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Chalana Arroy initiation

Squaredeal Sten

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I believe that I see an important difference between the initiation requirements for Chalana Arroy in Runequest in Glorantha vs. the older  RQ2 as explained in the Cult Compendium and in Cults of Prax:

Is there a skill requirement?

RQiG p.290 just says "initiate: Requirements: None, except acceptance of the restrictive cult vows, and the standard sacrifice of 1 point of POW."

I do interpret that the RQiG p.274 requirements for cults in general should still apply, you need to share a rune with the god at 50%+, so I would still require that.   A test for non-lay-members joining cults in general  is also  referred to but not specified, but p.290 appears to supersede that.  Thus my question. 

Cults of Prax p.68 says there is a requirement of 90% in some healing skill to be promoted from Lay to Initiate.  " The candidate for Initiate status must have 90% ability with one of the Healing Arts mentioned earlier, and make a roll of (Skill % + [INT X 5%]) /2 on D100 or less to pass the test given by the Priestesses. They need not have been a lay member before becoming an Initiate, as long as they swear to live by the dictates
of the cult on becoming Initiates.    "

Cult compendium p. 154 says the same.

So, was it intentional to throw out the 90% skill requirement for RQiG?    I may need to tell a player in my campaign that the initiation requirement has decreased due to a sudden Heroquest or rampant god learnerism.

i also note that the skill + INT test goes by the board too.



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There are various ways to reconcile a change like this.

  1. Changes in the political situation, culture or needs of the cult have lead to a change in policy. Warfare, strife and general attrition has reduced the number of initiates and the cult is in dire need of new recruits.Maybe this is a short term change until the crisis is over.
  2. It's a difference in policy between temples, the one the PC initiated at is a strict old school sect and the talentless noobs these other temples let in would never cut it under the strict masters your PC was tutored under.
  3. If it is just a rules revision and it doesn’t fit with your established campaign, just change it back. No biggie, it’s your game.

I think things like cult initiation requirements are only ever general guidelines for rules purposes. They're a default you fall back on, but in practice may well vary in some respects with time and place in the setting.

Edited by simonh
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Check out the Runequest Glorantha Wiki for RQ links and resources. Any updates or contributions welcome!

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12 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

Is there a skill requirement?


12 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

RQiG p.290 just says "initiate: Requirements: None, except acceptance of the restrictive cult vows, and the standard sacrifice of 1 point of POW."

From the upcoming Cults of Glorantha:



Anyone with a sincere wish to heal may join, and this sincerity is checked with Divination. There are no qualifications other than acceptance of the restrictive cult vows and the sacrifice of a point of POW to gain a Rune point with Chalana Arroy.


12 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

I do interpret that the RQiG p.274 requirements for cults in general should still apply, you need to share a rune with the god at 50%+, so I would still require that.


12 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

A test for non-lay-members joining cults in general is also referred to but not specified,

From the upcoming Cults of Glorantha:



Anyone with a sincere wish to heal may join the cult. The sincerity is checked with Divination. Even creatures of Chaos have been known to join, and the legendary Wild Healer of the Rockwoods is a Broo. [...]

Lay Members also must take an oath never to harm a living creature and to aid all within the limits of their ability. Lay members must become vegetarians. [...]

Lay Members must work at least as many hours for the temple or the individual healer to whom they apprentice as they do in learning skills from the temple or healer.


12 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

So, was it intentional to throw out the 90% skill requirement for RQiG?  

Yes. As the Healing Arts are taught to initiates for free, sincerity is more important.  

12 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

i also note that the skill + INT test goes by the board too.

Yes, Divination is used instead. 

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