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Chaosium's HeroQuest RPG titles to be permanently removed from sale next month; purchase while you can!


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All Chaosium HeroQuest RPG titles – print and PDF – will be removed from sale one month from today (July 15). 

"Last year we announced the transfer of the HeroQuest trademark from Moon Design Publications to Hasbro. As part of that change of ownership we were able to continue selling our HeroQuest RPG products for a time, but that period comes to an end next month. These titles will be officially out-of-print permanently, so if you would like to make a purchase at Chaosium.com or DriveThruRPG please do so while you can!", said Chaosium head of licensing Michael O'Brien.

In April 2020, Moon Design Publications published the Questworlds System Reference Document (SRD) so independent publishers could use the HeroQuest RPG core rules system for other game worlds and settings. 

"In due course we will be rebadging and rereleasing our HeroQuest RPG line of products as Questworlds. The rules themselves will remain unchanged", said Michael O'Brien.

For more about Questworlds, the rules and prep-lite RPG system that facilitates beginning play easily, and resolving conflicts in play quickly, see: https://questworlds.chaosium.com

HQ at Chaaosium.com

HeroQuest RPG products at Chaosium.com


HeroQuest RPG products at DriveThruRPG

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How does this affect the use of Glorantha as a setting by either Hasbro of Chaosium? Is Gloratha still Chaosium’s intellectual property? Can Hasbro use a Glorathan setting in Heroquest? Can Chaosium develop Glorantha as it sees fit for Runequest? 

Edited by harunmushod
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4 hours ago, harunmushod said:

How does this affect the use of Glorantha as a setting by either Hasbro of Chaosium? Is Gloratha still Chaosium’s intellectual property? Can Hasbro use a Glorathan setting in Heroquest? Can Chaosium develop Glorantha as it sees fit for Runequest? 

The short answer is No effect.

We sold the HeroQuest trademark to Hasbro. That simply means that Chaosium can no longer publish a book with a HeroQuest logo on it. We can reformat any of our past HQ titles and continue selling them if we remove all branding references to HeroQuest. Hasbro has no rights to Glorantha. This has nothing to do with RuneQuest either. It only means we can no longer call our HeroQuest game "HeroQuest". Hence the rebranding to Questworlds.

Edited by Rick Meints
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Hope that Helps,
Rick Meints - Chaosium, Inc.

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