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[Age of Arthur] Items for agenda


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1. Introduction

2. Background : Synopsis of 425 AD through 790s

2.1 Area/Kingdoms

2.1.1 Romano-British Civitais Kingdoms

2.1.2 Sub-roman Kingdoms of Brittany

2.1.3 Brythonic Kingdoms

2.1.4 Irish Kingdoms

2.1.5 Pitctish Kingdom

2.1.6 Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms

2.1.7 Frankish Kingdom

2.1.8 Visigothic Kingdom of Toulouse

3. Character generation

3.1.1 Anglo-Saxon-Jute

3.1.2 Brythonic/Welsh

3.1.3 Romano-British ( Including Breton/Gallo-Roman)

3.1.4 Pictish

3.1.5 Irish ( Including Scots-Irish)

3.1.6 Visigoth

3.1.7 Frank

3.2 Backgrounds

3.2.1 Warrior

3.2.2 Freeman (Militia-Farmer)

3.2.3 Slave

3.2.4 Priest (Including Druid, Magus, Shaman)

3.2.5 Hunter

3.2.6 Scholar

3.2.7 Bard* (The multi-class rogue-warrior-magus and Jimi hendrix)

3.2.8 Rogue ( brigands, general dirt bags)

3.2.9 Mariner

3.2.10 Craftsman

3.2.11 Noble

3.2.12 Merchant

Skills 4

Magic, Charms and Sorcery 5

Its enough to start on I guess.

Edited by Bleddyn

In might a man, a youth in years, Of boisterous valour, Swift long-maned steeds under the thigh of a handsome youth ...Quicker to a field of blood, than to a wedding quicker to the ravens' feast

- Y Gododdin

"The soldier knows little of philosophers but in him and in his deeds life expresses itself more profoundly than any book can"

- Ernst Junger

E3b1a2 V13 V36

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already framing it.

In might a man, a youth in years, Of boisterous valour, Swift long-maned steeds under the thigh of a handsome youth ...Quicker to a field of blood, than to a wedding quicker to the ravens' feast

- Y Gododdin

"The soldier knows little of philosophers but in him and in his deeds life expresses itself more profoundly than any book can"

- Ernst Junger

E3b1a2 V13 V36

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- Nice! ;D

We have to have a test Adventure.... also it will provide examples of play ... for text side bars

In might a man, a youth in years, Of boisterous valour, Swift long-maned steeds under the thigh of a handsome youth ...Quicker to a field of blood, than to a wedding quicker to the ravens' feast

- Y Gododdin

"The soldier knows little of philosophers but in him and in his deeds life expresses itself more profoundly than any book can"

- Ernst Junger

E3b1a2 V13 V36

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