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Hit Points, MRQ or BRP?


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I decided to use BRP's hit point table for body locations and such for my MRQ1 games, back several months ago. I did this because I added the player's SIZ and CON and divided the total by 2 like it says in BRP, and I saw BRP gave slightly more hit points and I wanted my PC's to have that little edge.

Thing is, I didn't realize that in MRQ1 you don't divide your total by two, so according to their chart, my players would have more hit points. Of course, their system doesn't use "total hit points" where even if you don't have a major wound, if you take enough damage to equal your CON+SIZ/2 then you die anyways.

We play MRQ2 now with the BRP hit points table. So far I haven't had any players die, and they kill most of their enemies in 1 or 2 hits, but they have yet to meet armored foes.

What do you think? Do you use MRQ2 or BRP hit point tables?

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I decided to use BRP's hit point table for body locations and such for my MRQ1 games, back several months ago. I did this because I added the player's SIZ and CON and divided the total by 2 like it says in BRP, and I saw BRP gave slightly more hit points and I wanted my PC's to have that little edge.

Thing is, I didn't realize that in MRQ1 you don't divide your total by two, so according to their chart, my players would have more hit points. Of course, their system doesn't use "total hit points" where even if you don't have a major wound, if you take enough damage to equal your CON+SIZ/2 then you die anyways.

We play MRQ2 now with the BRP hit points table. So far I haven't had any players die, and they kill most of their enemies in 1 or 2 hits, but they have yet to meet armored foes.

What do you think? Do you use MRQ2 or BRP hit point tables?

It depends on your preferences.

-If you like a very "realistic" and "gritty" system, use BRP;

-If you want a more "heroic" approach, go with MRQ2.

As for myself, I don't use localized Hit points at all. I prefer general hit points with a StormBringer-like "major wounds" system.

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Try both, then pick the one you/your players like.

Or pick the one you like and your players don't. ;)

As for myself, I don't use localized Hit points at all. I prefer general hit points with a StormBringer-like "major wounds" system.


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