( Chinese) Another Fox( This time played by Yifei Liu ,Disney Mulan) falls in love with a Zoo keeper in Modern Shanghai . Problem is the Shape shifter government (yaolings)prohibits interspecie romance of any kind and has  the B.O.T (Bureau of Transformer) to  enforce its laws. Human are not to even know shape shifter exist.

 Here the movie on Youtube.


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And Finally Nine tailed fox: Forbidden love: Korean

Asian  sure love their foxs.

Here the Gumiho( Korean for nine Tailed fox) have a secret society in modern Korea , Ruled by the council of Elders. Guhmihos are twice as strong, much faster and heal much quicker then humans.To top it off a handful (5 to be exact) are taken at age 12 and subject to intense training to become the Fox Warriors, the  Guardians of the Fox race.

 Problem is Gumihos need to eat a portion of Human liver each full moon .  Which comes into the first conflict . The Council of Elders has prohibit killing of humans for their liver and harvest  livers from people who die in accidents and of natural causes ( Think Vampire who robs the blood bank) There a rebel faction who think eating livers of people who died is disgusting and is hunting and killing humans for their livers, which keeps the Fox Warriors busy hunting the Rebels.  Some members of the council are also trying to break the curse that require foxes to eat liver or at least be able to clone livers .

There also a Special Korean Police task force thats  out hunting the Foxes ..The forbidden Love is the fact one of the Fox Warrior( Played by Kim Tae Hee, one Of South Korea most popular actress)) and one of the Police officers hunting the Foxes ( played by  Jo Hyun Jae, another popular actor ) fall in love.


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While I agree that you need Superworld's powers to emulate these kind of stories, they really are a different genre, or couple of genres.  On the lighter side, the romantic comedies seem to be the Korean equivalent of old 1960s sitcoms such as "Bewitched" and "I Dream of Genie."  Supernatural beings exist in the modern world but they simply want to fit in and settle down with that cute guy or gal that has caught their fancy.  Their magic powers are balanced by the need to seem human and not ruin their love interest's career or family relationships.  An occasional bad apple shows up to cause social embarrassment but these creatures aren't presented as monsters.  Fast talking and a subtle magic spell can save the dinner party.

On the other end, we've got "Hanson" and "Forbidden Love," which more nearly resemble shows like "Wolf's Blood" or "Vampire Diaries."  Here the creatures really are Other, dangerous monsters, and woe upon any human who gets tangled up with them!  Call Carl Kolchak or the brothers from "Supernatural."  Social conventions won't protect you from an angry mother-in-law or ex-girlfriend.

The question is, how do you run these very different genres as a role-playing scenario?  In the sitcom campaign social finagling and a quick excuse are as powerful as magic.  The supernatural beings really care about their humans and aren't likely to turn anyone into a toad, much less kill them, anytime soon.  In the romantic horror campaign, all bets are off, humans are grievously outclassed, and the Beast asking you to join him for dinner is a loaded request. No Disney fairy tale plot protection here.  If you find you really did marry a monster from outer space, perhaps you should grab your wallet and keys and drive off in a random direction -- fast!

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7 hours ago, seneschal said:

While I agree that you need Superworld's powers to emulate these kind of stories, they really are a different genre, or couple of genres.  On the lighter side, the romantic comedies seem to be the Korean equivalent of old 1960s sitcoms such as "Bewitched" and "I Dream of Genie."  Supernatural beings exist in the modern world but they simply want to fit in and settle down with that cute guy or gal that has caught their fancy.  Their magic powers are balanced by the need to seem human and not ruin their love interest's career or family relationships.  An occasional bad apple shows up to cause social embarrassment but these creatures aren't presented as monsters.  Fast talking and a subtle magic spell can save the dinner party.

On the other end, we've got "Hanson" and "Forbidden Love," which more nearly resemble shows like "Wolf's Blood" or "Vampire Diaries."  Here the creatures really are Other, dangerous monsters, and woe upon any human who gets tangled up with them!  Call Carl Kolchak or the brothers from "Supernatural."  Social conventions won't protect you from an angry mother-in-law or ex-girlfriend.

The question is, how do you run these very different genres as a role-playing scenario?  In the sitcom campaign social finagling and a quick excuse are as powerful as magic.  The supernatural beings really care about their humans and aren't likely to turn anyone into a toad, much less kill them, anytime soon.  In the romantic horror campaign, all bets are off, humans are grievously outclassed, and the Beast asking you to join him for dinner is a loaded request. No Disney fairy tale plot protection here.  If you find you really did marry a monster from outer space, perhaps you should grab your wallet and keys and drive off in a random direction -- fast!

  I understand what you are saying and perhaps I should of said Asian shows you can get Super hero Ideas from as only THE ITEM is true ,straight super hero.

 But one thing is  Asian love mixing genres . Take "Life of the White Fox. Fantasy Romantic comedy? Sure but there a villain in the background racking up an impressive body count. And he killing friends of the main characters .

In another Fantasy Romantic comedy( Hotel DeLuna, its more supernatural so I did not list it, but a great show) has a plot line dealing with a pornographer who has drugged raped and filmed over a thousand women.  Not a common subject in Western romantic comedies 

  But As I said these are idea game master can get for plots for .. The player Heroes  are investigating some murders in which the livers have been removed. And run into some Fox warriors in pursuit of the Rebels doing the murder..Do they fight the Fox Warriors? Ally with them? Help them remove the curse or clone human liver. Or perhaps even fall in love with one?



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3 hours ago, seneschal said:

Hmmm, guess I'll resist the urge to ask out any cute Korean girls I encounter.  Besides, my wife would kill me long before the master villain ever got his shot at the job.  😱

 Well if you meet a pretty  female Gumiho , just ask her if she plays with her food😃 . Besides when I was single I met many a female that where into eating mens hearts so these ones eat livers instead of hearts.

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Did you ever attempt a gumiho write-up?  According to the Wikipedia entry for "My Girlfriend Is A Gumiho," the title character possesses superhuman strength, exceptional running and leaping ability, and an incredibly keen sense of smell.  So ... maybe the powers of Marvel Comics' Kraven the Hunter?  I suppose it is a matter of how super each super ability is. The description fits Tarzan of the Apes as well as the 1977 TV version of the Hulk.  Can our furry femme fatale slap 5-7 goons around, or can she bench-press an SUV?  It is one thing to leap over an 8-foot garden wall but another to jump to the roof of the local Best Western Inn.

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20 hours ago, seneschal said:

Did you ever attempt a gumiho write-up?  According to the Wikipedia entry for "My Girlfriend Is A Gumiho," the title character possesses superhuman strength, exceptional running and leaping ability, and an incredibly keen sense of smell.  So ... maybe the powers of Marvel Comics' Kraven the Hunter?  I suppose it is a matter of how super each super ability is. The description fits Tarzan of the Apes as well as the 1977 TV version of the Hulk.  Can our furry femme fatale slap 5-7 goons around, or can she bench-press an SUV?  It is one thing to leap over an 8-foot garden wall but another to jump to the roof of the local Best Western Inn.

  I would probably used Forbidden Love for my Gumiho if I wrote one up as there more information there.. There  its mention that Gumiho are twice as strong as comparable human . And Female lead can leap on top of a Church and balance herself on top of a streetlight as she waits for a target to come out of a building. I dont remember any advance sense of smell spoken of( But I would not rule it out). but they can see in the dark like a cat.

Here a fan made Music video that includes some fight scenes . Note the Human police officers is a CHOSEN  ONE by the fates( For lack of a better term) so he tougher and luckier then a normal human  and later gets a magic sword Note also the Female fox warrior and the Police officer where best of friends when they where 11 , even sharing the same birthday, only to be torn apart by fate to meet again at age 25 on opposite sides..That the 2 kids in the video


 I have been thinking of doing a Gumiho for  BRP , Although the power of course varies by writer and source of myth.. But most source seem to say they are stronger then a human ,able to rip a liver out barehanded. But they seldom are mention as using magic of any sort. Maybe I should go rez the Monster thread  that used to be in main forum.

 The Chinese  Nine tailed fox( Huli Jiang)  are not mention as physically powerful ( I would use foxwoman or kitsunes for them) but are morally all over the map the " Good ones " being very concerned about family honor and the teaching of Buddha and Confucius and the evil ones wanting to eat you. 


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/25/2020 at 11:13 PM, seneschal said:

How does a fox lady tell the good humans from the bad humans?  The good ones taste better.  😧

I can just see the TV commercial where you get shot down.

"Sorry senesschal, Starkist doesn't wan't Humans with Good Taste, they want humans that taste good!"

Edited by Atgxtg
  • Haha 2

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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